Economics Personal Statement Examples
Examination of any quality newspaper will probably demonstrate that more of the headlines address economic problems than any other topic.
The importance and relevance of economic related disciplines to the modern world have led me to want to pursue the study of the subject at a higher level...
Since my early teenage years I have had a strong interest in the world that I live in; wanting to understand where mine and others’ places can be and are in society; not just locally but globally, so I follow current affairs programmes on the television and read newspapers and journals, such as the ‘Economist’, with interest...
When moving from GCSE to A Level I approached the two ‘new’ subjects I had chosen with excitement and some trepidation. I now realise taking Politics and Economics was the right choice. My experiences of A Level Economics have shown me the fundamental part it plays in our lives and I am keen to study it in more depth and be able to use my knowledge to complete individual economic based studies...
Being born and brought up in a country where an uneven distribution of income is a norm, the poor live on a minimum wage of Rupees 115 a day, whilst the billionaires form the sixth largest group in the world...
Studying History at degree level has been my interest since my first ever history lesson in High School, for it is a subject that invites debate and feeds my inquisitive side. I have always been intrigued by what has happened before us and how it has led to where we are now...
As Pythagoras may have said, (Ambitious)2 + (Bold)2 = (Critical thinker)2 makes a perfect student and is what I strive to be. From the simple Pythagorean to the complex Fermat's Last Theorem, mathematics is a never ending branch of study which I enthusiastically enjoy studying and why I wish to pursue it even further at university...
For a number of years, I have had a keen interest in events and occurrences throughout the world; I have always tried to keep up-to-date with current affairs, and recently have found stories concerning economic issues becoming increasingly appealing...
My aspiration to study economics at both advanced and degree level has stemmed from my lasting interest in current affairs and world development.
These issues require an application of economics in real-life situations and can be related to many diverse subjects such as politics, philosophy and psychology...
"I killed the bank": the last words of Andrew Jackson, former president of the US, after he had vetoed to renew the charter and withdraw all federal deposits from banks causing them to bust. Real money was backed with gold shortly after, causing the greatest economic boom in history for the US where no income tax was implemented...
Growing up in a deteriorating global economic climate I have come to appreciate the extent to which economics influences the relationships between nations, and the importance of competent macroeconomic management...
The art of Mathematics requires a thorough mind-set of logic and practicality; this same mentality is reciprocated in many corresponding fields such as Economics, Accounting and Finance.
My aspiration to study Spanish and Economics has not only been influenced by my curricular education but also from experiences I have had throughout life. I am intrigued in the effects caused by the failing Euro zone, and I consider communication among speakers of different languages essential in progressing forward...
Politics was not an option at GCSE in my school but having grown up in a family of strong minded individuals working in public service I knew it would be my first choice at A –Level. I have not been disappointed...
The first time I recognised the magnitude of my passion for sustainable development was when my family visited the waste-site Smokey Mountain in Manila, Philippines. Smokey Mountain is a two million metric tonnes waste mountain and home for about 30...
Choosing an undergraduate degree in economics is a result of my deep seated curiosity to know why economies are they way they are; why oil prices in my country, Pakistan, rapidly fluctuate whereas economies like USA and China continue to strengthen despite recessions...
Studying the Great Depression in the USA in 1929 for my extended project is when I started to fully appreciate my interest in economics. Being able to analyse and argue the issues within my extended project and relate it to the current economic crisis has awakened my passion for the subject further, especially as this subject is covered extensively in the news and media...
Living in a time of immense economic uncertainty has sparked my curiosity to explain the rationale of consumers, firms and governments.
The severity of vast global problems, from financial crisis to poverty, has also attracted me to Economics: a subject relevant now more than ever to the prosperity of all societies...
In a recent address to the Canadian Parliament, David Cameron made the comment that "This is not a traditional, cyclical recession. It's a debt crisis,". Although I am yet to align myself to a political party I find politics, economics and philosophy very interesting individually...
Is one of the useful lessons of the Great Depression that the European periphery cannot restore its competitiveness whilst fixed to an overvalued currency without inducing a debt deflation trap? A study of economics and history can help illuminate such contemporary challenges...
Every day we make decisions and interact with others; the laws of economics help us make rational choices and consider the irrationality of others, as well as understand the world better. Maths and statistics are the necessary tools for me to understand the modern economics...
