Adult Nursing Personal Statement Example 24

Becoming strongly dedicated to the nursing sector can potentially create difference for our people’s lives through expressing your compassion, care and awareness. After hearing this career within the media throughout the past, it has massively opened doors to myself of gaining a wider interest of the role which I would consider as one of the greatest decisions. I believe this career will open doors to myself as a life-long experience, which can align with my commitment to personal and professional growth.

Sociology has given me a greater lesson of increasing my understanding of different people’s perspectives. Interestingly, the recent topic of culture and identity has mostly grabbed my attention. It has candidly enabled myself that we should openly respect every individual regardless their beliefs, culture and their background and to be able to unite with one another. On the other hand, it has impacted my confidence to a greater extent such as developing my interest and ability to be able to conduct a wider understanding of different social behaviours. Most importantly, it will help me to directly demonstrate my problem-solving skills of treating patients and being involved in teamwork with co-workers in different scenarios. Interestingly, I have gained a skill of participating in teamwork activities.

Secondly, studying philosophy and ethics has demonstrated my ability to think critically and has improved my writing ability to a greater extent. The story of the analogy of the cave by Plato had jumped out of my curiosity because I would highlight this story as a valuable lesson of learning the importance of expressing honesty and truth towards your observations and communication amongst people around the workplace. This can be demonstrated when communicating with our colleagues and patients through being truthful.

Recently, the topic of Euthanasia had recently sparked my curiosity and this can be associated within the healthcare community as it can enable myself to fully observe and communicate with the healthcare team.
Furthermore, art and design has developed my time management skills and to be able to express my emotions through a piece of artwork. Taking the opportunity of studying the artistic side of a-levels, I have broadened my productivity through organising my portfolios and demonstrating my creativity.

Studying these a-levels can be essentially valuable and can be sampled in university and in the world of work. It has significantly promoted myself a sense of awareness of witnessing different issues, opinionated views of a certain topic and the values of understanding different perspectives of our society.

Outside of my studies, I have actively participated in several enrichment activities at the 6th form. An example of this would be participating in a community project, I believe this has developed my cooperation of being in a team.

Throughout the past, I was elected as a form prefect. Within the next couple of years, I will be hoping to eventually continue maintaining my diligence and hard work in expressing my full interest with the recommended course.

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Author's Comments

This is only a draft of my personal statement therefore you are welcomed to write some strengths and most importantly weaknesses for me to gain improvements.


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