English Personal Statement Examples
Ever since I have had the ability to understand it, I have been fascinated by the English language. As a child, I would either be writing, reading or telling stories and ever sine then, have read a wide variety of both fiction and non-fiction texts from a variety of genres and eras...
I have always been fascinated by the way writers can influence, and even manipulate readers emotions by their expression of thoughts, and by their ability to encourage the expansion of our imaginations and understanding...
Writing gives me the freedom to create a world where I set the rules, where the characters act the way I want them to, a world where everything is exactly how I want it to be and I know that I am the one who controls everything...
I am a student at Eastside Comprehensive, studying A-levels in English Literature, Product Design and Information Technology and I am very pleased with my current progress. I have studied for Key Skills subjects in ICT and Communications and achieved a level three in both areas...
I hold a rooted enthusiasm for English Language; its history, its functions within society and its cultural influences, and I am happy to see that the course provides many of these aspects and there inter-connectedness...
I want to go to university because I want to further my education and knowledge in the subjects I enjoy the most. I have thoroughly enjoyed my BTEC Media course, mainly the film components and all opportunities including the extended writing pieces such as scripts and evaluations...
Having worked on a secure psychiatric unit for two years, caring for many people unable to or precluded from following their dreams due to mental illness, as well as over a decade employed in positions just to pay the bills, I am finally pursuing my dream of becoming a published novelist...
When I saw Gatz, John Collin's eight hour interpretation of The Great Gatsby, I noticed that Fitzgerald changes the colour of Daisy's hair every time he describes it. It is "like a dash of blue paint", "yellowy" like her daughters and then "dark, shining"...
It seems that the greatest situational irony is encountered in life itself. For this reason I chose to study English Literature. Language is ceaseless and boundless and its only limits stem from the conscious decisions of the author, hence, every literary device and subtle inference is valid...
Everyone has something that stirs their passion. Something that sparks an interest so deep-seated that to not pursue it would be unthinkable. Some find theirs in numbers, others in athletics; perhaps one may find a love for science, or a penchant for design...
Email correspondence with a friend in Berlin during the celebrations of the twentieth anniversary of the German reunification gave me an insight into the importance and relevance of Germany’s past both within the country itself, and throughout Europe...
From Marlowe to Plath, original texts to J K Rowling, English Literature has both grown in nature, and fascinated audiences. The beauty of Literature is that it is not limited by time or by reader, but transcends such boundaries and inspires passion...
Books and films mediate and inform our lives. It seems to me that stories are the chief means by which we make sense of that within us and around us. Stories are assemblies of text; texts permeate everything...
'I write for the same reason I breathe- because if I didn't, I would die.'
I believe that Isaac Asimov sums up writing particularly aptly. Whilst it could be classed as hyperbole, I feel my sentiments are similar...
I have always been enthusiastic about English. I spent a lot of time reading when I was younger and feel that this benefited me by encouraging me to develop and learn quickly. I had a vivid imagination as a child, possibly influenced by my interest in the captivating work of such authors as Enid Blyton, Roald Dahl and Charles Kingsley...
Language is common to all people. By its nature, it is something that links us all together, yet our use of language is a major factor in defining us all as individuals. For something that comes so naturally to all of us, language can hold great power and influence...
My imagination is a big part of my life, as I love to write and create different worlds and characters. The works of JK Rowling first introduced me, when I was younger, to all of the possibilities that can be found in a fictional world, and since delving into these, I now aspire to become a writer...
When I was seven years old, I first read 'Twist of Gold' by Michael Morpurgo. When reading the book I was captivated by the absorbing plot, beguiling characters and incredibly vivid imagery. Since that time, I have been a passionate reader, particularly admiring the fluidity and profound depth of character and emotion that can be found in work by authors such as Sylvia Plath and Doris Lessing...
Throughout sixth form I have developed all of my interests both academic and extra-curricular. In school I excel at English Literature and German because I can express myself fully in both subjects, I enjoy English as there are many interpretations to one piece of work and I like to hear other people's opinions and then develop my ideas further...
I believe history inspires optimism. With the state being cut and our economy weakening we could easily fall to pessimism. I just have to look within history to see that just over 400 years ago Queen Mary I killed 'rebels' for heresy when they protested, whereas Modern freedoms have allowed me to protest openly in several Unite marches...
