Business Management Personal Statement Examples
There is a rapid growth in global organisational concepts, crystallised in Japanese business philosophy, to be as effective as possible in the most efficient way.
New technology involving networking information and automation influences the behaviour of business and enables significant transformation...
I am currently working full time as an administrator in a Hospital in my gap year after sixth form. I chose to take a year out after my A-Levels to gain some true life experience away from the security net of full time education...
Creativity is what first drove me to pursue business and management. New business ideas fascinate me. The notion of running a business and the risk involved in business has excited me for years.
Whilst reading the book "How They Started" by David Lester...
Since I first started studying business at GCSE I have been interested by how businesses operate and function, considering how they are able to become successful not only on a local scale, but how they are able to expand and grow to eventually operate on a global scale...
“The time is always right, to do what is right” – Martin Luther King Jr.
As a young child living on the breadline with my mother and my sister, money has always been the measurement of anything that was deemed to be relevant...
My greatest achievement to date was when I was appointed head of the 6th form Management committee. I have turned it from a minor committee to a thriving active part of my school.
Whilst maintaining the balance between academic and extra-curricular pursuits I have used my initiative in starting and managing the ‘Cafe’ at my school to raise funds for any 6th form investments...
Business has become one of the most important aspects of our life and from my perspective it has more influence on our world than any other disciplines. Business is what I want to do study to degree level because I am naturally passionate about it...
I have chosen a business related course as I have been interested in this field from GCSE level and I believe that I have the qualities to forge a successful career in this area. I have been inspired to fulfil this path by my Uncle, a director at a successful company in England.
Ever since I can remember, I recall always wanting to organise everyone and give them certain tasks to do. In fact, even when I was just playing with my friends. I remember how I used to organise all the plays and concerts that we did, and that was pretty often, and to want to have everything close to perfection...
Have you ever climbed a mountain 1474 meters high? By your own limbs without any help from any vehicle? Well, this was one of the most unforgettable and valuable experiences I have ever had, and I will cherish it all my life...
Management has always been my ultimate goal and a desire to master new concepts and techniques has influenced my choice to involve maths, computing and business as my A-Levels. A combined degree in both Maths and Management would provide me the skills and knowledge to fulfil my long-term ambition of managing a business in the computer related sector...
I have always been interested in businesses and how they operate, as well as being fascinated by other languages and cultural differences
My passion for the subject increased when I chose business studies as part of my main education at school...
I come from a background where my family has been in the retail trade for the last hundred years. Whist I was growing up I have been actively taking part in the running of the business.
My family has given me the opportunity to further myself in achieving my goals...
I currently attend Peter Symonds Sixth Form College. During my first year, I gained 5 grade A AS levels in geography, computing, business studies, maths and biology. I choose these as they are subjects that I both perform well in and which also interest me...
Seven years ago, I decided I wanted to run a business. The idea of managing an organisation, with the vast breadth of competence that such a job requires, the sheer variety of activity that it entails and the stimulating challenge it poses, holds great appeal for me...
I believe that the Postgraduate HR Management programme will provide me with the necessary knowledge to enhance and develop my capabilities. Also, in order to become a successful HR manager, it is imperative that I gain a more thorough education.
My interest in current affairs, politics and the way in which the global economy operates, has fuelled my intentions to read economics at university.
Furthermore, I am longing to be able to answer questions such as, how do various stock markets function, for example such as the FTSE 100 and other stock markets, and what effects do they have upon our everyday lives, as well as on businesses and companies? How is it possible for multi-million pound companies, such as Enron, to go into liquidation?
I eventually plan to pursue a career in international trade or within the civil service...
My motivation to study Accounting /Information Business at degree level develops from my enjoyment from the single Business Studies at AS, currently converted into a double award at A2. For me, Business Studies has proved to be a fascinating subject, one that offers unlimited professional opportunities...
Aquent was in a perilous condition. The 1,800 sales representatives at the company had contracted far too many high-risk, low-profit project orders related to network construction. The resultant deficit at Aquent, one of the world's biggest communications companies, had swollen to nearly USD150 million and threatened to bring the company down...
"We don't need to take this analysis any further, especially since the client isn't paying for additional work." I was dumbfounded. An idealistic graduate of Dartmouth College, I had imagined that the business world would provide an excellent learning environment in which to explore and apply my theoretical training...