My experiences over the last two years have been life changing in every way. I have been educated in three different countries and three different languages. I am South African and went to state schools until the age of 16...
By skimming through a daily broadsheet or examining journals such as ‘The Economist’ it is clear to see that economic issues affect everyone both locally as well as on a global scale. However, I have been interested by Mathematics for many years and have found my enjoyment for it has increased as the depth of my understanding has grown...
My desire to study Economics in combination with the Social Sciences stems primarily from my interest in these fields but also from the fact that these two disciplines compliment each other exceptionally well...
Upon the opening of any quality newspaper, one would find that economic and political news dominate the headlines, but upon deeper reading it can be seen that the foundations of all human thought and actions have been shaped by philosophical theories...
My perception of the world changed on September the 11th 2001, when I returned home from school to find that a terrorist organisation had attacked the World Trade Centre.
The attack destroyed my feeling of security, provoking me to probe and question the world around me in a way I hadn't before and sparking my interest in current affairs...
Economics represents an integral part of my everyday life. It is about trying to understand the world and making real and personal decisions; something I can relate to on an emotional level. I can attest to how economics affects the lives of relatives and friends around me, when the ravages of the recent Asian crisis threatened to level the gains accrued from an era of unprecedented growth in Singapore...
The crucial importance and relevance of economics related disciplines to the modern world have led me to want to pursue the study of these social sciences at a higher level. My experiences of A-Level Economics has shown me the fundamental part it plays in our lives and I would like to approach it with an open mind - interested but not yet fully informed
Having spent half of my life in India I have direct experience of two very different lifestyles making me more eager and enthusiastic to investigate other ways of life from a macro perspective...
In today's world, economics associated disciplines are of fundamental significance and application, which has encouraged me to pursue a degree in Economics. Economics has an important relevance in all of our lives...
In today's world, economics associated disciplines are of fundamental significance and application, which has encouraged me to pursue a degree in Economics. I am enormously enjoying studying Mathematics at 'A' level and believe that my strong mathematical background will enable me to have an excellent basis in which to engage in the study of Economics...
At college the courses that I study are Maths, Economics and ICT (having discontinued Chemistry after AS). My favourite subject that I am currently studying is economics. Economic issues have become increasingly prominent in political and current affairs, and for me to understand such issues was the principal reason for me choosing to study economics...
they operate. In China, my favourite TV programme is the finance programme and I enjoy international finance. I frequently worked in my mother's company to help the staff in the accounts department. All of these have given me an understanding of accounting and finance
My passion for the subject expanded when I chose accounting as part of my A-level programme...
My interests for Economics and Law theory arose mainly from my keen desire to explore the role of law and economics in an ever-changing commercial world, these multi-disciplinary subjects will provided me with the opportunity to study a range of areas
Studying Business and Economics has given me a fascinating insight into macroeconomic policy and how it impacts upon business and economic decisions, and now I would like to move on to do a degree in Economics combined with Law
I am keen to study law because I want to become a qualified solicitor dealing with the property market and I have helped organise cultural functions and raised money for various charities...
Adaptability, creative thinking and the application of technology are now intrinsic to managing finances. I have developed these principles and enjoyed the spectrum of college study that has taught me to approach problems from different political, economical and psychological perspectives...
My decision to apply for a degree course in Accounting and Finance stems from my research in the college library and my career aspiration to become a chartered accountant. I particularly enjoy administrative work, numerical and statistical exercises, and opportunities to work with others as a team...
Having a flair for Economics and accounting I have decided that I want a degree in Accounting and Finance or Management. The many brilliant representatives of the management community around the world have strengthened that resolve
When I worked in my school as a tutor of English as a Second Language for students from a community school in Muscat, I realized the importance of a strong leader who could organize, command respect, and be able to work well with others...
In today's world, economics associated disciplines are of fundamental significance and application, which has encouraged me to pursue a degree in Economics. As well as studying economics at AS and A2 level I like to indulge in works written by economists and authors alike...
My attraction to the world of commerce, business and management stemmed from an early age and was confirmed when I took G.C.S.E
Business studies, all aspects of which I found to be extremely absorbing...
I believe that university offers an excellent opportunity to further my learning in a more challenging environment and to deepen my understanding of the knowledge and skills I already have
I am keen on all aspects of business, but am particularly interested in accountancy/finance and management
Through my current study I have learned to be more computer literate and how to effectively manage my time...