In the words of William Makepeace Thackeray: "There are a thousand thoughts lying within a man that he does not know till he takes up a pen to write." For me, this quote epitomises the inspirational value of literature...
My love of literature stems from the freedom it gives my imagination. Between the author’s words and myself there are no external influences except for my own reasoning, previous experiences and preconceptions, allowing me to constantly evolve my own images and views...
I am a contemplative and dedicated person, widely-read and prepared to work long and hard to fulfil the goals I set for myself, both now and during my English Literature and French degree. My family and I are very close, and they have taught me to have confidence and individuality combined with politeness, humility and generosity...
It was whilst in the linguistically diverse culture of South Africa, that my wish to study English Language and Linguistics was confirmed.
In a country with eleven national languages, I was able to see Krashen's theories on second language acquisition in practice, learn about the 'clicking' sounds of Xhosa and meet people, who are deemed "uneducated", yet are fluent in two or more languages...
My 'A' Level English studies have introduced me to a more academic teaching style with an emphasis on the need for independent work, in order to gain the very best grades. I enjoy seeking more depth and insight, whether for school texts of private reading and study...
English Language. To most, a simple form of interaction. To the world, the mother tongue of communication and business. For me, a passion and hopefully my future. Excited to be a part of the modern day lingua franca, I am intrigued by the importance and the complexity language holds...
My increasing enthusiasm for news at local, national and international levels, together with my long-standing ambition to become a journalist, makes a journalistic course a natural choice for me. My reason for wanting to enter into the field of journalism can quite simply be put down to a developing awareness of the need for informed and balanced representation of facts
On completing my GCSEs, financial circumstances meant I had to spend three years in full time employment...
My greatest strength lies in my ability to communicate effectively through my writing skills. I entered college certain that I wanted to be an English major because of my love of literature. Through my courses it did offer me the opportunity to read many works of literature, they also challenged my analytical skills far more than I ever imagined...
JK Rowling had her midnight cafes; Roald Dahl's garden shed has produced wheelbarrows of children's literature and the Bronte sisters roamed the vast expanse of the Yorkshire moors. I personally retreat to a caravan at the bottom of my garden where I find the creative stimulus required to write prizewinning poetry and biology essays alike
Whilst some people are terrified by, or worse, ambivalent towards modern poetry, I fail to remain unmoved after reading Jean 'Brita'Breeze' s "Moonwise" which epitomises the strength of emotion found within a short verse...
When I was very young, I used to love reading so much that my career ambition was to own a newsagents. This fondness for the written word has been in the background all of my life, and as the study became more intricate, I realised how interesting it could be...
From an early age I have been interested in reading and in the English language. Through the GCSE and A-level literature courses, I have been able to refine this interest into an analytical approach. I am fascinated by the way literature has both influenced and been influenced by the history and culture of society...
The study of English has always been my passion, enabling me to challenge my own assumptions about texts, not by seeking unambiguous answers, but rather through the stimulating exploration of diverse thinking and interpretation...
Ever since I was a child I have had a passion for reading and writing and I believe that English is the ideal course for me to study at university. In school, English has consistently been my strongest subject and one that I find the most challenging, yet rewarding...
I am applying for English Literature first and foremost because I very much enjoy reading and I look forward to extending my knowledge and my understanding of a wide range of texts. What attracts me to the subject is the way in which ideas and truths are communicated in a creative and relevant way and because literature is fundamental in shaping our views and beliefs...
After careful consideration and consultation between my parents, tutor and teachers, I have chosen to apply for a degree course in English, as it is a subject for which I have a real passion, and would be useful for a future career in the media industry...
Why choose to study English? To me this is a question, which can be answered in easy and simple terms. In my opinion it is one of the most exciting and intriguing subjects that an undergraduate can choose to study...
Having thoroughly enjoyed the study of English Language at A Level, I believe I have a secure academic foundation with which to approach a degree course in this subject with confidence and enthusiasm. The English Language takes a fundamental and crucial role in enhanced communication between different social groups, and to read English would, therefore, be extremely beneficial to both the development of my communication skills and my ability to express ideas and opinions
Additionally, a course in English at this level would provide me with an opportunity to further my knowledge of the theory and historical basis of the language - each of these being aspects of the course that particularly interest me...
