Dentistry Personal Statement Examples

I am fascinated with dentistry because I love to network and build computers. If I spoke these words aloud, many people would scratch their heads and appear confused. At first glance, this statement appears absurd...
I have always wanted to be a dentist since I was little this is why I chose to do my GCSE work experience at a single handed dental practice for two weeks to experience what life as a dentist would entail Whilst at the practice I observed how a single handed NHS surgery runs and saw how the dentist interacts with the patients...
From a very early age dentistry has always had a strong impact on me, both in terms of being mentally challenging and also as a 'hand-on ' profession. This has now become even more so due to my older sister currently working as a general dental practitioner having graduated from Cardiff University I have always enjoyed helping and caring for others and also have for the last six years been caring for our elderly 85 year old neighbor...
I became interested in dentistry because I have always wanted to be involved in a profession where I am helping people and I am very interested in the human biology. I want to study dentistry over the obvious choice of medicine because as a doctor you are constantly passing a patient along a chain of other doctors, whereas a dentist can treat a patient straight after diagnosing a problem...
My initial exposure to taking dentistry as a prospective career path came on a family holiday to India, where I resided with my cousin who is a self-employed practising dentist. Here I learnt the real extent to which dentistry is a career, which can truly improve the quality of people's lives...
I am very committed to follow the career path to become a dentist. I have been inspired by an Aunt who is a dentist and has made me realise that it is a demanding occupation however this has done little to sway my enthusiasm...
Due to my compassionate nature and love for the sciences I have since long known that I would be best suited to a career in healthcare. Dentistry stood out from other fields of work because it had the additional aspect of intricate manual work, something which I want to be a feature of my everyday job...
Raised by a specialist ENT doctor, I always had a predisposed idea as to the type of profession I would pursue. Observing my father at work and witnessing the close relationships he created with his patients while diagnosing and reassuring them, has influenced my decision to read dentistry in university...
From a very early age, I have always wanted to be a healthcare professional because of my love of science and caring nature. I attended a medical school successfully completed my second year of study. I shared my accommodation with dentistry students and I began questioning whether I had made the right choice...
I have always felt that we, as humans, have an inborn desire to want to help others. Having been raised amongst doctors, this passion has blossomed into a responsibility I am beginning to understand, through my choice of studies and extra curricula...
My interest in Dentistry initially arose from my own experiences with Dentists. When I was younger, I suffered from cyclic neutropenia which led to many dental problems, and was always grateful to my dentist and dental hygienist for all their help...
My first memorable interaction with a dentist was when I was eight years old. I’d been playing in the school corridor during recess and had a pretty bad fall. I’d broken both my upper centrals and there was blood everywhere...
The way faces are constructed and the effects that accompany damage to the oral region fascinate me. Reading 'The Smile Stealers' gave me an insight on the history and development of dentistry caused my interest in dentistry to grow...
Dentistry is my passion. During a summer abroad, I had the chance to spend time with my uncle, a self-employed dentist, and this was the beginning of my commitment to study such a privileged degree with profound passion. Through this experience, I was able to perceive dentistry as a lifestyle that can enhance people’s lives rather than just a profession.

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