To be or not to be is the most difficult question an individual faces in life. Coming from the Indian subcontinent I was expected to become a doctor or an engineer. I decided however, to follow an educational course, which I felt was more attractive and fascinating...
I have wanted to take PPE at university ever since discovering that the course existed, having loved Mathematical and Essay subjects in equal measure throughout my time in school.
Philosophy and Politics are subjects I have always wanted to study further, and upon studying Economics for the first time at the Eton College Universities Summer School I was extremely taken by the subject, as it seemed to give me an entirely new outlook on the world...
I have never understood politicians. Are they supposed to be economists or philosophers? Or should they be environmentalists instead? My questions have made me a dreamer who fights reality. While philosophy centers around the question What would be the best way to live ?, economics dictates how to live...
Deficits, wars and scandal: this seems to be the current interpretation of Politics today. The global media appear to enjoy taking a destructive stance to economic and political policy. Have we lost our sense of balance and composure?
It is this debate that I found both embracing as well as frustrating, with editorials and columns devoted to the more sensational negative news stories...
At the age of fourteen, I began to assist my father to deal with family business which was a printing business for all kinds of advertisements, books and newspapers. In 2006, I attended the China International Exhibition for All Printing Technology and Equipment which was undertaken in Shanghai with my father...
I have always wanted to understand more about the world - not about its physical form or its surface, but about the people in it and the reasons why we have come to live the way we do - the reasons for conflict, government decisions and economic developments...
Society is a concept that has always fascinated me, as it is the fundamental manifestation of human existence. Its nature is defined by the prevalent political and economic conditions, which have global impact...
Contemplating over the last thirteen years of my academic journey I feel confident enough to coupe with the complex natures of different subjects. However I find subjects related to financial calculation quite interesting...
I wish to be recognised as someone who is open-minded and well educated. That is why I want to achieve a top degree in the rigorous, but always changing discipline of Economics. Studying this subject at university would allow me to understand how combinations of complex economical concepts can help to tackle poverty and welfare, the main issues of 21st century...
As time passes by I realize how each day we live is influenced by the choices we make and the changes that supervene in life after making them. I believe that people's lives are all about taking decisions, which implies assuming responsibilities, making compromises and taking on risks, and that this privilege comes as an implicit right conferred by the human nature and behavior in the society...
Over the last few years, my interests and experiences have been life changing in every way. I lived in three different countries and was lucky to receive an education in three different languages. I am originally from Azerbaijan...
Most of the newspapers headlines in modern society represent economic problems for example inflation, economic growth, or stock exchange.
Year after year, century after century, economy evolved from trade to money, from the primary sector to the quaternary sector in modern times. I think of myself as a proper Economics student, as I have succesfully passed my course of Economy and I have a mathematical background...
My pre-existing interest in politics became a fascination during a holiday to Mexico in the aftermath of the 2006 Presidential elections. I saw mass demonstrations in Mexico City, the barricades of a teachers strike involving shootouts between police and teachers and the way in which Commandante Marcos' zapatistas were in de facto control of the countryside in resistance to central government...
It may sound exaggerated, but I genuinely love History, and it has become a part of my life for over four years.
As contemporary political events have increasingly become my main concern in recent years, Politics and Economics are also my favourite subjects...
Studying economics at A-level showed me that this subject is fundamental to our everyday life on both a local and international scale.
Reading broadsheet newspapers, watching the news and reading 'The Economist' have confirmed this for me...
I have always loved to read the dailies, as well as magazines such as Newsweek and the Economist, for news about politics and/or international relations.
Right now, my favourite hobby is following the momentous 2008 US elections...
In today's competitive world, qualifications are of utmost importance. While that is indeed a factor that spurs me to take up higher education, the determining factor is my interest in the subjects.
Admittedly, the only subject that I have had contact with is economics, but the fields of law and social policy intrigue me as well...
Whether the economy faces a recession or a boom, it is ultimately there at the heart of the majority of decisions we make in our lifetime; the price we pay for our home, the sum of disposable income we have for life's luxuries and even whether I can afford to pay off my student loan after leaving university...
One of our golfing traditions would be to share a cold one after 9 holes, and that would be how my father and I would kick start many a discussion. Our discussion chanced upon two subjects:- the Asian Financial Crisis, and how it was affecting his business...
