Psychology Personal Statement Examples
Our psychology UCAS personal statement examples below will inspire you to write your own unique statement, and help you understand how students have successfully applied for a psychology degree in the past.
From an early age I have been intrigued by the human mind and how it works. This interest has been enhanced through my study of psychology.
Although I have only studied this subject for a relatively short period of time, I have enjoyed the variety the A-level course provides and I feel I have had a sample of different fields of this subject...
Earlier this year I was involved in a car accident, and as I sat among the wreckage I was shocked to see not one person stopped to help me. Didn’t anyone care enough to help?
If it weren’t for the science of psychology, this and so many other questions about human behaviour would go unanswered...
Psychology surrounds us. I often observe my class mates and ask myself why they are so different, struggling with attention or eating disorders. While looking for reasons, I also want to find ways to help them and I am confident that psychology will give me the means to do so...
Thousands have tried to make their personal statement, witty and exciting, but have failed to make the grade.
Again and again admissions tutors have bowed their heads in disappointment in not finding that special something needed to make it different from everyone else's...
One of the great things about psychology is that it can be applied in mostly any situation, which truly makes it one of the most interesting subjects I have studied.
I am amazed at how many theories and concepts there are, all about how the mind works to shape people into what makes them, them...
Psychology has been a part of my life indirectly for many years, from something as insignificant as people watching in a cafe to an impromptu counselling session for a friend with emotional trauma.
I have had a real desire to work with people for a long time and have always been fascinated with human behaviour and understanding how the mind works, in order to empower individuals to lead better lives...
It was the odd behavioural traits displayed by my uncle, who has Asperger’s syndrome that first generated from a young age my questioning about why he acted so ‘differently’ to the rest of us.
This was part of what led to my interest of studying psychology, as it made me question how and why humans are so disparate from one another, and what part the brain plays in running our everyday lives...
I hold a rooted enthusiasm for English Language; its history, its functions within society and its cultural influences, and I am happy to see that the course provides many of these aspects and there inter-connectedness...
Keeping up to date with world news online, aroused my interest in psychology . I was particularly captivated by the articles about abnormal behaviour such as self-harm; one of the reasons for this being the alarming rise in the number of victims over the years, which made me curious about its causes ...
Psychology encapsulates every aspect of our lives. From childhood, the reasons behind why we do what we do has fascinated me; and when I was disciplined for the type of mischief that one commits at a young age, my reasoning for my actions were always “To see what would happen...
It seems that the greatest situational irony is encountered in life itself. For this reason I chose to study English Literature. Language is ceaseless and boundless and its only limits stem from the conscious decisions of the author, hence, every literary device and subtle inference is valid...
There are very few things that are as interesting yet as confusing as the unique enigma that is the human brain. Our diverse behaviours and our intricate personalities that make us who we are must have a cause...
When I was a child my favorite place was the airport. I love the confusion inside it,listening to many different languages and seeing different cultures meet in only one place. I consider that my interest for the social movement arise from that place...
Sigmund Freud - “Dreams are often most profound when they seem the most crazy.” There are few other things that arouse greater fascination than the human mind itself, its complexity and the mystery which enshrouds it has always appealed to me, which is why it is my dream to study psychology at university...
“If she’s smart she will study Medicine.” This is an unwritten rule in my culture - all Nigerian parents want their children to become doctors. What becomes of the aspiring psychologist in the family? I met a junior doctor, at an educational conference, who wanted to specialise in psychiatry...
We know so much for certain about the human anatomy, but when it comes to Psychology even the line between the brain and the mind is blurred. Psychology interests me because nothing is ever certain.
Even when it comes to the treatment of individual illnesses, there is no set way of treating a patient, and often it is only a mix of many approaches that can solve an issue entirely...
What particularly captivated me towards working in the area of psychological background is when my younger brother started speaking to his 'imaginary friend'.
From observation I noticed he would become aggressive, often throw temper tantrums as he was not able to express himself through neither words nor thoughts...
‘We cannot change anything unless we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate it, it oppresses.’ When I first read this passage by Carl G. Jung, I couldn’t absorb it until the time when I tried to deter one boy from bullying the others in my class at middle school...
