Psychology Personal Statement Example 15

To study psychology at university would mean going to school every day being excited and eager to learn something I have a passion for. The study of the mind, how people behave and why they do fascinates me.

My passion for psychology originated from the study of philosophy and ethics at a level were we brushed upon the notion of Freud saying god was a substitute for a persons parents this made me curious so I picked up a psychology book, this lead me to further reading and reserch such as listening to lectures by professors such as Jeremy Wolfe and John Kihlstrom.

Also using websites like “ brain gym “ as examples of how cognitive therapy can be used. A Psychology course offers the opportunity for me to learn and expand my knowledge particularly in social psychology in which I would like to gain a better understanding of social groups and consumerism to assist me in my path to a career in marketing.

This year I have grabbed the opportunity to complete a gcse in psychology, this has enforced and confirmed my decision to study a subject, which I find as challenging as it is rewarding to study.

At school I enjoy taking an active role as a student involved in my house and school life. This year I have been elected to be sports captain for my house and act as a guiding mentor for students new .the responsibility given to me has taught me to be reliable and to meet peoples expectations.

Volunteering for charitable activities such as cake sales for my house, the school yearly charity fate and choreographing and performing dances for our charity dance show help me gain a sense of school spirit and community.

A large part of my life, which I know I will bring to university with me, is the lifestyle of health and fitness. At school I have been in the hockey, rounders, tennis teams but my main passion is for netball.

During my time at school my determination to succeed has lead to me being elected captain of the 1st netball team.

This involves organising and leading training sessions also assisting me coach in any way. I play for a local club and am going on tour to the Caribbean in October to meet and play people from different cultures. To maintain my fitness out of season I am a member of our local gym and often go running in the countryside.

Being involved in a sports team has taught me to be disciplined and controlled in body and mind, also how to balance being a leader and a team player simultaneously.

Apart from volunteering for school events I am also involved in a project in my local community in working with the Red Cross to ease the transition for refugees (from mainly the middle east but also Africa) coming to this country. Seeing how little the people have but how high the morale is inspiring, it makes me truly appreciate what opportunities I have.

Working for a living also gives me a sense of independents from my parents and pride of earning my own money.

I have experience working as a receptionist after school every day developing my skills in costumer service; I enjoyed this job very much but unfortunately had to leave as they were looking for a full time position.

Know I work at a local supermarket part time this experience has shown how work isn't always enjoyable but I have learnt to adapt and persist to make it rewarding for myself.

A sense of independence is a skill I treasure, as it will be an important skill, my parents are moving to Australia in May and I have decided to carry out my education in England i understnad this could be hard but i feel it will teach me to become indepent and resoucerful.

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This personal statement was written by emilywetts for application in 2008.

emilywetts's Comments

tried to use the internet to guide me but am not sure if this is the right sort of thing...would love any advice


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