Nursing Personal Statement Examples
Child nursing is a very challenging and demanding career, however the rewards would be amazing and I am ready to embark on this career. Nursing has always been a desire of mine.
To become a nurse would be to live my life doing something I am passionate about. I will bring determination, a willingness to learn and a positive mindset.
After carefully researching other career opportunities and speaking with family members and friends. I came to the realization that Nursing would best suit my compassion and innate desire to help people.
The role of nursing is changing as nurses are far more involved in the welfare of patients and this is placing more responsibility on nurses. I am confident of embracing this challenge and to take advantage of these changes and opportunities and use them to further my career.
I am eager to pursue nursing as a life changing career in order to contribute to the welfare of others. My ultimate goal is to become as Community District Nurse, which I hope to achieve with further training.
By now one may deduct that I plan on majoring in nursing. This career path will be a challenging one, I have no doubt, but I intend to push through and be rewarded for my hard work.
Growing up and watching my mother's nursing career develop has in many ways given me a passion for nursing.
I want to study nursing because I believe it will be the start of a long and successful career in working in the medical field.
I want to be a nurse to do something worthwhile with my career, I don't want to waste my days working behind a computer, I want to be a nurse to utilise all of the best parts of my character.
To live up to my dream to become a nurse I have been talking to my mom's friend who is a nurse in Tucson. She has made me realise that this is a goal that I can and will be able to accomplish.
Nursing is a profession I have always looked upon with respect. I believe that the role of a nurse can be very challenging and hectic at times, as well as rewarding and fulfilling.
Nursing is a lifelong learning experience, a vocation and a profession that I really wish to join. My ambition is to become a fully qualified registered nurse, building on the foundation of previous training and my current position as a haematology health care assistant and a member of staff bank within the Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS trust.
I would like to study nursing because I feel it will lead me directly to one of the most emotionally fulfilling careers available, as well as giving me the chance combine helping people's mental well being with their physical health.
Nursing would satisfy me helping others with their needs and seeing them to better health. I have always wanted to be involved in working in a health care setting from an early age as I spent a lot of time in hospital with my fathers heart problems.
I've been inspired to further my training to become a mental health nurse. I feel the need to help all the people in our society
I have been interested in the nursing profession since I was a child, but due to my parent's financial hardship, I was unable to achieve the necessary qualification at school.
My chosen courses to apply for study are BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing and Paramedic Science and BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science. I have chosen these courses for many reasons.
I would like to apply for this course in adult nursing because I want to change my role in such instances and want to be the one to help the person not only socially but medically as I believe that these two approaches have to go hand in hand when dealing with vulnerable people.
Nursing is a very challenging and fulfilling career. Being a nurse is what I have wanted the most in my life.
Adult Nursing is a profession that I am deeply passionate about. I feel that hands on working experience has given me the skills, knowledge and work ethic needed to get me started on a fantastic new career.
Nursing is a very challenging and demanding career that can also be both rewarding and interesting; and has been my passion since I was a child. However, in the last few years I have wanted a career in nursing that involves caring for sick young children.
My desire to take a course in adult nursing was established after my first work placement at a nursing home where I later acquired a paid job as a domestic care assistant.
What attracts me to nursing is that it is a demanding and challenging vocation, characterised by life-long learning which fits my personality.
A nurse contributes so much to society; patient care is extremely demanding, however I found my local nurses to be calm and supportive during work experience at the Princess Alexandra Hospital.
I previously worked for a domiciliary home care agency and am currently working in an elderly nursing home which specialises in palliative care. Despite the differences between settings, I take pride and provide quality service to people who are physically and/or mentally unwell with their daily living.
Witnessing the excellent care my grandfather received from palliative care nurses initiated my interest in nursing, when their dedication to his complex emotional and physical needs inspired me to help others. My desire to pursue adult nursing is a result of this and subsequent experiences that have demonstrated the challenging but highly fulfilling nature of the role.
I have always respected and had an interest in the nursing profession as I believe it is not only challenging but it is also rewarding, I would particularly like to become a child nurse as I have plenty of experience dealing with young children and I have enjoyed being involved in their care.
Children's nursing requires determination, perseverance, great knowledge and commitment. I have experienced first-hand how caring, amazing and professional the children's nurses are.
I believe that though most of my experience has not been clinical, I have the desired qualities to succeed in this ABSN program and beyond in the nursing field. My unique background will also contribute tremendously, as essentially every course I took, whether biology, psychology, or strict neuroscience, is relevant to clinical practice.
Throughout my life, I have seen how the medical profession is appreciated and respected by the public, and just how vital it is. Made even more apparent due to the current pandemic, my passion to help people has opened my eyes to a nursing career...
Learning disability nursing is a challenging yet rewarding career and I am ready to take this on. Working with adults with support needs has always been a great passion of mine.
I was inspired to become a nurse whilst caring for a patient receiving palliative care.
The nurses would come to give medications for pain and other symptoms, but this was not all they did -they would reassure the client and family with the greatest respect and support the patient mentally as well as physically to make them as comfortable as possible...
Child nursing involves providing both physical and emotional care for a child. It is a challenging yet rewarding profession which I have the drive and commitment to be part of. My intention to study nursing stems from my immense desire to provide care and support for children undergoing severe illnesses.
I have chosen to apply for Adult Nursing as it the one profession that offers the opportunity to make such a profound difference to the lives of people who truly need and appreciate it. I have carried out research on the job role and requirements for nursing.
I have wanted to work in Mental Health since I was 15 years old. When in crisis, I received a level of care which changed my life and I aspire to do the same for others. I also received care that was detrimental at times so I want to be a part of making a difference...
Becoming strongly dedicated to the nursing sector can potentially create difference for our people’s lives through expressing your compassion, care and awareness. After hearing this career within the media throughout the past, it has massively opened doors to myself of gaining a wider interest of the role which I would consider as one of the greatest decisions...
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