Since learning to read from a very young age, literature has been my greatest love. I am fascinated by the impact that written words have on society, and how they influence the way that people interpret issues such as war or politics...
One of my biggest assets is my big mouth. I love to express myself whenever I can, wherever I can, and however I can. I express myself though the strong sweeping from the bow of my violin, brushing the strings fervently as I tell a story of joy or sorrow...
I am currently a student of English Language, English Literature and Media at West Herts. College in Hertfordshire, and I am thoroughly enjoying the experience. Whereas in secondary school nothing was really required as teachers were more inclined to help their pupils, teachers of A Level subjects expect more independent research and study...
Ever since reading Harper Lee's “To Kill a Mockingbird” at GCSE there has no been no doubt in my mind that I want to delve deeper into the study of literature.
I was greatly moved by Lee's themes of innocence and prejudice and felt if this one novel could make such a difference to the way I perceived the world there must be many more out there waiting to be read...
English, being the most diverse language in the world in terms of vocabulary range and one of the most heavily influenced by other cultures, makes for fascinating study and usage. Drawing influences from Celtic, West Germanic dialects, Latin, Greek and French to name but a few make the English language riveting both in terms of use and etymology...
Since my childhood, barely a night has gone by without indulging in a book. I cherish the hours spent poring over literary masterpieces as diverse as The Great Gatsby, Othello and the poems of John Donne, all of which I particularly enjoyed...
"The highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them." This powerful quote by John Kennedy illustrates the magnitude of the written and spoken word in our everyday lives. The words we speak are like the actions we take; they define us, which is why I wish tofurther my knowledge of English and literature...
Languages are my strength, the main focus of my studies, and I have always studied them with energy and interest. I have chosen to study the combination of English and French because I see languages as assets, not only as keys to communication but also as keys to accessing literature...
Over 309 million people speak English as their first language so it is often referred to as a "global language". We all use it and we all know it yet I feel that few of us understand it. This is why I am interested in developing my own understanding of the language that I, and those around me, use and encounter on a daily basis...
It has always been my greatest ambition to learn to speak a second language fluently. I firmly believe that languages, as the building blocks of communication, are increasingly vital skills to possess in a modern world in which traditional boundaries are rapidly changing and with this in mind, I studied three foreign languages for GCSE, enjoying the experience greatly, although it was my intention to carry only French onto a higher level of study...
Since a very young age I have been fascinated by books. In Year Nine I realised my passion for English when an inspiring teacher encouraged me to look at literature from a broader viewpoint. We studied 'To Kill A Mockingbird' by Harper Lee and I was really drawn into the social context and the theme of racism...
To me the study of literature is the study of the human imagination. The written word acts as a gateway between us and centuries of ideas, connecting us with some of the greatest and most eloquent minds in history...
Although Shakespeare tells us otherwise, when Wilde says that "It is the spectator, and not life, that art really mirrors." it is his position towards which I am more inclined. The value of literature is not solely that it mirrors the lives of Aeschylus in 5th century Athens or Murakami & 60s Japan, but that these works show us ourselves too...
Literature possesses many powers. It can be beautiful and appalling, transcendent and horrific. Kafka tells us that “ A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us.” It is for all these reasons and many more that I wish to study English...
I have a few strong passions in life; Indie music, Chelsea FC and literature. Since there are no university courses for the former two my decision concerning what to study at university is a simple one...
What I enjoy above all else in a piece of literature is the feeling that it has brought about change, either in me or in some wider context. Literature which offers the opportunity for an adapted way of living or thinking, however slight, is I think a thing to be kept and treasured in our intellects...
The more extensively one studies any subject, the more common ground one will find it shares with all the others. This can be taken to its furthest extent when applied to literature - because there is nothing that is not, or cannot be, explored in literature...
English has long since endured an inappropriate reputation of being boring, lack-luster. However, it is not until you've become engrossed in the language that the true power is revealed, how a single word can bend someone's mind to a cause, take them to a world they can only dream off, or create an atmosphere so tense you can not stop reading...
Literature has an ambiguity and openness to interpretation that has always intrigued me. I hope I will be able to explore this further at university, as well as the philosophical concepts that have concerned some of its greatest exponents...
