Occupational Therapy Personal Statement Examples
I believe everyone deserves the best quality of life possible and that being able to complete everyday tasks is a part of this. It is easy to take these tasks for granted and not consider the affect an inability to complete them would have...
For as long as I can remember, I have been brought up in a loving environment and encouraged to care for others. I have always been taught, ‘treat others as you want to be treat yourself’, no matter what I do in life...
Who will be there to help you, when your life is turned upside down and you don't know how to carry on, what to do, or whether you can pick yourself up and start again?
Some of us, if we're lucky, have family and friends to hold our hands and guide us through the darkest, most difficult days of our lives...
My life has been overshadowed with caring for people and a healthy living. Ever since I was a child my mother always instilled in me the importance of health and caring for my younger sisters and brothers...
“All you have to do is know where you're going. The answers will come to you of their own accord.” - Earl Nightingale.
For the longest time I wasn’t sure where I was going. I was beginning the last year of my undergrad and was apprehensive about what do to next...
I have always been interested in a career in the care industry and, after meeting with an experienced occupational therapist, I was sure that occupational therapy is a career suited to my personality and abilities...
At eighteen years old, I did not possess an adequate knowledge of all the health care professions out there and I presumed pharmacy would be for me. As I was studying towards my biochemistry degree, I took my first step into healthcare as a pharmacy technician...
My own difficult and challenging journey has cultivated a desire to become an Occupational Therapist. As I was preparing to graduate from Murray State University in 2016, I sustained a spinal stroke which was life changing...
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How To Write A Personal Statement

Read our top tips for putting together a successful personal statement.
Personal Statement Template
Personal Statement Template

Use our personal statement template to put together your own unique statement.
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