The globe financial market is currently undergoing a major shakeup. The reason for my choice of economics and accounting in such a situation is I consider myself as person who has a long-term view, loves challenge and is confident of my ability of communication and organisation.
Having various experiences of national and international institutions with mass experiences in the field of management besides other administrative experience, I would like to express my keen eagerness for getting admittance in the chevening scholarship for the academic year 2009-2010 in the field of Public Administration...
Being Bruneian at birth and state educated in that country to the age of 16, my recent experience of being educated in England has quickened my curiosity in the differing forms of government and economic policy that exist between the two cultures...
As a child, life is consistent. The outside world may exist but has no great impact on daily life. As you grow up you realise the reverse applies. Studying Economics, Spanish and French has not only enabled but also deepened my yearning to understand the endless facets which form the basis of everyday existence...
Economics is a fundamental part of society whether this involves governments allocating their scarce resources in favour of education as opposed to the NHS, or as simple as an individual trying to figure out how best to spend their limited income; utilising limited resources is such a pervasive part of everyday life...
My perception of the world of economics changed in 2006 when I was fortunate enough to visit
the country of Zimbabwe. Witnessing the mismanagement of what was the "The bread basket "of
Africa's economy, being brought to the brink of collapse due to an astounding hyper inflation
rate, has resulted in my fascination towards the subject of global economics...
If anything, I am a curious person. Most people spend their lives aspiring to knowledge; and yet they cannot acquire it all. What really matters is the thirst for knowledge. I consider myself as one of those thirsty people and I believe that curiosity is the key to everything...
In Mathematics there is no good, no evil, no tomorrow, no yesterday, no reality. I have always been attracted to Mathematics by the unquestionable symmetry that surrounds us everything being based on means of geometry...
The way in which consequences of economic policy can affect ordinary life fascinates me. We are now facing a crisis in the financial market that was inevitable. Year after year of growth has finally culminated in a massive downfall due to the carelessness of the American banking system...
My name is Ariel Blumberg and I am 19 years old. I was born in a little village near Eindhoven, a in the south of the Netherlands. While growing up there, I experienced a warm family life and plenty of opportunity to develop my youthfully curious mind...
Economics is like a jigsaw puzzle made of information pieces, pieces shaped by
rationality and randomness, which we put together to create a clearer picture of our world. Economics translates complex real world situations into simple models and its application can solve problems faced by an individual or the global community...
I feel accounting will offer me a steady career path in the financial world that could lead on to other related fields such as investment banking or financial analysis. Another reason I am attracted to accounting is that I have a strong interest in corporate business and the economy.
Having been born in the UK, with parents from Delhi and Kenya, I feel my background has given me an internationally diverse outlook. In my travels, I have met with both the affluence of Europe and the poverty existing in India...
Lester Brown recently stated: Socialism failed because it couldn't tell the economic truth; capitalism may fail because it couldn't tell the ecological truth. My 6th form study of Economics has led me to question the ecological and social price of free market capitalism with its underlying aim for continual economic growth...
Witnessing huge changes and rapid development, young men born in 1980s are facing an era in which development issues highlight in both international agenda and academic field. Many fields call for our endeavor...
The subject of economics, which I seek to study in the coming years, was first introduced to me through the United States Academic Decathlon, a ten-subject team competition for high schools. Over the past two years I have devoted hundreds of hours to independent preparation for this competition...
After Brazil, Nepal has the largest potential for the generation of hydro electricity. It is estimated that the perennial rivers of Nepal can generate up to a massive 83,000 Mega Watts of electricity. If utilized efficiently, Nepal has the potential of becoming one of the largest exporters of electricity in the world...
I believe in the world of contemplative thought as a source of pleasure and fulfilment. I first loved mathematics and physics for their consistent and absolute nature. Their laws awed me, and made me believe in a universal world I can fathom and understand...
Over the past few years I have developed a strong interest in the Economic history of the UK. I have become interested in how the UK's economic policy over centuries has built the UK into one of the world's most economically developed countries today...
It would not be foolish to contemplate the possibility of a far greater progress still.
John Maynard Keynes
From childhood I was bred to learn and the passion to understand has become a trait of my character...