Almost everything I have ever learned seems to have come from reading books. Home-schooled until the age of 12, my idea of learning anything was simply find a book on the subject and then vanish for the next six months...
Although I have always been a reader, I really began to explore literature in the sixth form.
This deeper interest was sparked by Wilde's 'Salome'; I found it provoked senses and feelings
previously unknown...
English has always been at the forefront of my mind, whether it be writing storybooks as a child, play-writing as a teen, or analysing literature at A Level. I enjoy the thrill of writing creatively but equally enjoy composing non-literary pieces where I can put across my views, inform or debate...
English Literature has always been a strong interest of mine, from the ancient works of Homer to the contemporary writings of Steinbeck.
I have always found solace in exploring the imagination of writers from a variety of different genres, cultures and time-periods...
I imagine that many other applicants will talk about how English Language is all they've ever wanted to study since they mastered the subordinate clause at the age of four. However, I'm a bit different...
I believe Literature educates on a personal level, humanising historical, political and psychological issues. I read constantly and widely, I enjoy experimenting with language and I believe I have an aptitude for the subject which drives me to achieve...
Drama has been a huge impact on my life; it has given me confidence that I did not have and new experiences I have drawn from it.
I really enjoy everything about this subject; from the coursework, watching and analysing plays to performing them and then inventing something/someone I have had no experience being before...
I have always been intrigued by the way writers are able to manipulate the impact they will have on their reader's emotions and imaginations; and how they paint vivid and dramatic imagery. I believe that English literature offers a spectacular insight into centuries of thoughts and ideas as well as providing a gateway between us and the most eloquent writers in history...
As a subject, English has cultivated my interests for reading and writing. Chaucer's The Wife of Bath particularly evoked my interests during my A2 year, as I was interested in the middle-English style of the language and how, through his fictional character, Chaucer challenged traditional ideals of this era.
Language is at the heart of everything I do: it's essential for communicating with the world and vital for the inner dialogue that is fundamental to all academic study. Fluency in a number of tongues will improve my knowledge and understanding of English and enable me to fulfil my ambition to work internationally in an ambassadorial role...
Whilst there is depth enough in examining the aesthetic beauty of well constructed prose for it to warrant study in itself, it is not primarily for this reason that I wish to read English literature. To be 'a fly on the wall in a far wider array of times and places', as A...
'You have the potential to become a fantastic author one day', I remember my headteacher saying, these words reinforcing my desire to explore the affinity for English gained through my extensive and voracious reading as a child...
I am applying to The City University of New York as a Visiting Graduate Student for one term of study in the fall of 2009, non-degree. I completed my BA in English and Danish from _ _ _ in Denmark in June, 2008 and for the time being I am studying for my master's degree...
Although I have been an avid reader of a wide range of fiction since childhood I delved into literature on a new level when I began studying Access to Humanities.
My eyes were opened to poetry for the first time and I have gained an enormous appreciation for the works of Wilfred Owen, Tennyson and William H Davies and their differing styles...
I can not recall a single day of my life when I haven't enjoyed the pleasures of literature; whether reading one of Blake's poems or, Ken Kesey's novels I have always felt enthusiasm for the English language...
Reading books and creating imaginary worlds were originally forms of escapism to me, a retreat from the structure and routine of my school studies. However, over the years my favourite pastimes and academic career have merged, to form a passion for English and a clear ambition: to become a successful writer...
When I decided to take English Language for A Level, I did not realise that it would soon become an obsession of mine; I have found myself analysing posters, advertisements and even conversations I hear...
Who wouldn't want to spend a couple of hours getting jinxed by Harry Potter, shot by Tony Montana, rescued by Forrest Gump or unplugged from the Matrix by Morpheus? Well, this is exactly what a cinematic experience offers you...
My love of literature is rooted in the connection it gives us to centuries of ideas, giving us the ability to converse with ghosts, linking us with the greatest and most eloquent minds in history; as Bovee puts it, “books are embalmed minds”...
As a mature student I faced different challenges from my peers. I have been self-financing, paying for my rent, food and necessities while managing work and studying on a full-time course. I sought my independence during the summer of my GCSE results and at the age of 16 began to work full-time in an office with real responsibilities...
