Veterinary Science Personal Statement Examples
For as long as I can remember I have been interested in sciences. Science is a multi faceted subject which I enjoy as there is no limit to the information I can learn. I am interested in a career in vet medicine not only because of a wish to help but also due to a desire to find out what went wrong and to discover ways in which the problem could be fixed...
I have always wanted to be a vet and love animals. I am studying biology which I find particularly fascinating, chemistry, maths, history and animal related diplomas. I am looking at the link between euthanasia and lameness in horses as an Extended Project...
Long, skinny arms, and strong shoulders - the most important requirements for a large animal vet! (According to a lecturer at Vet Six '06.) I couldn't have agreed more, as I thought back to my first attempt to relieve dystokia in a ewe in Feb '04...
From the age of three when I got my first pet, I have always held a strong passion for animals and their wellbeing. Whether I was helping to take care of my cats or visiting the local stables, I have been surrounded by animals from birth...
From an early age I have been fascinated by the skill and professionalism of a modern equine podiatrist, captivated by the knowledge and ability of providing an essential job, but also in my eyes an artist and at one with a horse...
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