I am very interested in the upcoming election and how the different parties' attitudes to business and welfare will affect the vote and the eventual success of the country. I wish to study a course that will provide me with a thorough insight into the political and economic impact of our national decisions...
Born into the week-old ex-Soviet state of Armenia, I have grown up in a time of huge political upheaval. Surrounded by an-ever changing economic environment, I remember asking my father what exchange rates were...
The influence of money and power due to the effect of globalisation has led to many political and economic triumphs, such as emergence of new world superpowers as well as disasters such as the current financial crisis...
Accounting to me is not just a subject, but a life skill. It invokes not only the core disciplines of business and economics but it provides these in both a local and global context. I see Accounting as an international common language between businesses, to analyse accounts and influence future decisions companies will make.
The theoretical aspects of economics and business management have for the past years been one of my greatest interests and developing as an entrepreneur has been my goal. I am fascinated by strategies in management and the behaviour of companies in the theory of the firm...
A childhood memory of mine is one of the former President Jacques Chirac opening a speech with "An economy is made to serve people, not people to serve the economy". I have grown to appreciate not just the statement but also the sentiment, which indicates the predominant role of economics in maximising social welfare...
Since my early childhood I was the one playing banker in the Czech equivalent of Monopoly, as my parents (both graduates of economic study) mentioned that I had special smile when I touch, count and distribute money...
Through life's experiences, I have come to realise that the economy affects almost everything in the world. Newspapers dedicate more headlines to financial issues in comparison to other topics. This has led to the realisation that without a good stable economy the world could fall to its knees, for example, the Wall Street collapse of 1929 and the more current financial crisis which started in 2007...
Economics is the art of balancing different variables in order to maximize the standard of living for individuals in society. Economics can be perceived as an opinionated subject which allows for interpretation as to what is the most efficient theory to create this environment...
My interest in Economics goes beyond an appreciation of statistics and profit margins.
In my mind, economics represents the relationship between people and their money – a relationship that dates back to the history of mankind...
When asked 'Why do you want to study economics?' I have always struggled to find a concise answer. There are so many reasons why I would want to study the subject, and this made explaining such an answer quite difficult...
While working in the stock broker I became 100% sure that I wanted to study Economics at university. I gained employment at a Stock Broker office as a Monitor Operator in Bangladesh and my duty was to monitor the daily price list of trading of shares at the beginning of the day and then preparing trading reports at the end...
My perception of economics and politics changed when in 2008 I became involved in the city council’s budgetary committee as a student representative, which gave me an insight how a political decision can have an impact on the whole city’s future on both social and economic scales...
Born in the post-communist state of Slovakia with Vietnamese roots, from my early age I was wondering why we were generally living in better conditions than our relatives in Vietnam.
As I grew older, my dad explained me the benefits of policies supporting private property rights and foreign investment to the Slovak economy...
I have an Austrian father and an Australian mother. I was born in Thailand and grew up in various third world countries around Asia due to my parents’ involvement in humanitarian aid work. From an early age, this sparked a deep curiosity about the way the world works and given me a good understanding of different cultures, traditions and languages...
The ever-changing nature of the human science intrigues me. Newton’s laws of motion will never change, from wherever ‘the ball is dropped’. However, different strategies and policies have to be framed and implemented for each economic problem...
The application of mathematics in the real world has always fascinated me. Mathematics acts as a base from which economics progresses, with such skills as differentiation needed to find the elasticity coefficients in higher education...
I have a strong interest in the close relationship between political events and economic developments, highlighted by a study of Russia in the lead up to the 1917 revolution.
I was grabbed by the film adaptation of Ten Days That Shook the World, with its emphasis on its power of the masses...
Since my parents were busy with the financial income throughout my childhood, I have been raised up by my grandmother. She was the oldest of 8 siblings in a family who were living in impoverished conditions...
The emotional state of human existence is propelled by economic, and political revolutions that arise throughout history. It is only through practices of observance and purposeful inquisitions that humanity is able to truly understand the delicate emotional state of society...
One look at the world around us and we can instantly see how vital a role economics plays in every aspect of life. A fleeting glimpse of a newspaper headline or the core section of the evening news will tell you that economics influences nearly everything we do and think...
Economics is the social science concerned with the allocation of resources and the opportunity cost of said resources. I find this rational thinking very relatable as I always consider all of my options and weigh up the pros and cons in whatever I do...
