Dentistry Personal Statement Example 2

I have always wanted to be a dentist since I was little this is why I chose to do my GCSE work experience at a single handed dental practice for two weeks to experience what life as a dentist would entail

Whilst at the practice I observed how a single handed NHS surgery runs and saw how the dentist interacts with the patients. During the summer break after my AS exams I spent two weeks in a corporate practice while they were switching from the NHS to private dental care. Whilst at the corporate clinic I was able to observe a wide range of dentists and realized how different dentists can be, during this time I also worked as a receptionist which gave a different perspective onto dentistry as I had to deal with many situations such as ringing the technicians looking for a set of dentures or arranging appointments for a family of 5 to be as close together as possible on a busy day

This enabled me to see the full extent of the work needed to run a dental practice and also enhanced my people skills. Also at this time due to the switch from the NHS to a private "Denplan" scheme, it showed me the moral grounds for changing and how some patients benefited from the switch whilst some did not

I have always found great pleasure in helping others I found this trait of myself whilst I cared for an elderly person named Bert Palmer for the past seven years. This enabled me to see the pleasure you can bring to someone else and enriched my life. This therefore further drove me towards dentistry as my profession of choice

Dentistry became so appealing to me at an early age as my sister qualified from Cardiff University as a dentist. I was able to see what a dentists life consisted of and how it helped other people this appealed to me tremendously and since then have wanted to practice myself

Dentistry involves dealing with people in a professional manner and keeping them calm when they are distressed I feel I could be very good at this because of my ability to empathize with people, I developed this skill whilst on a 3 day course in peer mentoring which involved dealing with distressed people and looking at other peoples body language and our own

I have learnt how to prioritize and manage a larger workload throughout this year along with developing my self-discipline and organizational skills. My main interests are music and sport. I listen to music in order to relax and allow time to deliberate this allows me to get a sense of perspective on what events have occurred during the day. I play badminton, basketball, table tennis, football and have recently taken up tennis. Playing sport allows me to get out my competitive edge in a healthy way and helps promote team play and the ability to handle pressure

Looking to the future I would love to own my own practice. The ability to help people in need is the most appealing aspect though and becoming a dentist would provide me with tremendous job satisfaction.

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Your Work experince inwhich

Your Work experince inwhich you have aquired seems to have been very valuble to you in the respect that you have learnt alot about the profession.... i think what the personal statement lacks is passion- you did not mention what you learnt during your work experinexce which has made you so passionate to persue such a career as dentistry,

you need to fix your

you need to fix your punctuations. add more commas, periods. some sentences are too long and contain multiple ideas. you need to divide them. in addition, there are so many transition word that you can use, but you mostly used whilist. it gets annoying and repetitive after the second time. i don't think the paragraph about your hobbies is appropriate, and a little weak. but you do have good qualifications, you just need to fix your sentences. also don't go too specific in detailes as to include names and relations.

fab PS excelleent well done

fab PS
excelleent well done

Who the heck uses "whilst"

Who the heck uses "whilst" anymore?

I use the word 'whilst' duh!

I use the word 'whilst' duh!
You obiously need an english lesson or two whilst not being so silly



That's nonsense, using commas

That's nonsense, using commas too often is one of the most irritating things someone can do - it reads fine how it is.

Try not to use "whilst". It

Try not to use "whilst". It sounds like you're trying too hard to use sophisticated language.


sooooooooooooooo bad

I would just like to say that

I would just like to say that this is the fifth personal statement I have read that says 'My sister graduated from Cardiff Univeristy'- it was mentioned in several different personal statements I was given at school- not to mention those found on the internet- maybe it is true after all- I apologise if it is- but I think that there's no point lying on a personal statement- If it's not you the university wants, then why bother putting a fabricated version of yourself in? You are only going to disappoint them when you arrive!! Sorry if the thing about your sister is true- perhaps others have copied your statement! This rant isn't aimed at you personally- it's aimed at anyone who tries to lie to get their way into uni!!

well done! amazing PS

well done! amazing PS


Thanks-a-mundo for the article.Thanks Again. Cool.

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