Computing Personal Statement Example 1

In a world surrounded by modern technology, computing has a big impact on society. It has enabled most citizens who have access to communicate effectively, expressing their ideas and utilizing their creativity to the best of their ability. I have always been intrigued by the concept of learning about computing. My interest was sparked when my father introduced me to the computer systems at his workshop in our home. With this in mind, I have decided to study Computing with Business.

Whilst undertaking a course at my college I have studied a wide range of computing aspects starting from VBA coding, Java Scripting, Website Design, Programming, Databases and HCI. Whilst learning on the IT course I have gained a good insight into computing which has improved my confidence in planning, writing, programming, design and communication skills related to computing. I have gained great experience and a good idea about the career options which are available for me in the future. The course has enabled me to improve my communications skills whilst working in groups discussing the assignment that was given and finishing projects with my peers by using effective communication to decide each role in the project. Learning to meet deadlines improved my planning skills I can now set out goals and smart targets which make it easier for me to plan ahead.

I have studied business aspects alongside my course such as; introduction to marketing, business environment and business resources which has helped me to gain a wider understanding about computing in business involving computers. Studying business alongside the computing course has given me the idea to study computing and business this will allow me to experience the best of both. By studying business and computing, I hope that this will have increased the likeliness of me getting my desired job.

During my later years at school I have been active and involved in work experience given the role of an assistant computer engineer. I have learnt on the job how to replace computer components and how to install certain programs which were used to prevent the computers from obtaining malicious content. The job also involved serving customers and it was part of the job to communicate with the customer effectively. The working environment has helped me to improve my time keeping skills and communication skills, showing up on time before the shift was important as the assistant computer engineer. The working experience was very rewarding as it was my first job involved with computers.

I would often go out to play football outside which is my hobby. Football has been my favourite sport ever since I was able to play. I competed in a football tournament that was broadcast on television, this particular tournament event involved penalty shootouts. I was able to get through to the final and won by one goal difference thus winning a big trophy which is still one of my most valued possessions.

I see university to maximise my chances of future career success and learning potential allows me to use all my sets of skills which I have acquired during my long years of study. I would like to use these skills at university to increase my career prospects, meeting new people and building up my social skills. The chance for me to study at university is one that I would not want to miss, as I have always wanted to be independent and university would allow me to make the most out of it. I see university as the opportunity to improve myself by gaining a degree in computing that I would not otherwise have.

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