Sociology with Criminology Personal Statement Example

Society plays a vital part in our lives, providing the norms and values we follow throughout our daily routine. Sociology helps us understand the aspects of society from the seemingly insignificant to those of greatest importance. I am fascinated by topics such as crime, culture, education, and government policy; therefore, sociology became an essential part of my life, enticing me to study it further.

Alongside sociology, criminology captured my particular attention, with its in-depth focus on criminality and the criminal justice process. The summer 2011 riots increased my interest in the subject as the country constantly debated the causes and consequences of such delinquent behaviour. As a result I have decided to combine my two interests and pursue a degree in Sociology and Criminology at university.

Studying A-level Sociology has allowed me to be critical and objective about how I perceive the world surrounding me. Key perspectives such as Marxism captivated me in the way it distinguishes the class division between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat; how it explores the influence of capitalist ideology within the institutions of society. What interests me about studying this subject is that the perspectives always challenge each other, influencing my ideologies, allowing me to learn the differences and find my place in these on-going debates.

The forensic psychology unit of my A-level psychology has attracted me in the ways researchers explore crime, and provide possible reasons for engaging in criminal behaviour. I find the study by Wikstrom & Tafel very thought-provoking, as it focuses on the social influence in delinquent behaviour such as poverty, and living in a disadvantaged neighbourhood. It helped me discover some features of the origins of criminal behaviours.

I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the research methods used in psychology, sociology and geography. Knowledge of the different methods enabled me to understand their use and suitability in different settings. Throughout my Geography A-level, I found that human geography in many ways relates to sociology. The unit on rebranding places interested me the most. Conducting surveys and interviews with the developers of Kings Cross Central, and Kings Cross police force, enabled me to gain an insight into the main reasons behind rebranding, and evaluate the levels of criminality within the area.

Throughout my secondary school and in my sixth form I have volunteered for numerous events including open days, parents evenings and enrolment day. These have improved my communication skills, enabling me to communicate with people of all ages and backgrounds, also allowing me to use my bilingual skills in a productive way. I have undertaken various responsibilities as the chairperson of Amnesty International at my sixth form, a member of the school council executive and a form representative. I believe these experiences have helped increase my confidence, leadership skills, group work and time management.

My work experience as a reception assistant at a primary school and, as receptionist at an education resource centre taught me the importance of interpersonal skills, teamwork and also increased my awareness of self-reliance. As a checkout assistant I come across different customers every day and have experienced dealing with difficult situations in a professional manner.

In my spare time I enjoy swimming, reading novels and graphic designing using various software such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. I also have a passion for surreal art and photography. I won a photography competition recently with Thomson Reuters, where many students from schools across different boroughs participated.

I am a reliable and committed student who is passionate about sociology and criminology. I feel that university will deliver the vast knowledge and understanding of these subjects that I crave, providing me with opportunities to pursue a rewarding future career.

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You've given me real

You've given me real inspiration for my personal statement, there's not much else around apart from yours!

Thanks so much :)

where can I find Wikstrom &

where can I find Wikstrom & Tafel study?

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