In October of 1993 I came across a recruitment advert in my local newspaper describing the role of the 'Special Constable' and by the time I had finished reading, I was eager to apply.
The following February I was sworn in at my local Magistrates Court and that is where my interest in the subjects that I am now applying to study at university first began, trying to understand what influences and motivates people's behaviour in favour of crime and witnessing first hand the effects that this behaviour has on our society...
I have been fascinated by the human mind and how it works since my early teenage years. My interest in understanding the mind and behaviour has been enhanced through studying psychology at A level. Although I have only studied this subject for a relatively short period of time, I have enjoyed the subject thoroughly and have been engaged in intriguing topics such as memory and infant attachment...
To study psychology at university would mean going to school every day being excited and eager to learn something I have a passion for. The study of the mind, how people behave and why they do fascinates me...
The constant sense of discovery is what I find most captivating about Psychology: looking at an individual's pretentious behaviour in an analytical way allows me to glance at the world in a new and contemporary angle...
Ever since my little sister became a teenager and started going through her rebellious phrase I just haven't been able to help myself from analysing her behaviour. Although she grew out of her moody phase my interest in Psychology didn't change and I find that I regularly am examining the behaviour of different members of my family...
I first realised I wanted to study Psychology when studying Drama, because in order to portray characters I had to understand their mind and develop their personality.
I found the differences in characters were so vast that it made me want to understand these variations...
I first realised I wanted to study Psychology in high school after studying Drama. In order to further understand my character I had to understand their mind and develop their personality. I found the differences in characters were so vast that it made me want to study Psychology to comprehend these distinctions...
Ever since I grew out of adolescence, and watched my little sister begin her life, I just couldn't stop myself from analysing her behaviour.
My little sister grew older and her behaviour and mood phases swung like a pendulum...
For a long time now I have been interested in the subject of psychology. The way people behave and why they do certain things has always fascinated me and after thoroughly enjoying studying the subject at A level I would like to continue to further my knowledge and study psychology at a higher level...
The foundations to a person's mind are based on the principals both intstiled into and gathered from experiences as a child.
As children grow older, they soon start interpreting this information to decide for themselves which of their actions are right and wrong...
As a person with dyslexia, has made me want to further understanding the way this disability works and the affects of nature and nurture have. While many people may consider dyslexia as a hindrance, I believe knowledge for this subject it has made me yearn for more to understand and better...
I have always been fascinated by people and the way they behave, but it is only as I have grown older and become more aware of psychology that I have begun to question why people are the way they are, why they interact differently with other people and why we all take a different approach to certain situations...
Why do humans act the way they do? It seems a simple question, but you're as likely to know the answer as you are to learn of the meaning of life. But that doesn't mean we don't try.
When I applied for college, I took psychology simply because I was curious, but now, it enthrals me; studying the different theories put forward as to why we do certain things, or why we don't; delving into the minds of the depressed, the murderous or the deranged and generally trying to explain the things we do unconsciously, like conform...
As I sit here at my desk, trying to figure out how to write a brilliant essay to be better recognized throughout this application process, I have come to realise that this is what life is about.
We are all given a blank sheet in the beginning...
On the day of my 15th birthday I realised I had a week in which to decide where I should go for work experience after a lot of thought I chose a placement at Queens Park Special Needs school.From here on I have remained captivated by the mystifying aspects of mental illness in childhood...
My passion for psychology is deeply rooted in my interest in philosophy, epistemology and the understanding of human happiness. I sincerely believe in the practical benefits of a life spent helping others, fully investing in the cultivation of empathy and compassion...
I remember the day my class-fellows - a few good chaps and I on our way back home after classes. It was a cold evening in 1997 as far as I remember and we were 16 years of age. Every day after school we walked the same path...
Studying Psychology the past two years has enabled me to not only develop a great understanding of human behaviour but also to appreciate the scientific processes involved.
My main interest in Psychology began when I went to a conference in Manchester...
What motivates humans to behave in the ways we do? Are there external factors which need to be taken into consideration? Or perhaps we should take more of an internal approach?
The study of the mind and behaviour attempts to answer these questions, and if it was not for this versatile science, a lot of questions would be left unanswered...