In this day and age virtually every aspect of our lives may be considered political. My passion to study Politics stems from this tenet and a belief that a comprehension of Politics is integral to understanding the current state of humanity...
Humanity today stands at the intersection of the most significant questions facing the world today: if democracy leads to political infighting, should it be sacrificed in the interest of economic well-being? Does religious fundamentalism provide a way for countries in the developing world to assert their identity in the face of Western hegemony? Does the entry of Western consumer goods threaten a country’s economic self-sufficiency?
The answers of these questions will determine what the nature of our world is in the twenty-first century...
It has been said that mathematics is the one true universal language. The logic used in Pythagoras, the value of Pi or even the process behind simple addition is the same anywhere in the world. Manipulating numbers is a skill that most people will use to some extent in their lives, giving mathematics a ubiquitous influence in the world...
In my IB History course I was particularly interested in topics such as the effect of the Wall Street Crash on Hitler's rise to power or mercantilist policies as a cause of the American War of Independence; the areas where History and Economics come together...
Business and Economic issues make headlines almost every day, everything from oil prices to the deals that are in the supermarkets every week. Even though the stories are constantly changing, a key idea remains: Economics and Business are major and influential areas of study in today's society...
It was when I read a book 'Confession of an economic hitman' that a desire instilled in me to explore the mechanism of the world and the crux on which society runs. Who controls the world and its resources and what influences our decisions on resources? Does slavery and imperialism still exists in essence today? Who sits at the top of the human 'food chain'?
The book indicated that an unfair system of 'corporatocracy' evasively run by corporations, banks and governments penetrates our economic and political systems...
“The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.” Frederich August Von Hayek
Through life's experiences, I have come to realize that economy affects almost everything in the world...
It seems that applying economics can elucidate any subject. Just one example of a problem facing the world is the tide of war-displaced refugees making their way to Europe. They risk their lives for the opportunities of our economic system...
As a liberal, the ambivalent nature of modern democracy is something I find intellectually stimulating. Having for the first ten years of my life witnessed the politics of corruption, intolerance, and neglect in Nigeria; and then that of the apathy, partisanship and majoritarianism embodied by the UK's political system - I am forced to question the legitimacy of the West's claims towards polyarchy...
I grew up in India, surrounded by a landscape that changed rapidly as the economy grew. Since then I have observed India's development, but also evidence of poor sustainability, for example its high levels of pollution...
Poverty is something which is very common. Yet I never understood how the people in one country could be extremely poor while those in another can be very wealthy.Throughout my life, I have had the opportunity to witness the high standard of living in the UK as well as the abject poverty experienced by the people in Argentina when I lived in these countries during 2001 - 2005...
No subjects have gripped me in the way that economics and politics have done in the last twelve months.
For the first time in my academic life I feel I've had the opportunity to engage with the real world...
I am interested in the way that society works, the principles on which it is based and the interactions between these principles. Economics is indispensable for understanding society as, for one thing, it examines the use of power: an increasingly dynamic force since the emergence of democratic, market-based societies...
My interest in economics and politics arose from the fact that I come from a region which is politically and culturally complex. The countries formed after the break-up of the former Yugoslavia are at different stages of transition and integration into the European Union, and different levels of economic development...
"The first lesson of economics is scarcity, the first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics" Sowell's words intrigue me as did the thoughts of social theorists such as Nozick and his anarcho-capitalism, Spencer's and Smiles' Social Darwinism, and the legacy of Thatcher...
It is my wish to understand the events around the world as fully as possible. In particular, I'm interested in the way economic models affect society and how they relate to political decisions: for instance, what can be done to maximize the growth of a country, and how? I strive to discern the causes behind the success of particular nations and the distribution of wealth in today's world...
There are numerous prevalent issues surrounding society at present, such as political upheavals, economic crises and worldwide pollution. What interests me the most is the issue of income equality in countries...
To fully understand the wider implications of economics on a global scale, one must also understand the political and individual motivations behind people's actions. This a feat that can only truly be achieved with the study of both politics and philosophy alongside...
Reviewing the 2008 financial crisis made me consider ‘why have we not anticipated and warned people strongly about the crashes with our sophisticated knowledge of Economics?’ This has pushed me into exploring the subject in greater depth...
Growing up in a business environment has allowed me to experience economic theories first hand, rather than from the pages of a textbook. From a young age I stood by my parents, watching as they went from working for others, to running their very own company...