I once aspired to be a visual artist, a photographer or painter. However, I later discovered the unique ability of poetry and the written word to maintain its power and resonance in a world saturated with images and messages...
Literature is the doorway to experience; it introduces us to what we don't know, and makes us re-evaluate what we do. Its ambiguity and allowance for personal interpretation makes it everlastingly relevant, regardless of when it was written...
I have always had an interest in language and the arts. This has led to a fascination with literature and fundamentally, the poignancy and exuberance one can convey through the written word.
For me, English Literature feels more uninhibited and complete, mainly because a text is something very personal to its creator, giving it a more individual dimension than other subjects, feeding the imagination as well as the intellect...
From Austen to Wilde, I am particularly interested in 19th century literature. This literary period fascinates me with its peculiar combination of beauty and cruelty. I realised the true power of this composite after rereading The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde for the first time in three years in 2011...
Growing up reading Roald Dahl, I saw elements of myself in Matilda, as ever since I can remember, I have loved reading. My passion for English could be seen by those around me, as a child, having taught myself to read and write by the time I was 4 years old, and there was never any doubt that I would go on to pursue a career in English...
I believe that to read English is to read the human being itself: after all, we are all writers. Even in the very act of choosing our words - thinking them, speaking them, physically writing them down - we create something meaningful...
Emily Bronte had the Yorkshire moors, Austen and Shakespeare had Chawton and London respectively, and I have my bed. This is where their sleeping words are shaken awake by my subjectivity.
This is where I become a man; a spiritually exhausted J...
I enjoy being intellectually stimulated and challenging traditional views which is evident from my choice of A Level subjects - history, English and RE. These subjects have always been my forte, receiving the H...
My decision to study English Language is based firmly on my desire to understand and study comprehensively the language that I and my peers encounter daily. This will give me an insight to society and enrich me personally...
I am currently taking a gap year in order to mature, earn money for university and give myself time to confirm what I want to do in the future. I am now more enthusiastic than ever about developing my passion for language...
For me, the most captivating part of English literature is the way great writers are able to influence the reader's imagination through the manipulation of language.
The A-level topic of World War One literature was especially affecting because it showed me the importance of world events and their effect on contemporary literature that still inspires us today...
I have always been fascinated most by the way a writer is able to sway and manipulate a reader’s emotions through their expression of language. Literature has an ambiguity which leaves it exposed to all manner of interpretations and it is because of this freedom of analysis that I have developed a great passion for the subject...
It is my belief that the most important part of anybody’s personality is the way that they exhibit it to the world. This idea of self expression is the basis of everything that I most enjoy and feel passionate about in life, which is why I am applying to study English...
Books inspire me to embrace the freedom of my imagination. I have been an avid reader of a wide range of fiction since childhood. I remember being captivated by Dahl's 'James And The Giant Peach', I was right there with little James Trotter when he spilled the bag of magic, glowing crocodile tongues on the barren peach tree...
My desire to study philosophy could probably be best described as fledgling, given that my first true exposure to the subject was only a few months ago. However, to say I am enamoured with the discipline today would be an understatement...
Prior to beginning Sixth Form, I had not considered sociology as a possible subject for studying at University, but I had decided early in year 12 that it was the subject that I definitely wanted to pursue...
At the war cemeteries of El Alamein in Egypt, I spent an hour or two combing through the British Commonwealth cemetery for Royal Dragoons from my Grandpa’s division and found myself struggling, from the sheer number of headstones, to choose between condemning our capacity for violence and admiring the extent of our sacrifice...
As a child, I was always intrigued by the idea that other worlds could be held between the covers of a book, providing insight into cultures, times and societies that would otherwise be foreign to us.
Continued study of English Literature through to 'A' level has broadened my understanding and enjoyment of literature, greatly improving my ability to read analytically and critically...
When studying English and History I find that I have the freedom to explore different interpretations. I have always struggled with the concept of the definitive answer; I feel that every subject is subjective and as a result I find it hard to confine myself to one single idea...
To me, fiction is like the magic carpet of Aladdin. It takes me to travel through time and space and explore the slices of human experience. In the wonderful trips, I am guided by the author and accompanied by the characters...
Since I have begun to study A Level English Literature, it is the way in which writers use expression within their writing to influence and manipulate the reader's emotions which has most intrigued me...