I would say that from an early age I have been interested in psychology but that would be a lie. I first became interested in psychology at about ten, when brother got in to trouble and many other disruptions happened in my family...
Childcare, as well as psychology has fascinated me in all aspects of my school education and this motivated me to enter 6th form; the A levels that I took were based around the mental development of young children...
I have often thought myself to be a lucky individual: my Grandfather was a detective in the Lancashire constabulary many years ago, and when I was a child I was often graced with countless stories from his crime fighting days...
My deep interest in psychology started to develop after I read the books "Owl in Love" and "Woman in the Wall" by Patrice Kindl.
Of course, being only twelve years old at the time, I was far from grasping the true depth of the characters and the complex psychological net Kindl had been able to weave...
People often refer to mathematics as an art as well as a science and I can really understand and see what they mean by this; the number line is so complex and artistic in patterns that spring up and vast area of different topics that crop up in mathematics...
When school finishes this year I wish to go on to university to study psychology.
In spite of never having studied it previously I know I have a desire to study it in a lot of depth. I feel my interest first came about when I was 11 years old...
It is human nature to question, to want to unearth the knowledge we do not have; an area of discovery I find most intriguing is in the study of and exploration into the nature of the human mind.
There are so many areas of psychology that interest me and make me determined to learn more about, such as the science behind memory and cognition, the emotion and reasoning behind motivation and perception, and how all aspects intertwine to form who we are, what we know, and what we believe...
“Half of all criminals re-offend within the year was the headline of a recent article in the Daily Telegraph.
The article went on to say that, according to the Ministry of Justice, half a million crimes are committed each year by serial offenders who have left prison or are starting community service...
My interest in philosophy began when I was a child, I was startled to be alive and I was puzzled about the way life had seemed to creep up on me.
I have always found my mind to be drawn to certain thoughts, while waiting for my birthdays I would rationalise my way round the frustration of waiting by thinking that time always comes no matter what, my father told me I would waste my life away thinking like that...
As long as I can remember I have always been fascinated with the mental health system.
The allure of watching old movies depicting mental asylums as a mysterious and disturbing sanctuary of unwanted human beings left me wanting to know more...
My passion for psychology began when an experience on a plane with severe turbulence made me think about the irrational fear I was experiencing.
The Science of Psychology helped me realise, that my fear of flying was not abnormal but simply a learned emotional response to a situation that provoked intense and terrifying thoughts...
In today's world, everyone is a philosopher. How can one not be, with an intake of information greater than any previous generation?
We are bombarded with words and ideas, pictures and concepts. This data has rarely been publicly questioned in centuries past yet today the media compels everyone to ask the question: why? And I am no different...
To say that I've been interested in psychology since I was young would be a lie. For a long time I've been interested in the natural sciences and wrote psychology off as a subject with little scientific merit...
Everything we do involves psychology; the natural techniques we use to develop our strengths and ways we learn to surpass our weaknesses has been an interest of mine since high school.
By watching others gaining their characteristics and personal skills I have been gravitated towards psychology ever since...
Discovering the mind in its complex form and the different ways people behave are what intrigues me about the study of psychology.
The fact that psychology never has a straight answer and continuously opens new doors to fresh and existing research draws my attention to this ever changing science...
In everyday life, people take for granted that some people are good at things and some people are not. But I have always believed that human beings are capable of far more than they realise.
It is this interest in human potential that motivates me to want to work as an Educational Psychologist...
Studying Psychology I hope to be the beginnings of a challenging and rewarding career. I look forward to working with and helping others in all ranges of psychological instances.
A great achievement would be to work within psychological study...
Having my first child at the age of seventeen temporarily prevented me from furthering my education; however, psychology has always been the subject that I knew I wanted to study and take up as a profession...
My fascination in psychology and social science derives from various personal experiences, and the observation others around me.
Having appreciated the trilogy of Dave Pelzer, I am intrigued to develop an understanding of the effects that social factors have on individuals, and, how human behaviour, in hindsight, provides key evidence to the operation of the psyche...
MJ has been a student of Evanjelicke Gymnazium J. A. Komenskeho since September 2004. It is a bilingual Slovak-English high school aimed at preparing students for higher education.
