Criminology and Sociology Personal Statement Example 2

Do you never think about what your purpose in life is?

Being of a British African background the statistics don't always paint a rosy picture. They display a high level of educational underachievement and criminality. It is a pleasing concept to know that I am not included in this statistic.

Recently I had a heated debate on David Starkey's comment 'the whites have become black' especially since they make up a large proportion of the prison population. Why are black people in society more likely to be involved in criminal acts?

Is it due to culture differential socialisation? What can I do to help improve my community? Questions such as these have inspired me to work in the crime prevention team and involving young people who have been to prison, in schemes that prevent them from re-offending.

I would particularly enjoy a career in the HM Prison Service. To achieve these goals my first destination is university, to make this possible I have chosen a criminology based degree. This will enable me to get answers to my numerous questions and improve my community.

I have gained an entry level qualification into youth work which was a strong introduction to my chosen career. It has also taught me how to communicate effectively with youth from tough backgrounds. During this course I had the opportunity to enhance my presentation and debating skills which will be useful for the course.

Recently I have developed my interest in criminology by doing some further reading from the 'Criminological Perspectives: Essential Readings' book. Through this I have learnt about certain aspects such as victimisation, and groups which are more vulnerable to crime.

I have come to realise the importance of my communication and people skills especially when assessing arguments from different points of view.

This has driven me to take an active role in my community, church and school. I participate in outreach programmes with my church and contribute to sponsoring a child through my youth group, with the charity 'Compassion'.

My current studies have influenced my outlook on life; this has broadened my research and analytical skills which will be very useful especially when looking at how societies react to crime and victimisation. I have also worked with my local careers service as an advisor for young people Not In Employment, Education or Training (NEETS), to improve their confidence.

Many of the youths had been excluded from school. This has taught me to be patient and sympathetic. I believe these skills can be transferable to the prison service. Offenders need someone who listens to them without making negative judgements. During the last summer holidays I did an internship with the police.

This taught me more about taking responsibility; for example as team leader during my internship I had to take charge of my team's whereabouts. The tasks also required heavy analysis and in depth evaluation which will be an advantage when studying criminal cases. This will be of great importance especially when on placements where difficult situations may arise such as working with drug addicts.

University is not just a place that will broaden my horizons but I will be able to further extend my personal interests, such as joining societies. I am keen to pursue my hobbies such as dancing, singing and acting. The greatest achievement in life is helping others achieve their goals.

It is especially rewarding as I got the opportunity to mentor a student from my current school. This has enabled me to be more open-minded about different situations that may arise and deal with them carefully and sensitively. Resourceful, independent, hardworking and resilient, are words that I would use to describe my work ethic.

The demand of a joint honours degree will motivate me to success, and a useful career, not just for me but for society.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by world changer for application in 2012.

world changer's university choices
University of Brighton
Coventry University
Coventry University
The University of Liverpool
The University of Stirling

Green: offer made
Red: no offer made

world changer's Comments

It took my 11 drafts to get it this perfect. I hope it will be useful to students trying to apply to a similar course to me. I am just awaiting offers. I willupdate these as soon as I get them.


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hi, great personal statement

hi, great personal statement you have here. just wondering if/what offers you've recieved?


Say, you got a nice article post.Really looking forward to read more. Cool.

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