Studying history and English concurrently has appealed to me ever since I recognised the inseparability of the two disciplines closest to my heart. Personally, I believe that the literary style of a piece of writing is as important as scholarly research and I try to make my essays as lively as possible whilst still grounded in solid historical or literary method, dulce et utile, following the example of writers such as Richard J Evans...
Recently, I was reading an interview with Francoise Sagan, author of Bonjour Tristesse, when I came across a quote that defined my love for literature. In the passage, the French writer claimed that while “Life is amorphous, literature is formal”...
The best decision I ever made was to leave sixth form for a place in college to complete my A Levels. Here I had the opportunity to study English Language and Literature - the subject area for which I have the most desire and aspiration and wish to take to degree level...
"If we spoke a different language, we would perceive a somewhat different world." This quote by Ludwig Wittgenstein reflects exactly how and why I feel so passionate about the many languages around the world...
From reading my first Roald Dahl book, peppered with magic and mischief, to writing my first short story, I have always known that my drive and passion for English was destined to be more than a hobby...
I have always been intrigued by the way a writer can influence and almost come a part of a reader’s thoughts and emotions, by their ability to paint their picture through imagery and language. Having read a variety of different novels my enthusiasm and desire to study English at a higher level has grown to become an ultimate ambition...
Throughout my education, I have constantly been captivated and inspired by my History and English studies. I have recognised how the two disciplines entwine and coexist to create an invaluable tool with which to explore the past and future...
English is not simply the study of humanity, or society, or history or the written word; it is all of those together and it is this versatility that makes it so appealing to me. The link between literary criticism and psychoanalysis is a great interest of mine...
“I cannot live without my life, I cannot live without my soul.”
Although I have always enjoyed reading, it was when my Grandmother first handed me her battered, but much loved, copy of ‘Wuthering Heights’, and I was pulled into the tragic love story of Cathy and Heathcliff, that I fell in love with the written word...
English literature will always be a passion of mine. I remember saying to my mum when I was little, “I don’t need to learn to read. You can always read for me”. I admit in the early years, I read only what I was told to by teachers, or by my mum...
I was once told by a writer at Bath "LitFest" that literature is "all about control". At a young age, his words seemed obscure, but years later, I am finally able to grasp his meaning. On one side of a barrier of ink and paper, a writer aims to understand and control their world, whilst a reader attempts to lose control in a boundless, imaginary world...
English has always been my favourite subject. I've always loved how there aren't any straight answers, and how different people's interpretations of texts say more about them than just about anything else...
As a burgeoning writer, hopeful author, and long-time reader, the power of words has held a pull for me since a time when my vocabulary consisted of the contents of “Harry Potter”, and “The Chronicles of Narnia”...
Since the age of 12, I have read my books mostly in English and watched movies without Finnish subtitles. Being able to understand languages other than my native one has been my passport to countless adventures and experiences that might otherwise have been inaccessible...
"We accept the love we think we deserve", a powerful, thought provoking quotation from 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower': an epistolary novel, by Stephen Chbosky and my favourite piece of literary work...
Writing gives me a degree of control over fate and emotions that no one could ever have in reality, with the exception of a manipulative sociopath. You cannot escape the fact that writing for an audience is an imposition of certain thoughts, ideas, and feelings on the reader...
The subjects that I wish to study at university are History and English, with the view to ultimately becoming a teacher. I have chosen to study History not only because it's a subject that has always been a favourite of mine, but also because of the skills that you gain and develop like critical thinking and making the most use of time and resources...
I have always loved telling and hearing stories. In year 7 one author caused me to pick up a pen and never look back: Shakespeare, still my favourite playwright. I began writing sonnets after studying Macbeth in class, and somewhere within the frustration of meter and rhyme my fascination with writing began...
I find it bitterly ironic that the likes of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky (both of whom were male psychologists) contributed many ideas that revolutionised childcare, yet there is a shortage of males working in this particular field - this is one of many reasons why I would like to pursue a career in primary education...
I realise the interconnection between English and Spanish, which embodies my philosophy of research with scrutiny, and zeal for cultural and artistic awareness. Thus a joint degree is the only option as they both embrace my cognitive capability...