Admission to this school is restricted to students with remarkable school results; that she was admitted is in itself evidence of her excellent academic abilities...
At the age of seventeen, I won an ASSIST scholarship that gave me the opportunity to spend a full academic year at a prestigious private American high school, which perfected my English to the extent of winning the school, local, and regional round of English Olympics...
What is life, but an endless chain of riddles? Actually, I believe the chain stretches far beyond any living creature's lifespan, beyond words and imagination.
As we progress, we find ourselves facing the most curious of questions...
Child psychology and the daily social factors that children endure are things that have captured my interest in numerous ways.
When children play together out on the playground; the hierarchy they create among themselves as well as the types of games they deem acceptable is the way in which they cope with their everchanging worlds...
Who am I? This is possibly the most ambiguous question, whereby a hidden depth of meaning is drowned by a trivialised sense of simplicity.
I could merely reveal my name, but would that really portray who I was? “We become ourselves through others” claims Vygotsky, but are we all just conformists? Are our personalities just embedded in our genes? Do we act the way we do because we want to? Is it free will which makes us who we are?...
I have always been intrigued by what goes around in peoples minds. I was a odd child who always managed to be an outsider and invariably observed others.
Why some people act the way they do. Why people choose certain things and eliminate others...
After several changes of life expectancies and goals, now I'm in front of a very important starting point of my new goal. Studying social and organisational psychology in a highly developed and scientifically designed place is my aim now...
When in life can you truly say you enjoy what you do? Far too many times you hear people talking of ‘enduring’ their work, or ‘getting by’ in life, far too seldom do we actually hear of people savouring it, being enthused by it, enjoying it!
This is what divides a good student from a passing student, actually enjoying what they do, and this is my aim not just for my studies but for my working life as well, to find fulfilment in and actual relish my work – this may seem like a common aspiration, but so few ever achieve it!
Both of my parents work and have always worked in the care industry, they posses very select and specialised characteristics that allow them to be the best at their jobs that they can be, so from an early age I have been seeped in an environment of complex psychology about mental ability, counselling and stigma...
Marathon, madness or pleasure?
What motivates a person to run 42 195 meters under a burning sun, on a hot summer’s day with a temperature of around 40 degrees Celsius? Well, it is a justified question if you’re not a fan of long distance running or if you are a student in the field of psychology...
The sheer breadth of psychology appeals to me as there seems to be a range of exciting topics to explore. I find myself engaged with this vibrant subject and enjoy reading about its various branches.
A quote by Alfred Marshall, the famous economist, best explains my choice for this subject...
Since embarking on the A level course 16 months ago I have decided to devote my life to working in psychology.
I am struck by the way Psychological research has impacted all areas of life, but also how much there is yet to understand...
The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it." (Oscar Wilde) The role temptation plays within the context of the criminal psyche, is a matter which compels my inquisitive and analytical mind to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding...
To what extent should we humans accept things the way they are? When should we seek deep meanings and what are the circumstances that convert simple unambiguous certainties into complex facts?.
These and many other questions have aroused in me a keen interest in psychology...
My whole life can be defined from one psychology term to another. For most of my life I’ve had a turbulent upbringing. My father lives in Southern Ireland as he and my mother separated when I was 3. And I was bought up as an only child in a dysfunctional single parent household...
Perhaps what makes me different from other University applicants is that I have ambition to understand multidimensional human life. It is not the appeal of a top qualification or the zesty student lifestyle that attracts me to this course; but it is the long-term knowledge and answers to interdisciplinary human problems, and the enigmas that I will commit a lifetime investigating with perhaps no solution, that inspires me to apply...
At age ten I had been to 12 different countries, across 3 continents, getting a taste of a multiculturalism that would taint my life to the present day.
The experience of a nomadic upbringing It inspired analysis from a young age...
There is a reason behind everything we do, a purpose to our actions. The cognition behind any decision that we make is one of the many aspects of psychology that I am fascinated by.
The following five words, as said by the Prophet Muhammad, I believe explain such a suggestion: "Actions are but by intentions"...
My academic goal is to be a cutting-edge expertise in psychology. Choosing to walk down such a path in life is not something that occurred to me yesterday or the day before.