After graduated from the college, I plan to go onto postgraduate studies and work on an MBA. A strong performance in Business and Marketing study will allow me to move onto an MBA and only then shall I be satisfied
From 2001 to 2003 I was working at an International trade company...
For as long as I can remember it has been my fondest dream and my furthest goal to attend college. From the beginning, I knew it would be an uphill climb to gain admission into a prestigious university...
Hello! I'm a student of Production Engineering: Marketing and Management and Production Management. During tha last 3 years I gained a lot of experience in the field of production. I was taking part in many presentations made by older students at our University...
My interest in economics, business, finance and banking has been long standing as I am interested in how important decisions within these fields have everyday affects. I feel I have a sound and enthusiastic response to this aspect...
Academically, I have always been a very determined and studious individual, hence why I knew that a degree at University would be the definite next step. I have a broad interest in many subject areas yet feel drawn towards a law or business orientated degree...
I have always wanted to go to university young because feel that going to university will give me a good sense of direction and help me to define who I can be, and what career I will pursue in the future...
I would like to study Business Management at university, as I am interested in current affairs and am curious about the real world
Business management will teach and help me how to manage people; how to make and carry out decisions; and how to assess markets...
My decision to study project management in construction and other business related subjects stems from developing an interest in business as a career aim. This interest is almost certainly the result of growing up in an entrepreneurial family where I was constantly exposed to discussions about all aspects of enterprises, from new business ideas to running a firm efficiently and managing projects...
For the past year I have been studying subjects relating to business on the Internet. I have chosen to apply for a course in business relating to the Internet because it is a very interesting and exciting area to work in...
I believe I have the intellectual ability to complete a Masters Degree and I have illustrated my drive, ambition and dedication to do this is many ways. I am capable of working as part of a team as I have developed the initiative and ability to follow instructions and have the capacity of working with others.
Since moving on to further education I have always shown a keen interest in Business studies, studying a wide variety on the subject during my A Levels. This has helped feed my enthusiasm and dedication towards the subject grow stronger and gradually has made me want to study it in more depth...
Throughout this last term I feel I have continually furthered my abilities and competency surrounding the learning process. More specifically I have gained a deeper knowledge surrounding management as well as substantially building on many skills
One of my biggest achievements this year has been my drastic improvement in my presentation giving ability...
I am very interested in studying a business management course with the addition of legal and financial studies.
From a young age I have always had a keen interest in monetary matters and have also been intrigued by legal systems and how they work...
I believe I am very capable of organising people and managing the logistics of running a company. I am keen on all aspects of business, but am particularly interested in Business Management. I feel I am a good communicator and wish to develop my teamwork and leadership skills
I was lucky enough to be a guest at the Institute of Directors 2001 Annual Convention in the Royal Albert Hall...
My aim is to study management in two possible fields, events and sport. This is because my career goal is to work as part of a company organising events
Taking part in a vocational course in the 6th form has enabled me to develop my organisational skills...
The progression of technology and the effects it has had on civilisation has always fascinated me, and generated within me a profound interest in computing and business management. My passion for the subject expanded when I chose Information Technology, as part of my A-level education...
Exposure to my parents' restaurant businesses from an early age has given me an insight to the everyday running of the business. This has inspired me to follow in their footsteps and set up my own business one day...
I have always wanted to do something great with my life, proving to myself and my family that I could be different from my other brothers and sisters. I am the only one in my family who is currently studying at College...
There is a gowning trend toward how to mapping and process in application and database in software engineer that running the multiple platform (operation) system for the largest software system.
A programming in dependent on interrupt and complier has become too productive and a high flexibility power in-house if it may reduce the code and domain capture in system...
To me, management is a game of control. In front of the game, management becomes interesting. I always tell myself there are only two choices in this game: to believe that I will win and put in the effort which is needed to achieve the victory or not to join this game in the very beginning...
I have previous experience in an accounting environment where my position was as a trainee accountant. This gave me the experience of working at an accountancy firm, while showing me the skills and knowledge required for a future career.
The words 'money' and 'business' do not just simply mean cash, but also contain implications of people, trust, management, investment, objectives, strategies, problems, solutions, challenges, failures and successes...
Ever since the first implementation of money it has evolved to one of the main forces that abet our society in making progress in this highly commercialized age. As a result a whole new type of relationship between people has emerged, defined shortly nowadays as business and finance...
