Sociology Personal Statement Examples
The study of sociology and anthropology is appealing to me because of the diversity of topics they cover and their relevance to our world today. In an increasingly globalised world, it is important to have a deep understanding of the economic and political institutions that govern, and the cultural backgrounds and values of its citizens...
Sociology is everywhere. Sociology is unearthing problems in society. It is understanding how the world works. This subject has helped me to understand the society in which I live; as well as a deeper comprehension of people's personalities as well as my own...
My life, as well as the lives of others around me, have been constantly dictated to by the social environment and the intricate way in which society has developed and progressed. My interest in sociology was sparked off at a lecture that was held by the influential author, Owen Jones...
Geography is a single subject that enables me to study many different topics that I have a passionate interest in. Through studying the subject I can satisfy my interest in many physical topics such as how the features of the landscape were formed and the climate but also human topics such as population and industry...
Sociology first captivated my attention due to the amount of crime being broadcast in our mass media from amplifying deviance. Sociology describes how society shapes behaviour collectively yet we define ourselves as individuals...
When I was a child my favorite place was the airport. I love the confusion inside it,listening to many different languages and seeing different cultures meet in only one place. I consider that my interest for the social movement arise from that place...
The reason that I am applying for the MSc Political Sociology programme at The London School of Economics and Political Science is that I am aiming at acquiring knowledge of politics and sociology, so as to enhance “alter globalisation” ideas in Taiwan, even around the world...
I have always been enthusiastic about English. I spent a lot of time reading when I was younger and feel that this benefited me by encouraging me to develop and learn quickly. I had a vivid imagination as a child, possibly influenced by my interest in the captivating work of such authors as Enid Blyton, Roald Dahl and Charles Kingsley...
With politics broadly believed to be at a point of ‘ideological exhaustion’ and uniformity and apathy being deplored, my desire to study politics further is unrelenting.
The perceived lack of ideological alternatives in modern society fascinates me; I am convinced that, over time, political progression has been driven by society, and thus it is a desire of mine to look closely at society and establish why these political developments have ceased or whether they simply lie dormant...
Society’s dynamics affect every aspect of our lives, from the seemingly trivial to those of utmost importance.
Sociology is vital as it helps to inform politics with the latest trends in crime, poverty, education and culture determining government policy, therefore, sociology becomes integral to my life completely...
I have decided to take up the course in social work because firstly the subjects which I am doing sociology looks at people and society's problems, I have in this subject done work on family and at the moment doing religion, this has fascinated me to help people who are facing problems such as abuse in families...
The USA has always fascinated me, in a place where every other advert is for plastic surgery, you have to wonder, what sort of society breeds the kind of mentality where children as young as 12 want to enhance their bodies through surgery, and look up to pop stars rather than revolutionaries or major authors as their role models...
I have chosen to study Sociology at university as the attraction of this subject lies in its ability to make me see life more objectively and critically. Sociology helps me understand people's behaviour, beliefs and identity and we also begin to understand ourselves
Studying Sociology at higher level will provide me with a much deeper insight into complex issues and an ability to develop ideas using my own initiative...
I have chosen to study Sociology at university as the attraction of this subject lies in its ability to make me see life more objectively and critically. Sociology helps me understand the behaviour of people, their beliefs and their identity as well as my own...
I have always been passionately interested in society's influence on our actions and the structure of society, as these issues are relevant to everyone in everyday life, and Sociology is therefore a subject that affects me on a personal level...
I have always enjoyed the study of criminals and how factors in society affect levels of crime.
Studying social history in history, particularly which of the reform period in Victorian times intrigued me into studying further how social policy with regards affects how we live...
In our rapidly globalising world, with news of bombings, kidnappings, civil strife and so on, I believe that no man, let alone a nation, is an island, as much as autonomy is purported. Thus, I want to study politics, its effects on development and world affairs...
Anthropologist, Eric Wolf noted that anthropology is 'The most scientific of the humanities and the most humanistic of the sciences', this is something I believe to be true about anthropology. The rapid change that has occurred within women's rights is a field that has fascinated me since studying the suffragette movement in A-level History...
A book called "Social and Cultural Anthropology: A Very Short Introduction" by Peter Just and John Monaghan inclined me to study social anthropology as I believe it is necessary to study another way of life in order to extend our own...
Since starting my A-Level in sociology, I've realised it is a subject I can easily grasp and immerse myself in, and that by pursuing courses based around society, social changes and policies at university, I can further understand and appreciate the inner workings of society and how it can be adapted to meet the ever-increasing diversity of the country we live in...
I am a mature student currently undertaking a SWAP Access to Humanities course at FE college. I enrolled on this particular course with the view that it will help me achieve the skills as well as the qualifications I need to begin my University career this year...