My undergraduate and master-oriented graduate studies have given me well knowledge in both preschool education and developmental psychology...
The golden question seems to be why human beings behave the way that they do – a simple question yet a question that millions have failed to answer. Before taking Psychology as an A level, naivety allowed me to believe that the answer to this question was seemingly transparent...
As a social species the lives of human beings revolve around the interactions we have with one another, so surely an interest in people and their behaviour is a natural curiosity?
As we grow up in society we subconsciously study human behaviour so we can understand people and fit in; in this way I believe we are all psychologists...
Studying psychology will be the beginning of my journey to a challenging, fascinating and gratifying career. Since I was quite young I have aspired to work in a caring role, and more recently in the area of mental health...
In early 2011 I worked as a fundraiser, required to approach and convince pedestrians to become a member of a German aid organisation.
While working in this position I saw thousands of people and talked to hundreds...
Studying an academic science at university has been the ultimate ambition since turning fifteen after dissecting a heart and realising that this vital organ – just like science it self – is the core of life, as without it where would we be?
I have discovered the sciences to be entirely fascinating as these subjects offer the explanations to our very survival both mentally and physically...
An ancient Chinese proverb says, “A child’s life is like a piece of paper on which every passerby leaves a mark”.
I have always been fascinated by the idea that even one tiny incident could be a huge influence on a child...
'Nurture shapes nature' - Albert Bandura.
Does society determine who we are? Moving to a new country and experiencing such a culture shock made my future seem somewhat bleak, but it wasn't my demise...
I was in an early age when I first came across the term psychology. Even before I knew that this field exists, I was interested in how our mind processes information and how it is interlinked with other system of the body...
Being a keen boxer, I have had to train my mind significantly. I believe that a good state of mind is more important than the physically side of boxing.
I have always found the way that the brain works interesting but never really thought about studying it as a subject...
Curiosity and amazement of the world has led me to want to understand what the reasoning is to why we learn, and why the consequence of reinforcement produces the repetition of behaviour, either positive or negative...
I have sat in audiences at the theatre and felt a sense of freedom. At times of stress I played my flute until day turned to night.
Painting offers me a window into my imagination and opens a door to escapism...
I was a young girl, walking through a large hall, full of strange noises and intimidating looking interior, holding my mother’s hand as we were “going to see Aunt Anne”.
The large hall was in St Edwards Psychiatric hospital and the strange noises I still can’t decipher, however I remember this being the moment something clicked for me, I remember it being the moment my intrigue in psychology began...
The application of scientific knowledge to understanding how humans, and the creatures around us, function and react with each other has always been a source of wonder to me.
The opportunity to combine a scientific understanding of processes and structure of the nervous system and brain with knowledge of applications relevant to our own behaviour, including those of a clinical kind, makes neuroscience such an attractive prospect to me...
After my first lesson I knew psychology was the subject that I wanted to take further. It showed me that the human mind is an intricate puzzle which is almost impossible to solve; yet every day we try to explain and discover why humans behave the way we do...
As a childcare worker looking after 3-4 year olds, I'm constantly being asked "why" and, although I love the times when I can give an answer, I especially love the times when I can't.
I'm a person whose motto is "learn one new thing everyday", which makes every new "why" another adventure, a new journey of discovery - both for me and the children in my care...
A momentary break from extreme stress led to my first major “aha” moment. Out of nowhere, my brain is suddenly overtaken by an electric explosion of informational assimilation.
Well I guess not out of nowhere, Ooman et al...
There are little things as scary as a brush with death. I had a close call as a young child, one that landed me a ride in an ambulance and a visit to the emergency room. Blunt trauma and impact seizures, usually are not very forgiving...
Having a brother with dyslexia I have seen first-hand over many years the coping and learning strategies he was forced to develop in order to help him overcome his disability, these concepts were and still are very intriguing to me...
Why do people commit acts which are contrary to the law? Why do some individuals turn out to be aggressive and violent while others are not? Is it really true that some individuals are neurologically more susceptible or predisposed to be violent, aggressive and engage in risky behaviors than others or are they just the by-products of their environment?...
My work experience in year 10 is what solidified my decision to work with children, particularly those with mental illness: I was inspired by a child who was suspected of having ADHD at the pre-school I worked at...