To be a top notch management cum logistical personnel, with wide range of knowledge in business management in all ramifications is my main goal.
Ever since an early stage in my life, I have always worked hard to overcome challenges. This in turn influenced my passion for business. Business can be a risky and competitive industry, but having considered my most desired skills and interests, I know that I am ready to step into the world of business...
Since the start of my teenage years, I have developed a strong interest in Politics, current affairs and the way in which our economy operates. As I've become more mature, my interests have intensified...
My wish to study business has developed increasingly ever since I understood that we lived in a world where everything was due or connected to money and trade. What really interest me in business is its complexity and its unpredictability...
Thinking back to the early stages of my GCSE years and all the way up to the end of my final year of college, studying business has always been full of enjoyment for me. During this time I have developed a better understanding in the subject and given the chance, I want to further enhance my knowledge and understanding of the subject in a degree program...
Some people consider business studies uninteresting; they think everything is just about numbers and money. However, after closer view business is about perfect balance. Balance between demand and supply, resources and merchandises...
Throughout my life there has been this reoccurring scene in which my father convenes a family meeting, usually on a Sunday evening. By the next morning, we always find ourselves busily packing for yet another international move...
To me being an ordinary employee is not satisfying. I believe I can get my hands fully into the projects and have a major influence on how they are implemented. Although I have a short but rewarding period of work experience, from the beginning I had my mind set to reach higher positions within industry and to be able to pursue this dream I am applying for the MSc Management course...
My inspiration to pursue a BA (Hons) Management degree course came from my unexpected interest in the business field, for my personal development of being efficient at my job and most importantly to be accomplished as an individual...
Non-economists often view economics as an attempt to quantify results by using models, theory, and mathematical computations.
While these are essential components of the field, logic, rationality, and expediency are the governing dynamics of economics...
There is no limit to what you can learn and how much you can earn from it. Instilled with this belief by my father, I have since the beginning learnt to approach the world differently.
I view that knowledge can be applied practically not only to earn a living, but also to earn wisdom...
Accountancy and Finance remain central elements of the dynamics of commerce, that define the way a firm, shareholders and society at large interact on multiple platforms.
Pursuing a masters degree is a responsibility I owe to myself as well as a commitment I have to others. I refer to it as a responsibility because I have a proactive outlook on life, which makes me actively seek and go after the things that I want to accomplish in life...
‘A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts.’ – Richard Branson
Since successful completion of my work experience at the end of Year 10, I have developed an ever-increasing interest in Business, the people involved in it and how I might use my skills to one day compete in that environment...
As I peered over the edge of the plane and looked down 14,000 feet to the ground ready to jump. As I took my first SCUBA dive and experienced the surreal and exciting feeling of breathing under water. As I trekked for 2 days and stayed with a Thai village tribe feeding elephants and helping local families I thought and smiled ' Dreams really can be achievable'...
As a witness to the global financial crises, I was struck by the importance and relevance of organisational management. I first applied bookkeeping and devised marketing plans for my mother’s business at the age of twelve...
It is true that degrees such as medicine, law and architecture, are highly recognised in society and are top fields for studying. However, business has grown to be a major part of day to day life; therefore my interest has lied in the core of a field which I believe has more importance than any other courses in today’s world, business management...
Most of us can expect to spend many years of our lives working in organisations of various kinds, being managed or managing others. I am one of those who like to manage people and interact with them. Human Resources Program will enhance my marketability and give me the relevant professional skills and knowledge that employers in today’s marketplace are looking for.
The role of a leader can be tough. Motivating people, supporting people, making decisions and learning from your mistakes are only just a few things you can expect from managing a team. However if you, your team members and your business prosper and succeed, it gives you a sense of achievement like no other...
Lack of management can lead to disastrous outcomes, and my home country, Russia, has suffered from these in dramatic proportions for decades. Its business inefficiency has led to people being devastated by unemployment and poverty, including my own family...
My interest in Business stems from listening to my father practising his presentations for work. Having studied it at GCSE/A Level, I know I want to pursue a career in Business, probably International Business...
There is no doubt that Mathematics is the most important element supporting science and business. Without the equation 'E=mc2', Einstein's 'Mass-energy equivalence' can only be a concept, but not a theory...
"Look at the labels on the clothes you are wearing." My sociology teacher started by allowing us to appreciate the work that went into producing our clothes, emphasising the journey each item underwent before arriving in that classroom...
