Sociology Personal Statement Example 19

Riveting, controversial, challenging; this is why I enjoy studying sociology. We often hear negative reports in the news, such as the Syrian War and police brutality in America. Witnessing the despairing scenes of Syria in the documentary 'Ghosts of Aleppo' magnified the global horrors we face. This makes me want to change the world for the better; Sociology inspires me to believe that I can. It encourages unique and critical thinking, which suits my inquisitive nature.

Having been an anti-bullying ambassador gave me experience in analysing social issues and creating change. This role involved giving support to victims of bullying and finding strategies to decrease the amount of bullying, with the ultimate aim of stopping it. Sociology has developed my knowledge of society's structure, allowing me to relate it to situations in everyday life. For example, through understanding Marxism and the classist attitudes in the UK, I saw that less financially able students were more likely to be bullied, which shows that we are still elitist. The views of Owen Jones in 'Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class', drew my attention to the prejudiced mind-sets towards the working class which may cause them to be victims; this is further exacerbated by programmes like 'Benefits Street'. The Ted talk 'Online social change' stimulates hope that we can overcome inequalities internationally; it highlighted that in a globalised world, technology now allows us to raise mass awareness and empower social movements to bring about change; an example of this is Sociology for me is about inspiring positive change for those without a voice.

Shadowing a legal guardian, who specialised in families, allowed me to assess the sociological theories of families in a practical environment. I witnessed a single father begging for custody of his child and had the opportunity to sit on a panel where they discussed his eligibility to take care of his child. Looking at this situation through different perspectives magnified my interest in people's realities, relating to Interpretivism. Being part of a debating society and multi-cultural society gave me further opportunities to immerse myself in topical issues. In controversial discussions I studied the differences in cultural norms and values and how it impacts an individual's way of thinking. After England voted in favour of Brexit, it was interesting to see the breakdown of the electorate and the social groups who voted to leave. A Sociology degree will develop my understanding of the ideologies and issues that have affected society and behaviour. Using the research skills I learned in A Level Sociology, I was able to lead a sixth form assembly on black history which allowed me to compare the societal structure in the past to today. I look forward to developing my research skills in a sociology degree. I have incorporated social issues into my Art coursework where I explore the theme of racial inequality.

Furthermore, I have also developed my understanding of patriarchy, capitalism and ageism through Sociology at A-Level and through books I have studied in English Literature, like The Great Gatsby where women are subjected to male dominance. I look forward to gaining a deeper understanding of these fundamental issues through completing a Sociology degree. Studying cases in AS Law made me consider how legal policies contribute to social issues. The Home secretary suspended thirteen forces from using the stop and search policy after a report found that they had failed to meet all requirements; statistics show that many forces were using this policy incorrectly by stopping a disproportionate number of ethnic minorities. My success in this degree will give me a better insight into what areas of society need reform and will give me the opportunity to continue developing my sociological sensitivity to the world.

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Author's Comments

Hey guys, it took several drafts before I finally completed this, but here it is! I will hopefully be going to Warwick in October :)


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