Computing and IT Personal Statement Examples
From an early age I’ve always been deeply interested in computing. It was my dad, introducing me to the computer systems at his work place that first sparked this interest. I can always remember the feeling of wanting to know just how computers worked, why they worked and what else they could do...
I find the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Games Physics interesting and so I have decided to study a course to include these areas. I am currently studying an A level in Information Technology in which I have used Visual Basic in Microsoft Excel and Access...
The study of mathematical sciences has intrigued me for many years. The decision to study A levels in both maths and physics stemmed from a high interest level and strong aptitude in both subject areas...
"The world of computers is growing at an un-recordable rate everyday, computers are the most influential tools in our lives, they are our present and future.
In my opinion nothing on the planet can measure the exponential growth and excitement in the computing industry, and industry which I want to be a part of, particularly Software Engineering...
When asked why I like Mathematics, I realised that it is all down to my personality. Being a composed, explicit person, I enjoy the challenge of questions with unequivocal answers.
My character’s orderly side draws me enthusiastically towards neat solutions, my creativity gives rise to my acceptance of new ideas and my positive mind results in my wish to succeed...
My three major interests and passions are Computer Science, Maths and Music, and I believe that there is a creative fusion between all these disciplines. I engage wholeheartedly in these areas both in my school courses and out of school, and hope that I will be able to continue doing so on my chosen course and in the extra-curricular opportunities at university...
Since first being able to play on "Paint box" at lower school, I have always had a fond interest in computers. My decision to study computing at higher education level was an easy one. Firstly, I love using computers; in fact I am renowned as a bit of a computer trouble-shooter amongst my friends...
Choosing a degree in a telecommunications based discipline was not a hard decision to make. Since the summer holiday period of 1998, when I completed six week of work experience for an ** company**, to working as a Switch Operations Technician for the popular mobile operator, ******, I have been involved, one way or an other in telecommunications...
Over the last four years I have continuously strived to gain and improve my knowledge throughout all aspects of the web. I first studied HTML and CSS through a YouTube channel named thenewboston; the tutorials that were provided helped to give me a foundation which I could later build upon...
I first became interested in computing at the age of sixteen when I decided to enrol on a computer course at a local college, where I was taught computer systems and word processing. The course served to deepen my interest in computers and a few months later I decided to use all my savings in order to buy my own...
I reckon I have been around computers for as long as I can remember. Credit for that goes to my father who worked from home on his computer. Games became the first experiences I had with it, and as I grew older, my interest in gaming and how exactly it worked deepened considerably...
Gaming has always been a significant passion of mine ever since my uncle gave me my very first games console when I was only 4, the Sega Mega Drive 2. The minute I opened that present, my world changed, despite the simplicity of Sonic the Hedgehog, it allowed me to escape from reality and live in another universe...
In a world surrounded by modern technology, computing has a big impact on society. It has enabled most citizens who have access to communicate effectively, expressing their ideas and utilizing their creativity to the best of their ability...
Logical problem solving has always appealed to me and this explains my interests in mathematics, programming and computing in general. The decision to read computer science was therefore a simple one.
My desire for solving challenging problems led to my choices of studying mathematics and physics at AS-level...
ICT has developed tremendously over the last twenty years, and as a result I have a keen interest in these changes and would like to be a part of them.
From an early age, I have always been deeply interested in using computers, which are the most influential tool in my live...
Mathematics and Science, especially Physics, are courses I am most interested in among my school courses as they mould my logical thinking and problem-solving abilities. In order to fuse both my interest coherently, I choose to study computer, along with the minor of Mathematics, if possible, in my future...
Computers have held a life-long fascination for me. What started as an interest in just using them developed into a growing desire to understand how a collection of simple ideas and components can interact to produce an entity as complex and adaptable as a computer...
My interest in computing has developed throughout the years. This has motivated me into studying it on a more advanced level. ICT was mainly to enhance my knowledge on computing, which is crucial for this electronic age of nowadays...
The progression of technology and the effects it has had on civilisation has always fascinated me, and generated within me a profound interest in computing and business management. My passion for the subject expanded when I chose Information Technology, as part of my A-level education...