Climbing a mountain 1344 meters high can be quite challenging, especially in winter conditions but climbing the Red Peaks which are 2096 meters high is the real achievement which definitely was the most unforgettable experience of my life...
“Life is never easy for those who dream”. At the age of 19 years, I had to bear the loss of my father, the ever best ideal personality for a teenage son.
The first thing; I inherited from my father, was bar of responsibilities...
"Why don't they hire somebody locally?" I was asking myself reading the newspaper article about the assignment of an expatriate to a position of general manager in an international company.
At that time I lived in Moldova and dreamed of becoming a manager in a TNC...
Business, whether studied or practised is an enthralling notion. Our modern day world is increasingly dominated by business, either local or global. Business impacts everybody. This alone captivates me and the crucial concept of entrepreneurship and innovation persists to intrigue me also and impels me to continue my studies within Business...
Management principles are imperative to the operation of businesses. Concepts such as financial accounting, supply-side management and marketing are few of the essential elements in order to regulate potent and efficient organisations across ever-growing industries...
Russia's lack of protection policies and a high level of government interference make it very difficult to run new business, despite having plenty of economic resources. Both of my parents had their own businesses and I have always looked up to them and wanted to follow them into management...
I want to do a Business Management degree, because I am an aspiring entrepreneur, and I want to start, build and develop a business for some time now, and I believe your business management course can help do it...
When I was nine, my father placed a twenty-dirham bill in my hand and asked me to bargain with a merchant into letting me purchase a thirty-dirham scarf for two-thirds its price. I remember the look on his face when I returned with both the scarf and an ice cream cone...
My most memorable and greatest achievement was my trip to Eritrea and Ethiopia. Being able to grasp an understanding of the nation’s values, beliefs and cultural trends and raise my awareness of poverty within these countries gave me the motivation to make a change...
Lithuania is a frantic country. It is notorious for hefty suicidal rates, ludicrous per capita alcohol
consumption, far and wide emigration — all of which are supported by the empirical data. That being
said, Lithuania is where I derive from...
“Have you decided what you are going to do after you finish high school ?” This is the question every student is asked in the last year of school at least a hundred times from relatives and friends...
Whilst most people have found their subjects of interest earlier on in their life, mine was discovered more recently. I have always found myself intrigued by how entrepreneurs can run an internationally successful business, and how all the economic, social science and management aspects play a part, which is closely related to the subject currently study...
In his father´s arms, a man looks hopelessly towards the ceiling - his pale, fragile corpse slowly decaying towards death. In the 90´s, the fashion brand Benetton used a real photograph of an AIDS-infected man, exploiting him to sell clothes, and thereby starting a controversial debate whether morally questionable portrayals should be used as a means of advertising for profit maximisation...
I’ve been exposed to the world of business most of my life, so I’ve never been short of opportunities to observe entrepreneurs. My mom started her own company when I was 8, and through the years I’ve watched her grow her business...
Business is the way of the world. Shopping, buying, selling, promoting, discounting, are all business activities and we are involved with it every day. It's an area I'm very interested in and want to learn more about...
Growing up in India, I was aware of the huge gap between the rich and the poor. Since childhood, I have wanted to do my part to bridge this gap and decided to pursue business as a means to bring about a positive change...
My decision to pursue the Master of Science in Supply Chain Management, at this point in my career, has been driven precisely by desire and ambition. My desire to comprehend topics revolving around Supply Chain Management and the ambition to achieve the level of Supply Chain Manager that I have always set my eyes on since back in my undergraduate days
As a child, I thrived on analysing the things surrounding me and asking the big questions, which later lead to my fascination with problem-solving. My excitement for business was sparked when I chose it as a subject at GCSE, there is something about business that allowed me to be analytical and logical when deciding which options were best for specific case studies in exams; I enjoyed picking these case studies/ industries apart and wish to be more innovative with my ideas in a practical way.
Problem solving is an integral discipline that spans across all aspects of business. It provides depth and challenge and enables me to feel accomplished after successfully solving a problem. In turn, throughout secondary school, I thrived in my mathematics and computer science subjects because they both drove me to use my critical and analytical thinking skills joint with problem solving in order to succeed.
Growing up, dinner conversations were seasoned with stories of market trends and organisational behaviour when my dad came home from work. Being force-fed facts relating to business and management really piqued my interest from a young age...
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