There is probably no better feeling than the realisation that, through your own hard work and determination, you have done something that truly made a positive change to the lives of others. When the news broke in August that the leadership of the City of Edinburgh Council intended to close 22 schools and nurseries, including my own, myself and others immediately launched an intense campaign to voice our opposition and attempt to change the precariously balanced Council's decision...
In today's competitive world, qualifications are of utmost importance. While that is indeed a factor that spurs me to take up higher education, the determining factor is my interest in the subjects.
Admittedly, the only subject that I have had contact with is economics, but the fields of law and social policy intrigue me as well...
It was only when I attended a Model United Nations conference that I considered studying Politics. The reason that I had enrolled into the program was because I enjoy public speaking. I was the ambassador for Honduras and a member of the Economic and Social Committee on which we debated income inequality...
What makes us human? Are we truly autonomous beings, or are we actually bound tightly by the society and cultural climate that we live in? Or are we, as Satre said, 'bound to be free?'
I first discovered my interest in the workings of society when I studied the work of social psychologist Philip Zimbardo, as part of my A level Psychology course...
For a number of years I have had more than a passing interest in Criminology, Psychology and Sociology; in particular Criminal Psychology, Neuropsychology, the nature versus nurture debate and the Criminal Justice System...
A trip to Mexico at age twelve sparked my interest in the social sciences. The level of poverty and governmental corruption jarred me whilst there, and thus my determination to understand why social injustice occurs and how to combat it formed...
Having spent the last four years working in the social care field, I have come to realise that my passion lies in helping people who are less advantaged. I am currently taking an access to higher education course to further my ambition to become a social worker...
For me the examination of the human condition and the conditions in which humans exist has sparked the most fascinating cultivation and exchange of critical thought ever recorded. Further I would gamble my degree course on the notion that these fundamental questions regarding our actions as individuals and as a civilization will remain ongoing, simply because it is our duty as a species to search for our most basic truths...
have chosen to apply to study Sociology at Goldsmiths as I have always been passionately interested in the structure of society and how society influences our actions, as these issues are relevant to everyone in daily life...
Child psychology and the daily social factors that children endure are things that have captured my interest in numerous ways.
When children play together out on the playground; the hierarchy they create among themselves as well as the types of games they deem acceptable is the way in which they cope with their everchanging worlds...
Social Work is something I have always been interested in, especially working with children and families. Helping people overcome obstacles and difficulties and making the most of themselves is a very rewarding yet challenging career...
For as long as I can remember, I have always been interested in the interactions of human beings and on a larger scale how human behaviour affects society. I have a particular interest in social care which is an area I believe, cannot be embarked upon lightly...
I have chosen to study a combined honours degree in sociology and law as I feel that they are two very compatible combinations, which complement each other well. I believe that taking this degree is appropriate for me as it will help broaden my career options and also provide me with flexibility and variety...
I have begun my personal statement a number of times, wondering where to start, what to include and what themes will interest whomever reads this, yet one thing that constantly arises – is a genuine interest in culture and ideologies...
For a number of years, I have had an interest in the workings of society namely social structures and their impact on individuals and society as a whole. I believe that having a firm understanding of society is the first step towards overcoming social problems...
These are exciting times for politics - the art of governance and compromise. I am equally drawn to Sociology; studying different experiences, structures and its influence on government. I enjoyed getting a good grip on the issues in the 2010 election and felt confident enough to decide for whom I would have voted...
History enables me to see how actions and events have shaped our current society and to understand the present, one must understand the past. The broad topic areas that are involved in History and Sociology allow me to understand different perspectives on a diverse range of subjects...
International relations and political science always attracted my attention and I clearly remember how impressed I was after the very first lesson on political science. Our teacher briefly explained us how political science had become an independent science and how it developed from a number of other disciplines: philosophy, history, economics, law...
Prior to beginning Sixth Form, I had not considered sociology as a possible subject for studying at University, but I had decided early in year 12 that it was the subject that I definitely wanted to pursue...
I have always been interested in what makes society work and how the actions of individuals affect society as a whole. So when I was given the opportunity to study sociology at A level I jumped at it. I find it intriguing to hear what sociologists have to say about society and how they propose to tackle social problems...
Since I have begun to study A Level English Literature, it is the way in which writers use expression within their writing to influence and manipulate the reader's emotions which has most intrigued me...
Do you never think about what your purpose in life is?
Being of a British African background the statistics don't always paint a rosy picture. They display a high level of educational underachievement and criminality...
I have, for a long time, been interested in the inner workings of society: how and why subcultures develop. Also, how political policies shape the direction of society for years and I wonder why people act in the way they do (here, I have sympathy with Robert Owens' view that we are mostly the mere products of our environment), not only how we shape society, but how it shapes and changes us...
