Psychology and Philosophy Personal Statement Example

Rational people are motivated primarily by incentives for self-fulfillment, not only to satisfy their own self-development, but also to feel useful and helpful to others.

With these prerequisites in mind, it follows that university study is a valid and effective option to satisfying these means. I plan to use my critical thinking skills to study the subjects i am passionate about, which include philosophy and psychology.

I desire to attend undergraduate study at my chosen universities because these institutions will facilitate my foremost curiosities and passions.

I am especially interested in studying these subjects because I believe both to be at the core of what distinguishes us as people.

Understanding the complexity of the human condition has been a long-lasting interest of mine. This developed through voracious reading of encyclopedias as a child and has continued into specific fields such as psychology.

Cultivating a study of the mind, behavior, cognition, thinking, and the brain enhances performance in all jobs, but can also facilitate further study in more distinct and technical areas of research. Specifically, i am interested in psychopharmacology.

I am excited by the reality of small psychoactive compounds in treating and curing various illnesses and irregularities in both the mind and the nervous system.

For instance, why are such compounds found naturally in the urine of schizophrenics and autistic individuals, without any consumption involved? How can altered states of consciousness appear through both external and internal stimuli, despite manifesting the same psychological experience?.

These questions entail even broader implications pertaining to the adaptable nature of our brains, and furthermore, the potential for improvement of cognition and stability in mentally competent individuals. As a mentally competent individual, this inspires me further.

Besides the field bearing intrinsic motivation for myself, it is essential in the modern world; an epoch with a severe and consistent growth of mental and neurological illnesses.

As such, it is pertinent to us as a society to find innovative and successful methods of treating such problems, a solution i desire to be part of.

In the future, I seek employment in fields where I can utilise the resources from my studies, ideally in a research position.

Ultimately, my goal is to further the study of the mind and mental processes, particularly through empirical measures that we can quantify and analyse, not only to potentially improve the mental and cognitive well-being of millions of people across the globe, but to also improve and rationalize our understandings of ourselves and our surroundings.

I aspire to utilise my intellectual merit from undergraduate study in the most effective way to feel as useful and helpful as possible to others.

With the goal of undergraduate study in mind, i have tried to achieve the highest possible grades in my time remaining in high school. This school year has taught me the value of what i can achieve, given sufficient motivation that I had hitherto found, that i am certain will continue.

The semester for my school ends on January 17th; my grades for the semester will not be available until this date. I have also participated in extracurricular activities. I attended the DoDDS Model United States Senate event in March of 2014. This week-long simulation of the U.S. Senate was an incredibly rewarding albeit challenging experience.

Furthermore, i am a member of my school's Model United Nations club, and will be attending THIMUN later this month.

These activities have improved my ability to speak and present with charisma and fluency, and my ability to think critically, sometimes under pressure, and often in a team.

I know these activities have served as a substantial precondition for engaging in philosophical discussion, and I aspire to use my abilities accordingly.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by jpaterson22 for application in 2015.

jpaterson22's university choices
The University of Stirling

Green: offer made
Red: no offer made

jpaterson22's Comments

I am worried since i cited facts that are very obscure in scientific knowledge, and my vague descriptions didn't help either...also, the bit about mentally competent individuals bothers me yet i found it cool and interesting before submitting it unfortunately.

Btw i am applying from an american high school. I have applied to other universities but stirling is my first choice.


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