I am interested in studying Computer Science because I find it fascinating.
When I was a child, I was absolutely attracted by computer games and later it was programming. I also like studying maths and physics, but I chose computing as my career because of its opening, modernity and lots of challenges...
My passion with computers stated to grow when I learned accounting. I found that computers are powerful tools which can help businesses with analyzing the mass of data and making decisions.
I believe that a person with both business knowledge and computer skill will be in large demand in China, especially after it has entered the WTO...
I decided to take the I.T route in my future plans because I have many interests in I.T and especially the Multimedia field. To me information technology in the form of communication is vital. I particularly find interest when technology is in the form of entertainment and advertising
I have a healthy interest with the Internet and the World Wide Web, multimedia technology and design cater for this...
Ever since I was young I have always been interested in businesses and how they operate, as well as being fascinated by other languages and cultural differences. My passion for the subject expanded when I chose business studies and french, as part of my A-level education...
My interest in computers goes right back to when I was eight and I used to write my own little stories on my mum's laptop. Now, not only have I got experience in using a computer, I have learned a substantial amount of HTML, through A Level ICT and self-teaching...
Choosing to read Computing wasn't a hard decision to make. I thoroughly enjoy working with computers and have owned a P.C. for the past 8 years. The enjoyment I've experienced during past lessons and from good examination grades also aided my choice
The fact that the I...
Computing and its applications have always fascinated me and for this reason I have found my A-level courses extremely interesting. This also has maintained my long-term interest in computer-related careers
I have studied mathematics, physics and computing to A-level and also during the first year at Hills Road Sixth Form College I re-took my GCSE English...
After graduating from university for two months and with the Telecommunication major, I worked in the VietNam Mobile telecommunication System company (VMS).
During six months working there, my knowledge was broaden much in GSM network and computer network which was used to collect reports from all VMS's stations...
I am intending to study a computing related subject as I think that the future will be all about computers and they are also becoming ever more necessary in all jobs and everyday life.
Throughout school, my interest in computers has always been second to none as I took standard grade and higher and achieved good grades for both...
All my life, I have had a fascination and interest in computing and technology. I have always enjoyed keeping up-to-date with the latest advances in technology and have remained amazed at the speed of computerised developments over the past few years...
My first memory was the desire to open up the computer and see what was inside. That childish fascination has not left me but has deepened over the years; now after 17 years I have not only built and upgraded many computers but have discovered that software interests me equally as much
I enjoy researching new developments in the IT industry...
I decided to take up I.T because it is an important feature of our everyday lives. This is not the only reason I have chosen to take this path, I have many interests in IT especially the web design field...
I have chosen to study computer science because I am fascinated by how computers work and I spend most of my spare time designing programs and web pages because I enjoy problem solving and logical thinking...
Throughout my academic life, I have had different ideas about what career I would pursue in the future. In secondary school I wanted to become a pharmacist because of the high earnings.
I later decided through careful consideration that I should keep my options open, hence choosing Chemistry, Biology, Computing and Mathematics at AS Level...
I am interested in studying computer science because I find it fascinating. When I was a child, I was absolutely attracted by computer games and later it was programming.
I also like studying English and Graphic Arts , but I chose computing as my career because of its opening, modernity and lots of challenges...
From an early age I have always had a strong interest in computing and art. My interest in art started when I received a drawing board as a young child for Christmas, and my interest in computers spans from my first pc to the small network of home PCs I now own and manage
Initially the aspect of computing I was most interested in was design, which led me into designing web pages and graphics...
I have decided to opt for Software Engineering as my course for higher education as I am deeply interested by computers and I believe that in today's world, computers are a necessary object to have. I am highly capable in using and understanding computers and am currently studying VCE course in ICT, which I find deeply interesting...
It has never occur to me that one of these days I would have to write a personal statement for a graduate program for Computer Science. When I was young, I have always picture myself as an auto mechanic guy or even worse, working at a fast food restaurant...