Will the UK Pound appreciate once again? Will the GDP maintain itself over two consecutive quarters to avoid a boom? What will happen to the net trade? Ultimately, what are the implications? My fascination for the subject has grown; I enjoy examining the fluctuating currency of my motherland Pakistan and its Rupee in comparison to the Pound...
Growing up in an ever changing and volatile economic climate, I have witnessed the hardest hitting recession since the Great Depression, the growth of China and India as world financial powers and the growing importance of economics not only as a field of study but in everyday life...
My major passions, which appeal to me, are computer science, economics, finance and mathematics, and in my opinion there is a creative combination among these varied disciplines.
I have engaged wholeheartedly in these areas both inside and outside of school, and I desire to actively partake in them at university through my chosen courses and extra activities...
I often ask myself if Economics is an art or a science. As you would expect, most people see numbers, statistics and figures. What I see is a complex but structured blue-print of ways to solve problems within both the political and financial sectors; I see an abstract piece of contemporary artwork containing individual elements all working in harmony which can be interpreted in different ways...
The financial crisis of 2007-08 has been the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression and has severely impacted my family, especially my father who owns three businesses. The economic downturn has inspired me to learn and appreciate more about the economy whilst better understanding how and why such a devastating crisis could occur...
Politics and Economics are two topical subjects which ignite many academic discussions; both coincide to help understand current issues of political turmoil, economic instability and international disputes...
Whilst vacationing in Los Angeles, contrary to my expectations, there was an unavoidable inequality gap and poverty was as prevalent as the pharmaceutical industry, liquor stores and fast food restaurants...
Home to 250 million people, various religions and hundreds of different ethnic groups, the country I come from is prone to different conflicts of interest. Persisting poverty and the threat of radicalism are two of the many problems that contribute to Indonesia's economic complexity...
If I were to use one word to describe economics, that would be "decision".
Since I was young, I have always been confounded by my inclination to weigh the potential gains and losses before making decisions...
Whilst my parents often bemoaned my childhood hobby of virtual football card trading, I was unknowingly discovering the cornerstones of modern economics in market activity and the laws of supply and demand...
Throughout my travel, studies and experience in the world, I have been able to attain what I hope to be a worldly and open minded. Which gave me a thought, to look at current world issues like poverty, debt and famine and I wanted to address the challenges faced by humanity, because what affects the world affects us all...
As Steve Jobs said in a most eminent speech at Stanford University, it is impossible to "connect the dots" looking forward when you are young. Thus, the only way to make the right decisions at the age of 18 is to follow your intuition...
The complex relationship between geography and economics, and the impact of economic policy on society, has always interested me. In particular, I am captivated by how the natural world can alter economic policies, and comparatively how an economic policy can have numerous effects on society and the environment...
Throughout my life I have experienced a wide variety of cultures- I have Spanish and Lebanese origins, but I was born in Mexico; and during my childhood I was educated in a British school. This multicultural background sparked in me a great interest in understanding relations between different countries and their differences in government and economy...
I vividly recall my 6th Christmas; our house was no longer a home. We had an office and a business. Christmas dinner was eaten in the boardroom- yet the future looked positive. By 2007 we were holidaying in Lanzarote; Dad however spent most of the time watching Bloomberg, smoking and on the phone assuring his clients that their money was safe; it was frightening...
Throughout my life I have experienced a wide variety of cultures- I have Spanish and Lebanese origins, but I was born in Mexico; and during my childhood I was educated in a British school. This multicultural background sparked in me a great interest in understanding relations between different countries and their differences in government and economy...
After studying about The Great Depression in the 1920s it made me fully aware of how important economics is to our everyday lives. I find it intriguing to see how poor economic decisions can lead to hyperinflation in Zimbabwe or watching huge countries, like the US and China, go head to head with different policies and tariffs with the intention to create bigger and stronger economies.
The Lehman Brothers collapsing created a domino effect on the global economy, unleashing turmoil for over 10 years on developing and vulnerable economies. Risks of stock markets crashing have sparked my interest to understanding the wide range of factors that influence quick decision making, resulting in either drastic profits or significant loses.
I have always been curious and inquisitive. So, I read. In books I found answers to most of my questions. But, most importantly, I found new ones. This laid the groundwork for my passion for Philosophy...