Initially it was my mother’s enthusiasm for books which fostered my love of literature. English has provided me with a creative outlet for my imagination and with visits to the theatre and libraries I have been enveloped in a culture of literature...
As an English student I revel in the aesthetic beauty of literature while enjoying how the big ideas underpinning a work adds meaning. As a Philosophy student my inquisitive mind constantly pushes me to ask questions and engage in debate...
I realised that I wanted to study English Literature upon reading Nabokov's Lolita. His fiendishly clever, mendacious prose made me appreciate how powerful and destructive literature can be. I find the written word, as well as being emotionally evocative, to be a dynamic discipline and I believe that the analytical nature of an English Literature degree will provide me with a deeply gratifying intellectual challenge...
My interest in English stems from an early nostalgia, upon reading works by Roald Dahl. I was astonished to learn that a paperback could harness the imagination and as a child, I felt empowered at the prospect of children triumphing over adults...
To achieve a greater understanding of life, I feel the study of English and Maths is a necessity; to understand mathematics is to understand the mechanics of the physical world. For example, using maths, we can predict the weather but because of the mechanics behind chaos theory, there's so much affecting it that we still can't be certain...
Writing has always been a big part of my life, it allows me to create a world of limitless possibilities, a world where rules are non-existent. My imagination is a key aspect of my writing, it allows me to go beyond the limits of life and shape the very face of reality...
I am completely fascinated by how the right words on a page can paint such a vivid story. Whether it is in the form of fiction, non-fiction, drama or poetry; there are always stories to tell. As I am doing English Literature, English Language and Creative Writing for A levels, they have helped me to understand that the words on the page, as well as spoken, can convey several different things...
'The lawyer's greatest weapon is clarity and its whetstone is succinctness.' - Judge Prettyman.
From an early age, I realised the importance of written and spoken word and how harnessing this ability could grant its wielder power in everyday verbal interaction to presenting oneself to prestigious universities for further acquisition of valuable knowledge to making a contribution to the society...
Fiction is attached to life at all four corners, as Virginia Woolf says; writing is something that comes out of our minds, but our minds are products of their environment, so fiction necessarily reflects the world in which it is written...
The compelling nature of literature has formed a proclivity and brought forward to me the crimson soaked horrors of the Gothic, Shakespeare's witty political commentary and the melancholy musings of tortured poets...
English Literature allows both, writers and readers to explore the complexity of human emotions and human thought. My passion for literature has stemmed from the ability possessed by writers to conjure their thoughts, feelings and experiences into written words...
The way in which a writer deliberately uses specific types of literary devices in order to implicitly express their thoughts and views on particular concepts such as: Philosophy, Politics and society shows that words have the power to influence the mind of a reader...
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good education must be in want of a university. Whether that’s plagiarism or tactical use of artistic licence is debatable...
With the English language I met for the first time when I was five. Then it was just learning single words, short phrases. It was just fun rather than any particular fascination. I came to be more involved at the age of seven, learning the language in primary school...
The relationship between cinema and literature has always been closely intertwined. Literature has the power to let the reader explore and be consumed by someone else's world; we all need a break from our own reality, the willing suspension of disbelief...
Working abroad as an English Teaching Assistant has ignited a passion for English I never knew existed. Seeing how powerful the English language is, being able to convey thoughts, makes me want to enhance my knowledge of English...
In one sense, life is incredibly simple. We are bound by the inevitability of death from the moment we are born. However, the stories that are born within that time and the way in which our cultures, religions and the complexity of the human condition impact on the way in which we express is what truly defines us...
——A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies,The man who never reads lives only one.
These words by George Martin tells the initial motivation for my love of Literature. As a child, I followed Peter Pan to Neverland, Harry Potter to Hogwarts, and Fogg around the world...
English is the subject that I’ve been most passionate about since I was a very young child. Getting my undergraduate degree in English in some way, shape, or form has been my dream for as long as I can remember...
Choose your words carefully.
These words represent my key realisation of the true importance of meaningful communication, not least in the writing of this personal statement. My love of language continues to grow and I believe that from this course I will not merely acquire knowledge but will be truly shaped as an individual, developing the core basis of my communication for the rest of my life...