I have nurtured an eternal interest in computing, as well as that of both communications and media. The digital age we live in has the potential to revolutionise the was we work and communicate, and this has motivated me to become part of it, gaining a directly relevant Degree qualification as a first step
I am currently enjoying very successful A-Level courses in Mathematics, English, Art and General Studies, a wide-ranging course which I chose as I believe they represent the broad base of skills essential in the modern world...
At college the various courses that I currently study are A2 Economics, AVCE ICT Double Award, and AS Chemistry.
In the previous year I studied AS Geography, however I decided that I did not wish to continue the course into the second year...
I have always had a sustained interest in pursing a career which is computer based. It was because of this interest that I chose to study Information Technology as one of my A levels.
Information Technology is very useful in the modern world especially its use in Business and Accounts, I therefore choose these rigorous subjects as my other A levels and saw how computers are useful in each of these...
I have developed a keen interest in computers since an early age, and have been fascinated by how they work, as well as the advances in technology. Computing is by no means a mature market and is ever-evolving...
I am interested in studying a course such as computer science because I find the subject area very exciting. When I was younger, I was absolutely fascinated by computers and games, and later I came to learn more about hardware and how computers work, this conformed my belief that this is the kind of course for me...
I have been interested in ICT from the day when we got our first 386Mhz Pentium processor computer. For those times it was very fast but technology has changed very quickly
My reason for choosing this course is clear, I have always been interested in working with new technology...
From as early as I can remember, I have always had a fascination with computers and the way in which they work. Computer science is thus, the natural progression for me as I continue to define the person I want to become in later life...
My main aspiration is to work within the sphere of a business economics and IT context. I am attracted to this industry because of its interesting area where I want to develop my personal knowledge
Studying AVCE ICT has revealed to me how the world is changing so rapidly as technological innovations are being developed and enhanced so fast...
I have chosen this course because I have a keen interest in computing. In particular, I would like to pursue a career in games programming, web design or multimedia developer.
At the moment I am studying Computing and General Studies at A-Level, and Media Studies and Business Studies at AS Level...
From an early age I have always had a strong interesting computing, starting with my very first Amiga computer to the small network of home PCs I now own and manage. Initially the aspect of computing I was most interested in was design which led me into designing web pages and graphics...
Since the age of six, when I received a Commodore 64 as a Christmas present, computers have fascinated me. As I have grown up, the use of computers has increased beyond most expectations. Today they are involved in almost every aspect of our lives, and it seems as if the list of possibilities that they will offer us tomorrow is almost infinite...
I am passionate about all aspects of computer games development especially programming and games design. I have been playing computer games since 1990 when my brother got an *****. Since then I have played and experienced a wide range of platforms and games and retain my love for this form of entertainment...
What would life be without technology? In this world that we live in it is impossible to be fully efficient in a business society without having grasp knowledge of information and communications technology...
Computing has always been my major interest, from a young age I've always had a keen interest in programming. I started at around 10 writing small programs on an old Acorn Electron. Programming has always been my strongest subject and I would definitely say that it is the field I want to work in...
I want to study computer science because the world of computers and their integration has exploded in recent years.
It has been incredible to observe the development of the computer, from something that was originally the size of a small room and now can fit easily into your hand and has become an integral part of modern society finding uses in just about everything...
I have been a student at Haslingden High School for seven years and in this time I have learnt a lot and I have decided to continue my education on to university. I have chosen to take Computing at university, as it is a subject I enjoy a lot...
I am an organised and hard working person and I have a good record of achievement from my school, college and my attendance, punctuality was excellent. I am presently studying a BTEC National Diploma IT practitioner systems support and Cisco semester tree network...
I have always had a passion for computers. Ever since I realised I had the natural ability in this field. I have wanted to expand my knowledge of ICT. I find the more I learn the more I want to learn. I believe computers are not only a huge part of the present but will only become a bigger part of the future and I believe with the knowledge I have already gained and the knowledge I hope to gain in the future I will do better in the working industry...
I am looking to pursuit a career in computing, in particular software engineering. Since an early age I became fascinated with computers and the way they are used.
My Uncle inspired me to experiment with computers working from Windows 3...