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to apply for a postgraduate conversion course in Psychology at the Glasgow Caledonian University.
First of all, I have a great interest in the subject and would like to study it academically...
An effective law is foundational to an effective and safe society, and to this end, law is important to us all. The law, at its heart, creates order, and ensures vulnerable people are protected.
Most people have real respect for the law, and law and order are often what people in corrupt nations most crave...
My enthusiasm to study psychology began as a child due to living with an alcoholic.
Through observing and being around someone with such a social problem I was gaining first hand experience of what it was like to live with someone with an addiction...
Psychology is ubiquitous in society. Because of the mercurial nature of humans, there is always something different to study and analyse. I find this exciting.
Part of what draws me to psychology is how the dynamics of it affect daily life and behaviour...
We are all psychologists; we observe people everywhere that we go. We make decisions constantly influenced by stereotypes and perceptions of people.
I am keen to find out why we do it. Is it an innate ability or is it through interactional learning? From an early age I have always been interested in psychology to try and find answers to questions that some say are unanswerable...
Psychology can be applied at any level or aspect of society. This excites me. An insight into how people's minds work and how they work together is invaluable in just about every field. I was interested in psychology from the moment I saw the iceberg diagram which shows our consciousness and subconscious...
I first became interested in psychology whilst discussing the underlying causes of criminal behaviour and non-conformity with my father.
The nature-nurture debate gave me a huge desire to increase my knowledge and understanding of the human condition...
For me human beings have always been fascinating, and even mysterious, because, though we are all humans, we all think differently and behave so differently.
I wonder why those impoverished people who live with little can have a happy life, whereas some millionaires who have status, reputation and money choose to commit suicide...
Almost four years ago, when I started my undergraduate studies in(school name) the only thing in mind was that psychology is all about treating people with psychological problems.
I never knew that there was field in psychology specifically about quantitative methods and psychometrics...
Quid est homo? Why do different people act dissimilarly in the same situations? Why are some people affected by mental illness (like my mother) and others are not? These and other questions have aroused my interest in the only subject that can answer these issues - psychology...
The mind is incredibly intriguing to me, how it differs throughout age, culture and gender and how each approach gives an equally arguable explanation for its development. My motivation to decrease the stigma surrounding mental health is what first introduced me to the adventurously knowledgeable world of psychology...
Questioning "why" or "how" people behave in certain ways is a passion of mine. I remember questioning human behaviour whilst watching a documentary on Nazi Germany.
I found myself trying to comprehend how seemingly good German citizens were supportive of Hitler's monstrosities and appeared to be so indifferent to the cruelty towards the Jews...
Every day life involves psychology; the mind has extraordinary abilities. Man is now surrounded by billions of other humans, so curiosity of how we interact can only be human? My curiosity of human interaction first budded from watching my sister begin her life...
How do the components of one's human psyche truly shape interactions within a changing society? Is "evil" born, or a response to societal factors? The many atrocities that are occurring in the world right now, from the Syrian civil war to the murder of Lee Rigby - is there a root cause to why they are happening?
In preparation for university I am currently studying an Arts and Humanities award. As a mature student this SWAP course has provided a comprehensive model for the transition, developing my skills in mathematics, academic writing and critical thinking...
I consider myself to be a mature, confident student who is always willing to learn and adapt to new surroundings. I have always been fascinated by the many different aspects of law especially the criminal field; It stems from when my sister was studying criminology at university...
Rational people are motivated primarily by incentives for self-fulfillment, not only to satisfy their own self-development, but also to feel useful and helpful to others.
With these prerequisites in mind, it follows that university study is a valid and effective option to satisfying these means...
My aspiration to study psychology has developed from my curiosity of how our mental processing and genetic makeup affects not only our actions and decisions made in everyday life, but also our personalities...
Studying psychology prior to university has engaged me in terms of understanding why humans behave in the various ways we do.
During A-level psychology, I have gained an insight into many aspects of how we behave such as how individuals retain information and how conformity within society links closely with crime rates...
When hearing about crime, the question asked is what possesses someone to do such a thing? A question that seems simple enough yet no one has actually been able to identify what makes a person do what they do...