In one sense, life is incredibly simple. We are bound by the inevitability of death from the moment we are born. However, the stories that are born within that time and the way in which our cultures, religions and the complexity of the human condition impact on the way in which we express is what truly defines us...
My enthusiasm for Creative Writing was ironically inspired by an encounter earlier in my academic life, when I was advised to pick a "realistic career choice". My peers had expressed vocations to become midwives, doctors, scientists and the like, but for me, writing was something that I could personally relate to, stemming from my natural love for literature and the arts...
Literature presents us with the impossible task of concealing the complexity of life within a subtle narrative, writers being tasked with embracing ambiguity when addressing the human condition. However, the human condition is not a simple topic to approach...
The German endearment 'Leseratte' (i.e. bookworm) is a label I like to apply to myself, and this is neither merely because I enjoy the acts of reading and writing nor due to my childhood dream of becoming a writer...
If culture has a gravitational effect on my mind, then History and Literature are supermassive black holes; they have defined my choice of hobbies and media, nexus to an eclectic collection. My most memorable experience of this was with a minor documentary series on the History of Non-Euclidean Geometry...
Reading has been always been an escape for me and my love for it has developed throughout my life. I’m amazed by the way writers can create a captivating world and manipulate the reader’s emotions so effortlessly and effectively...
Writing is a form of release for me, a method through which I can spill all my thoughts and ideas onto a paper or document, and truly understand and express my feelings and perspectives. Much like art, music and film allow people to reflect on themselves, I feel creative writing allows me to analyse objectively all the notions and concepts I come across...
Perhaps the influence of the chronicles of time in literature ignited my appreciation of
English and History as one. With these disciplines open to unique perceptions from one reader
to another, it could be argued that Williams' portrayal of Blanche in "A Streetcar Named
Desire" precisely defines society's inability to face reality...
My decision to study English Language is one I came to after serious thought. New media and political representation have been areas that have enticed me, specifically with how language is manipulated and moulded for this context...
The philosopher Alfred North Whitehead said that, “It is in literature that the concrete outlook of humanity receives its expression. Accordingly, it is to literature that we must look... if we hope to discover the inward thoughts of a generation...
Comprehending the beauty and terror of the human experience is a product of my exposure to literature. Literature has given me the power to scrutinise ideologies and social structures, and the power to discover language as an evocative form of communication...
Late one night, when I came across a video of Iggy Pop reading Edgar Allan Poe's The Tell-Tale Heart, I immediately knew what John Keats meant when he encouraged us to be a "thoroughfare for all thoughts"...
The relationship between literature and the visual arts has become increasingly interesting to me, spurred on by choosing Film Studies at A Level. Authors utilise syntaxes containing metaphors, motifs and hyperbole in order to bring a story to life the same way directors use cinematography, mise-en-scene and aesthetics...
Primary school had made me into an excellent forger - at least of my dad's chicken scratch signature - which was present every week, without a doubt, in my reading log. I was far from a prolific reader - mainly because English was my second language, making the activity excruciating...
In my first year as a Literature student I was introduced to the Romantic era, studying works of Coleridge and Wordsworth as integral pillars of the Romantic movement. Coleridge writes in The Nightingale, ‘his (the poets) fame Should share in Nature’s immortality...
What is more powerful than ardent love or the overwhelming intensity of human emotion? What is more powerful than a nuclear force, a fatal weapon, an instrument designed to destruct and destroy? Language and literature are the strongest forms of weaponry to exist.
Literature acts as a lens through which we can understand and view the world. The world can be a harsh and incomprehensible place, and for me literature helps to show that there is nothing definite, that everything and everyone is full of nuances...
As I witnessed a production of Anton Chekhov’s ‘The Seagull’, watching how utterly obsessive and enamoured by literature Konstantin was, a quote from another author, Donna Tartt, at last made sense to me. “I am nothing in my soul if not obsessive”.
English language and linguistics explores the scientific aspects of the way we speak and how we interpret language, understanding the influence societal progression has had in dictating speech patterns...
As I witnessed a production of Anton Chekhov's 'The Seagull', watching how utterly obsessive and enamoured by literature Konstantin was, a quote from another author, Donna Tartt, at last made sense to me...
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Writing Your Own Personal Statement
Writing Your Own Personal Statement

We explain why it's important to write your own UCAS personal statement for university.