I became interested in computers and modern technology, owning my own computer at the age of twelve. This gave me the opportunity to gain knowledge and an understanding in computers. I made the decision to broaden my knowledge of computers by studying BTEC National Diploma IT Practitioners in Software Development...
I am an enthusiastic person, who has loved computers from a very young age. As I have always enjoyed playing games and learning about the different components.
I would like to pursue a career in the world of computer games...
I have always wanted to do something great with my life, proving to myself and my family that I could be different from my other brothers and sisters. I am the only one in my family who is currently studying at College...
I have a long standing interest in computing and computer related systems and technology. When I was young I used to enjoy taking things apart to see how they work, and my interest in computers particularly was peaked when I attended work experience in year 10 at a computer shop...
There is a gowning trend toward how to mapping and process in application and database in software engineer that running the multiple platform (operation) system for the largest software system.
A programming in dependent on interrupt and complier has become too productive and a high flexibility power in-house if it may reduce the code and domain capture in system...
When people ask me why I chose a computing degree, I always remind myself of my first computer experience.
Being a small boy I perceived that state-of-the-art device as an endless, somehow magical source of knowledge and entertainment, but also as an invention capable of revolutionising the way we live...
Over the past few years, I have developed a great interest in computer science, software development, and the IT industry. However, my motivation for studying computer science took shape from very early on, when elementary school introduced me to computers...
I anticipate furthering my studies in the field of business. Business involves analysing every detail before making a competent decision. Also, logic and objectivity is needed as everything has a set order and method...
As a child, driven by an unnatural curiosity, I was often damaging some electronic devices by knocking them down and failing to reassemble just for finding out what they contained or how they worked.
My interest in computing was mainly the way of logical processing and problem-solving, the fact that if there were a problem there is a solution. I have enormous passion about mathematics and this is because my dad influenced and helped me in being keen in maths like him...
Since the first time I ever played a computer game, Sonic the Hedgehog, I have long had a passion for games. I love the fact that a computer games release can cause so much interest from fans that they will be willing to queue for hours outside a shop to get it...
In pursuing computer science I have been fascinated by technologies in general and computers in particular from the beginning. I possess a great thirst for knowledge and learning new disciplines and inspired by the subjects complexity and beauty...
Ever since my early years at school I can remember having a huge interest in computers, how they work, and their affect on society and how everything works. When I was much younger I remember the first computer my dad ever bought, this is when my interest first developed, when my dad would have a problem with his computer I would generally be able to work out the problem and fix it myself...
I am pursuing computer science because I have been fascinated by technologies in general and computers in particular from the beginning.
I occupy a great hunger for understanding and learning new skills and inspired by the subjects complexity and beauty...
My interest in computer games started from an early age and I would like to pursue a career in computer game design and programming.
My interest in computer games began when I was 8 when I first played on my parents' Super Nintendo...
I have always wanted to help people to communicate with others. With the exciting development of Web 2.0 and its impact on the World Wide Web, such as Google Documents and the ever-growing collection of social communication programs, I would very much like to be part of this evolution and expansion within the internet...
I have always had a natural flair for computers and this has become clearer to me over the past three years in full-time employment.
I find that the IT skills that I use everyday as a legal secretary such as touch-typing and using specialist legal and accounts software have always come more naturally and easily to me, without any training, than others in my sector...
The technological advancements in the multimedia world have always fascinated me. Since the very first time I laid my hands on a playstation I have been constantly analysing the quality and realism in the games...
It has been said a picture can paint a thousand words. If this is the case then I believe a game, an interactive picture, which can not only be observed but experienced fully by the user, an entire world for them to immerse themselves in can speak volumes...
I want to return to studying so that I can better myself for the future and gain qualifications for some of the skills that I already possess. I want to start studying computers and information systems, I already have extensive knowledge and experience in this subject and I regret not going straight back in to education when I left school so I am doing it now...
From as far back as I can remember, I have always had a keen interest in computers,electronics and gadgets. Keeping up to date with advances in technology has become somewhat of hobby for me. This love for technology, in turn, led to a love for both the world of hardware and the world of software...