Although the term ‘psychology’ wasn’t used until the sixteenth century, ancient works from philosophers, such as Plato’s theories of the human psyche, identify that psychology has been theorised and practised since the ancient times...
It is no mystery that people have different likes, attitudes, capabilities, and attributes; enabling everyone to be particularly talented in a specific field, my question, however, is why? What makes my mind different from yours, and how did they come about to being different?...
During my undergraduate studies, I was impressed by the depth of humanity, which can be found in the work of Yalom, and by the vulnerability of human will explored by Seligman.
What’s more, Zimbardo’s book ‘Lucifer Effect’ not only affected the way I look at how evil works, but also gave me hope to believe in the hero in every one of us...
Psychology is a great passion of mine. During my undergraduate studies, I was impressed by the P. Ekman’s work of spotting micro expressions in order to improve our social and emotional skills, or by the depth of transitions between behaviours, cognitions and the environment introduced by A...
The internet, the telephone and the steam engine. All inventions derived from one of the most complex sources of knowledge on Earth, the human mind. Yet, whilst human beings innovate idea upon idea, one thing they struggle with most is solving the very source of these inventions...
Every day in my immediate surroundings I am intrigued by the decisions of people around me, whether it's choices in lifestyle, social interactions or ambitions.
I am fascinated by the different factors, ranging from events to thought processes, which have led them make particular decisions...
My goal isn't to convince you that I am more special than the rest of the applicants. Aren't we all too unique to be compared? I am asking youto think of this letter as a diary, where I reveal my naked soul...
What is the key to solving life's problems? How does the mind-body connection affect our emotion? and Which is more important nature or nurture? are all questions that has the jigsaw puzzle that is psychology, relentlessly nagging and teasing my mind for an answer or a solution to an understanding of human thoughts, emotions and behaviours...
As an avid reader, I was always curious about language structure, but a moment when I took a keen interest in influence of languages on an individual and society came when I visited Ludwik Zamenhof Centre...
Psychology is an ocean. As a child, I skulled through the waters; as a teenager, I reached out towards the buoy; as a young adult, I find myself diving through the wonders of the ocean that are yet to be discovered...
People’s reactions to a situation are highly individual. This could be the result of a number of different causes ranging from social compliance, behavioural conditioning to cognitive dissonance.
Whilst growing up, I always reflected on the behaviour of the people around me and, in comparison, my own behaviour...
I see our brain as an artist who paints reality through his own perspective and subjective angle. In the same way a painter tries to make his work appealing to the viewer, our brain tries to give us a coherent image of reality to keep us alive...
There is much to be done for the special needs education system where I am from, and I am determined to change this by embarking on a journey in psychology, so as to understand the ways in which different people act, think and behave...
My personal interest in studying psychology is related to my dream and ambition to contribute to making our world a better place by focusing on people, never letting anyone feel excluded or an outsider...
Although I have only studied psychology for a relatively short period of time, I have enjoyed the subject thoroughly and have been engaged in intriguing topics such as memory and infant attachment. I originally intended to study psychology during my college years but, unfortunately, my university didn't have a psychology department...
Psychology intrigues me because it draws upon an eclectic range of sciences including sociology, biology and physics in order to contribute tentative clues to questions that perennially beset us as a social species...
The balloon the child is holding is pricked with a pin; shocked, the baby screams; the mother runs and picks her up.
This, put simply, is how attachments are formed; through the simple business of being responsive and providing comfort, repeated over and over...
We know so much about human anatomy and yet despite psychology being experimented since 1879, when it comes to the brain, there are so many aspects that are yet to be understood or even determined.
Even when it comes to treating a patient there is no set method, it is often many mixed approaches that are required to get it right for each individual...
Psychology has always been a part of my life, as I have Asperger's syndrome. I have always noticed how other people behaved differently from me.
I've repeatedly wondered what makes this happen and that's how I ended up being interested in psychology...
My initial decision to major in psychology was rationalised with the idea that I could use my degree to help people.
Everyone struggles at one point in their lives and being able to help someone is a great opportunity...
“The mind is like an iceberg, it floats with one seventh of its bulk above water”-Sigmund Freud.