Do you ever think about what your purpose in life is?
Being of a British African background the statistics don't always paint a rosy picture. They display a high level of educational underachievement and criminality...
Society plays a vital part in our lives, providing the norms and values we follow throughout our daily routine. Sociology helps us understand the aspects of society from the seemingly insignificant to those of greatest importance...
Everyone wants to 'change the world' when they are young. I was no exception, but it is only as I have matured and watched events unfold that I realised the importance of politics and sociology within society...
One of the main reasons why Sociology is of interest to me is that it studies the differences among social groups and in the society around us. I believe it is essential to understand how society works in order to blend with it and be a part of it...
The inner workings of society have been a topic that has deeply interested me for a long period of time. Issues such as why society is shaped the way it is and why religions have such a major influence on the lives of many were left unanswered until I began my studies in Sociology...
A Gospel choir tour around South Africa was the catalyst for my fascination with human culture.
As I travelled I was able to directly experience a multiplicity of cultures even within this one country...
Being able to engage and immerse myself in a thought-provoking subject such as Sociology has allowed me to develop a desire to delve even deeper into it at an advanced level.
As unpredictable liberated beings, having a means of examining the connections between humans and social organization through Sociology has enabled me to comprehend human behaviour and social stratification; to question rather than accept; allowing me to appreciate the inquisitiveness nature, which I believe is the essence of this subject...
The need for the study of Sociology in society is, arguably, universally fundamental.
The study of society is of paramount importance in solving social problems of great magnitude such as poverty and family disorganisation...
I have always been interested in the unwritten rules and workings of society, but it wasn't until I stumbled upon the book "Watching the English: the Hidden Rules of English Behaviour" by Kate Fox that I really began considering sociology as a potential career...
As a liberal, the ambivalent nature of modern democracy is something I find intellectually stimulating. Having for the first ten years of my life witnessed the politics of corruption, intolerance, and neglect in Nigeria; and then that of the apathy, partisanship and majoritarianism embodied by the UK's political system - I am forced to question the legitimacy of the West's claims towards polyarchy...
"If a woman speaks out of turn, then her teeth will be smashed by a brick." (Enmetena, Mesopotamia, 2400 BC). Are women supposed to lie down and accept doctrine such as this? It sickens me that people try to justify the prejudices and inequalities rife in society today by falsely claiming that societies have always been patriarchal or hierarchical...
Growing up, I was always captivated by stories. I would spend hours on end, consuming the stories of other people and learning how their pasts affected their present lives. I would read books such as 'Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War' and ‘A Plague of Murder’...
Since I took Sociology at GCSE level my curiosity for the subject has grown. I have become more interested in the way in which society works within and between different cultures as well as what influences people to behave certain ways; for example, when committing crimes such as the murder James Bulgar...
I have been deeply interested in the influences of the social environment that we live in, and how actions of individuals can affect society. As a result I jumped at the chance to study Sociology at A-level...
Girl meets world. Girl questions world. World says, "stop asking so many questions!".
With a penchant for asking 'why?' and without, in my eyes, satisfactory answers - such as why I wasn't allowed to climb trees as a child while my male peers were - Sociology at A level has reawakened my hunger for answers about aspects of society that are too often left unquestioned...
For me, a Londoner with an ethnic background that spans two continents, I am constantly aware of the diversity in just one city. Listening to conversations of tube travellers speaking different languages and dressed in a range of fashions, I am reminded of the celebration of cultures that we British embrace...
Riveting, controversial, challenging; this is why I enjoy studying sociology. We often hear negative reports in the news, such as the Syrian War and police brutality in America. Witnessing the despairing scenes of Syria in the documentary 'Ghosts of Aleppo' magnified the global horrors we face...
The search for identity has shaped our individual and collective history. It wasn't until I visited the memorial of Ghana's first president, Kwame Nkrumah, that I began to consider my own identity and roots in African history...
The inequalities between gender, class and ethnicity have captivated me greatly for years and studying sociology has allowed my interest to grow. Understanding the relationship between peoples’ demographics and social institutions is fundamental to understanding the way society functions...
I have always only really been certain of one thing; that I want to help others. It was not until I was introduced to the subject of Sociology that I was made aware of how I could transmit this into a goal of a career in human rights...
My interest in sociology stems from my desire to better understand people and the human condition; I wish to apply my own experiences to my intellectual work. As I became aware of the multi-faceted nature of societal issues, I came to strongly believe in solving problems by addressing its core cause(s)...
The study of sociology enables us to comprehend the complex nature of how individuals are constructed through multiple identities and thus, we must consider how interlocking systems of oppression emerge across space...
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