My interest in computers and technology started when I was given a computer as a present, at the age of ten. Since there was nobody to teach me how to use it, I had to teach myself, experimenting with different options...
I have acquired a keen interest in computing over a prolonged amount of time. This has been further enhanced since I began studying ICT at GCSE level and onwards to A-Level. In addition this has maintained my long term interest in all computer related areas...
I have had an interest in computers and gaming since I was introduced to them by my brother at a young age. I am fascinated in how different games work, such as the animation and the code behind the game itself...
Advances in computer and information technology over the past few decades have brought about revolution in science, medicine, education, business, and entertainment. I wish to be part of the future revolution and that is why I want to study computer science...
When a friend asked me: "Why do you like computer science?" I found myself unable to give an answer. However, from that moment on, I tried to understand what makes computer science so attractive for me...
At first, it was all about the interest to know exactly what really brings the voice in to the radio speakers, then as I came across Science in my junior years at school, I started to understand what really is happening in our days, the world of technology...
My first impression on computers as a machine has always impressed me. And I have been motivated to know more about computing which eventually lead me to a new passion. Since computers are broad my passions lead me specifically to networking and how data is transferred over the net...
I work as a volunteer for a charity who helps elderly people to make them to be a part of today’s fast-moving society as much as possible. Its been a great experience and enjoyment spending time with these wonderful people...
Computer games programming isn't a degree that a typical girl would probably be interested in. But then, I do not see myself as a typical student. When I first left school I studied A levels, but at the end of two years I felt as though I lacked direction and still had no idea what I wanted to do in the future...
Computer Forensics UCAS Personal Statement.
From a very young age I have had a very keen interest in computers, how they work and pretty much every other aspect within the computing industry.
My interest in computing has done nothing but grow from when I was about 10 years old, when my parents bought me my first computer...
As a graduate student at South China University of Technology, I had received a particularly well-rounded education in Science, complemented by studies in the computer science. After four years' undergraduate study and research, I realize that computer science had become part of my life...
The world of ICT has developed immensely in many areas over the past twenty years at dramatic rates, computer systems are known to be the most authoritative tools in everyday life which represent the both present and future...
As a keen gamer, it has always been a dream to follow games programming as a career and work for a game developing company or, preferably, to run my own business. This is why I have decided to study a course in this field...
My views about computing changed considerably when I heard about Linux. In the late nineties it was a newer operating system and tasks like installing and configuring were considered to be quite challenging in India...
During the past 20 years, computing has changed dramatically which has always been a major interest of mine. The first computer I ever remember using were the old Acorn computers that were used in my primary school...
Games Programming is the single most thing I have wanted to do since the age of 11. I want to be vital part of a games production, and be able to put my name on it then say: "I was part of that."
I have always been fascinated with mathematics, puzzles and codes, which is one of the main reasons that I became interested in programming...
My fascination with Information and communication technology has been the driving factor behind my decision to opt for a degree in Computer networking. As a 16 year old coming from a country where the use of computers were very limited, I found myself in awe on arrival in the UK to find that computers were an everyday item...
The computer is, with no doubt, one of largest kinds of artificial intelligence invented by human beings. Similar to the human mind, the work and functioning of a computer is supported by a programming language...
There is always an answer to every question; we just have to find a creative way to reach them.
During the summer of last year there was a death within my family and many problems arouse, I had to travel back to Afghanistan to resolve these feuds from escalating...
From the age of six I had started to develop an interest in computers. This came from watching my dad repair computers. I can recall my initial fascination, watching my dad, and trying to put the pieces together in my head...
My goal is to work for the police in the computer forensic department. Computers are used in everyday life and are becoming more and more popular with criminals. I would like to work in the computer forensic department as I would like a career were I analyze information and use that information to help provide evidence to prove someone innocent or guilty...
Computers, computers, computers is the passion that has always been within me ever since I first has the chance to use a computer. I just didn’t want to come of the computer; I have wanted to expand my knowledge of ICT...
College - I am currently studying a part time IT & business access course at Middlesbrough College which involves computing, mathematics, programming and web design.