The economy is constantly ever-changing and adapting through innovation, cultural standards and growth. It's wide applications and dynamic concepts have made it one of the most diverse subjects to study. Combining this with human behaviour, this has shown me that there is always a narrow scope of randomness for any event.
The United Kingdom possesses one of the oldest education systems, with its academic stature known as the golden standard for the rest of the world. Tradition and diversity are simultaneously infused into its academic and social culture, breeding skills of the highest caliber...
My curiosity for Economics first started after the EU referendum; the controversial Brexit result caused a decline in the forex markets, making sterling depreciate rapidly, increasing the cost of imported goods such as food.
Having British Indian parents made me see beyond racial differences, but living in a world of inequality and prejudice made me take a deep interest in the root causes. I discovered arguments of socio-economic divisions and discrimination that dated back to the British Empire which was a victorious time for Britain's power and politics but fundamental in creating cracks in egalitarianism...
US President Harry Truman once demanded a “one-handed economist”. Whilst he was tired of economic advisers telling him “on the one hand” and “on the other hand”, it is exactly this endless debate, of competing theories, policies and objectives, that has driven my passion for Economics. One such debate is how best to intervene in market failure and thus, ensure an efficient allocation of resources.
The construction of logical arguments is what I enjoy most in economics, as it compels the mind to make a link between the technical and arithmetic worlds, presenting knowledge in a coherent manner. Physics, whilst significantly aiding me in the application of theoretical models, its reign over laws and formulae appeals less to me than the unpredictability of human nature...
Presenting Globular Clusters for my school's astronomy group at the European Science Exposition 2016 was one of my most formative experiences. Amid international enthusiasm, I witnessed the creativity and awe that science, with mathematics at its core, can inspire...
My interest in politics stems from my grandfather, who was a Kashmiri politician. Accompanying him to political events ignited my passion to learn more about the Kashmir situation and political activism in general, causing me to read 'Kashmir in Conflict' by Victoria Schofield, outlining the history of the issue and possible solutions to the problem, which I found achievable yet unattainable due to the current political climate.
The interaction between philosophy, politics and economics is fundamental to the human experience. I want to study PPE because it permits a consideration of the inter-relationships between these disciplines and a greater understanding of their influence on individuals.
As a ‘third culture kid’, I grew up with a foot in two different worlds, my parents having migrated from ex-USSR states and started a new life in the West. It taught me to appreciate the economic differences arising from opposing institutional ideologies, which I am keen on continuing to explore at higher education...
I remember the days when my family and I would sit at the dining table to discuss current affairs, politics, and economic problems. Although I do not recall much of what was said, I know that I was always confused...
Economics affects every part of our lives. Consumers, firms and governments make decisions every day with an economic impact. What I find so alluring about Economics is learning about how the ramifications of even the smallest decisions can impact us so greatly. Every decision can be analysed in a mathematical and theoretical way, to understand how and why it was made.
As an avid history lover, I have been fascinated by the development of our global society, from its ancient conquests to its modern shape. Whether it was the old conquests of the Huns making their way to Eastern Europe, or the rebirth of countries following WWII, these stories and their economic implications for trade and cultural exchange have always pushed me to discover the underlying economic mechanisms and rationales of the world we live in today.
Economics, defined by the merriam-webster dictionary, is a social science concerned with the analysis of production, distribution and consumptions of goods and services however to me constitutes itself as a subject that tackles reality with mathematical data as evident in econometrics as well as the empathetic observations of human nature that is apparent within behavioural economics...
The overarching goal of my MSc program in Economics is to provide me with the knowledge and skills required to become a successful economist by equipping me with the necessary theoretical knowledge and analytical tools to understand and analyze the economic behavior of individuals and societies.
I believe my attraction to global economies and systems comes from my background. My Iranian heritage and experiences within the country has given me a dual perspective that allows me to understand how different the world truly is...
During the outbreak of COVID-19, my father took a keen interest in the economic state of the world, and his views and opinions became a focal point of our dinner table conversations. I was truly captivated by the impact that such complex and intricate economic processes can have on people simultaneously globally...
Born to Nepali-Indian parents and now a British citizen, I have embraced cultures from the East and West. Ergo, I feel compelled to understand how there are such vast differences in countries and why we still have such inequalities despite centuries of research, evidence, and theory...
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