The subject of psychology has been a fascination of mine for many years, even as a child I constantly pondered the motivations of those around me...
The sheer complexity of the human mind intrigues me, and has led to a desire to continue my academic studies within psychology, particularly within the field of developmental psychology.
John Bowlby stated that 'Mother love in infancy is as important for mental health as are vitamins and proteins for physical health...
My name is Olga and I am applying for BSc Psychology. This field aroused my interest a few years ago when I read about a competition testing the knowledge of psychology among high school students.
I decided to take part in that competition and now I know it was one of the best decisions of my life...
I find nothing more compelling than the complex and enigmatic nature of the human mind. The obscure internal conflicts that we go through in our everyday lives and the way we perceive reality through a subjective lens of our unique experiences: it is concepts such as these among many others which draw me to the allure of psychology...
During my time at school I have been fascinated above all else by human history and human psychology. Both are concerned with human behaviour, but unlike history, psychology has a range of applications beyond the academy: in sports; education; health; social behaviour; organisational behaviour; group dynamics and individual cognitive behaviour to name but a few...
“The mind has a mind of its own”. It is no secret that the mind is a complex place, an intricate puzzle that is still being solved and may never be, due to the volatile nature of human behaviour.
It is this complexity and sense of constant discovery that draws me towards studying psychology...
Why do humans feel obligated to seek approval from one another? Our times will go down in history as the era of social media dominance. Indeed, in my age group, the amount of likes you get on social media is an indicator of your social standing...
I love the idea that dedicated people want to discover why we are the way we are and spend their lives researching to find out about behaviour, mental illness and disease. Almost three years ago my Grandpa died of a stroke and a few months previously he had been diagnosed with dementia...
Daniel Kahneman's 'Thinking, Fast and Slow,' has fuelled my desire to become engaged with psychological research as it helped me realise the importance of not trusting our assumptions about human psychology...
Psychology is everywhere in society; throughout life, we have an innate tendency to analyse other humans and animals' behaviours in order to 'fit in' – consequently, to some extent, everyone possesses some understanding of psychology...
A key experience in my life which provoked my interest in the brains functioning was when my Nan had two unexpected strokes. I observed my nans behaviour and at first was confused because she struggled with speech and short term memory loss, yet her long term memory remained intact...
While growing up, I've always been curious about how and why people behave a certain way. Psychology is an area of study that we have yet to fully explore and uncover, and the constant publishing of new theories and revision of old ones never ceases to keep me enthralled...
I aspire to have a career in clinical psychology. This is because I would be exposed to a wide range of people and would be able to draw on scientific knowledge and methods to promote psychological well being...
My curiosity about human behaviour began within my own family when I first started to notice ‘strange’ behaviour exhibited by both my aunt and grandfather; from ignoring the whole world, to having imaginary voices telling them they were ‘at war’ with the family and being diagnosed as schizophrenics.
The beginning of my desire to psychology is based on the media culture. It embraces a diversification of opinions in any societal themes especially mental illness. A Japanese style of animation, Paranoia Agent confirmed my interest and delved my curiosity to psychology...
The intrinsic faculties of the mind struck me with an intensified curiosity I had never experienced before. In year 12 I quickly adapted to the psychology course and realised that this was something I wanted to pursue to find meaning in further education and to provide something that many other jobs cannot, a way to help others...
As I've grown up, I've watched my mum graduate from a PGCE student to a senior-level alternative curriculum teacher. With powerpoints, worksheets and notepads about the dining room table weekly, I've learned to realise how much effort she truly puts into her career and into the students she works with.
“You should study something else that has a future”. This is what I heard people say to me since I decided to study psychology. In my culture all the Arab parents want their kids to be doctors, lawyers, engineers, or even successful businessmen, but one of their children wanting to study psychology would not have crossed their minds.
For me, the Human brain and behaviour have always been late night brooding topics. I spent a major part of the night contemplating the chain of events that occur in our brain before we act, speak, or do something. From a pretty mature age, my passion to analyse behaviour and then predicting actions only grew.
I first began studying psychology at the GCSE level. Its analytical nature intrigued me, and the alternative explanations I learned about human behaviour encouraged me to practise more complex thinking.
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