Out of all of the modules I am studying I most enjoy web design, as I really enjoy the tasks involved in creating a website, from the layout, colour scheme to designing the graphics for the website, and the programmes used, such as Dreamweaver and Photoshop, but would like to gain a greater understanding of web design at a higher level...
I don't know if it's a co-incidence or just some sort of supreme-being setting me up for life, but I got my first pair of glasses the same year that I first saw a computer. It was at my primary school in 1984, it was a BBC Model B, and they were brown NHS jobbies...
From a very young age i’ve been interested in computers. I can remember how exciting it was to unbox our 1st computer in 97, as young as i was and as much as I knew nothing about computers I was able to assemble it in correct order...
Since my first years of school, my life has gravitated around the questions starting with “Why” and “How”. In the 7th grade I was introduced to physics, which answered some of my questions but also generated more...
Computers and IT have always interested me, ever since I could understand the basics of using one and was able to use Microsoft paint. It intrigues me understanding how a computer works, what the components do and how software and games are coded...
“I think there is a world market for maybe 5 computers,” said Thomas Watson chairman of IBM in 1943. How very wrong he was! I have been brought up in a vastly growing digital age, where my interest has expanded with it...
Information Technology has become all pervasive within people’s lives, yet many of us take its presence for granted. Through its ever increasing use it has become, in many instances, a force for good, whilst at the same time there has always remained the possibility that it could be harnessed as a force of evil...
From an early age I have always been deeply interested in computing. It was my dad, introducing me to the computer systems at his work place that first sparked this interest. I can always remember the feeling of wanting to know just how computers worked, why they worked and what else they could do...
As always a journey no matter how long or difficult begins with the first step. It is my wish that I start my postgraduate education- or my journey for a better life- by applying to Politecnico de Milano so that I am best equipped to face my future...
Computers have always fascinated me. From my very first desktop PC to my current laptop, I have always had the desire to know more about how they work, why they work and more importantly, what could I do to improve them...
My desire to study software engineering has come about through my fascination on how software works on different platforms. I find it interesting how different programming languages are used to create different software and have a keen interest in becoming a software developer for a large company...
I’m applying for this course because I love computers, gadgets and technology and spent my life playing and learning to see what I can do! I’m being made redundant from my career in banking where I’ve been for the last 10 years...
The video game industry has always interested me and I have vivid memories of playing games on my parents Sega Mega Drive when I was very young. As both my parents are gamers I experienced a wide variety of genres on different consoles throughout my childhood and my fondest memories involve games...
My interest in Business and Computing began when I started learning STEM, a new area of study introduced in Year 8 at Skinners. Within this subject, I became accustomed to a different style of teaching, with long projects which had real world applications, such as modelling, creating, and marketing a prototype phone, to be incorporated into schools...
Adolescent years has opened up the bigger picture, you acquire new skills, make important choices and improve dexterity. As a person things change, mostly for the better. But it’s the desires and the goals that really drive me as a person, studying business is just one of them...
Ever since I was introduced to video games, I became captivated by their depth and complexity. I did not see them merely as a form of entertainment to pass time. As games developed with time, my curiosity grew stronger...
My enthusiasm for computing came while watching Kevin Slavin on TED Talks explain how algorithms shape our world; from Netflix recommendations to trading markets, they are fundamental methods that govern information flow...
I have decided to opt for Software Engineering and Computing as my course as I am really interested in computers, how they work and what are you able to do with them. I've taken some courses online learning programming languages such as CSS or Java that have made me get into web development as well as exploring the creative side of it...
The world is constantly changing and the technology which it based too. It's enough to think how every aspect of our life is automated, from business and jobs to the simple aspect of our life like communications to other people all over the world...
Computer Science has always been one of the biggest influences in my life, due to the
ever-increasing presence it has within modern culture. The rate at which computer systems are
advancing is fascinating to me, especially with the development of structures such as
Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Cyber Security...
As an introverted and self-effacing person, it is one of my dreams of having an Artificial Intelligence friend after watched Wall-E and Star Trek in childhood. My first “scratch” to computing was via Scratch, a block-based visual programming language developed by the MIT media lab...
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