Chemistry Personal Statement Examples
What I love about chemistry is the constant sense of discovery: looking at the simplest reactions on a molecular level is like glimpsing a whole new world. I am keen to learn at the cutting edge of current knowledge and to contribute to new discoveries...
Science is not just a subject taken in school, or a body of knowledge; it is a state of mind as well – always inquisitive and wondering. As a child, the world around me constantly captivated me and inspired questions, and I found delight in having my questions answered, always wanting to learn more, from fundamental particles, to atoms and molecules, to organisms, planets, and the universe...
Studying maths mechanics is helping me develop my numeric skills, which I believe combined with chemistry, will help me greatly with chemical engineering.
I was told I couldn’t have the opening paragraph I had originally written, so to begin I’ll to describe the scientific processes in my own words as this is what will underlie my degree and hopefully my foreseeable future...
I first became interested in chemistry at GCSE level as this was the first time that I had studied the sciences separately. I found it a subject that I understood and have continued to find thoroughly enjoyable and achieve very well in...
The most fascinating aspect of chemistry is the knowledge that everything around us, the whole universe in fact, comprises a grand total of some 92 natural elements, to some degree or another.
I have always been fascinated by the elements, and the relation each element has to all the others in what is known as the Periodic Table...
Since studying Chemistry and Design & Technology at A level, my desire to develop my knowledge of chemistry, incorporating the use of computers with technology, has increased. I wish to study in greater depth the potential interrelations of these subjects and look forward to the unique creative possibilities that a greater knowledge and understanding of them will bring...
All aspects of chemistry and the every-changing needs of society particularly in the environmental field fascinate me. In particular, I most enjoy experimenting and the challenge of understanding chemisty and it's surrounding issues...
What I love about chemistry is the constant sense of discovery: looking at the simplest reactions on a molecular level is like glimpsing a whole new world. I am keen to learn at the cutting edge of current knowledge and to contribute to new discoveries...
By having this opportunity to apply to university, I hope to specialise in the fields of chemistry and computing, as I currently study these subjects at 'A' level. I have enjoyed the aspect of creating systems in I...
Science has always interested me, and chemistry in particular is my favourite subject. I know I would like to take it further, hopefully as a career. Molecular mechanisms and what they can tell us about our world fascinate me and a university course represents a unique opportunity to further pursue my main interest
I am enjoying the breadth and depth of my A-Level studies and relish the freedom to work more independently...
From the smallest molecule to the most important issues of the modern world, chemistry is fundamental. The burgeoning world energy crisis, for example, will only be solved with the help of Chemistry, and the possibility to be involved in this is an ambition of mine...
My appreciation for the way in which medicines have aided psychological and mental illnesses in our society today was one of the reasons why I chose to do Sciences at A-level. I have encountered many experiences in my life, which have truly tested my development as a teenager...
Few aspects of life fall outside the scope of chemistry and this is what fascinates me about this dynamic and fundamental science subject. From a young age I have enjoyed and excelled in mathematics which reflects my logical and enquiring mind...
Having been raised by a paramedic and a pharmaceutical rep, I think my interest in Science was probably inevitable. It's a discipline that I've been exposed to all my life, and a natural thirst for knowledge drives me forward through it...
Nowadays, science and technology play a vital role in people's lives. They have become a dominant factor in the development of society. Therefore, many countries are striving to diversify their economies through the development and application of new and advanced technologies like the ones that operate on nanoscale...
Chemistry appeals to my practical and analytical nature; the part of me that starts by asking: "How?" and "Why?" and doesn't give up until I have the answers. My love of Chemistry has led me to take part in various events such as the Salters' Festival of Chemistry, where my analytical Chemistry and practical skills were tested and my team earned 3rd place in "The University Challenge"...
From the race to find a vaccine for the H1N1 virus to the almost daily reports of breakthroughs in the field of cancer research, science has always fascinated me.On a more personal note, my interest has largely stemmed from school, work experiences, and science in the news...
During a concert, people can find me more often at the console, operating unfamiliar software on computer, rather than playing with my band on stage. I'm not studying in this field, but I'm a keyboard player equipped with knowledge of computer music...
My passion for science became apparent when I had a 'light bulb' moment during my time at
college. Throughout school it wasn't really clear which career path I should take as I have an
aptitude for most subjects creative as well as the scientific aspects of the curriculum...
Chemistry is all around us. From the very clothes on our back to the products we use every day, chemistry has been involved in their development. As it is a multi-faceted and ever-evolving subject, providing endless fascination, there are constantly new challenges and questions which must be answered...
Chemistry is in my opinion the most important of the sciences today. As a science of matter and its properties, Chemistry can be applied to almost any situation from forensics through medicine to environmental sustainability...
Throughout my life I have always had a strong desire to learn all about the world around me, and have therefore always been drawn to scientific subjects. In my opinion, chemistry is by far the most broad and fascinating subject of the sciences...
The realisation I wanted to study Chemistry at degree level came with my growing appreciation of its contribution and significance in shaping modern society, coupled with an increasing interest in the subject as my knowledge and understanding have developed...
Chemistry explores the properties of all matter and energy in our universe, which eventually leads to breakthroughs that benefit mankind, ranging from how to prevent food from decomposing to understanding what chemicals can help or harm you...
Without chemistry, the world we live in would be nowhere near as advanced as it is today. From our bodily functions to the entropy of the universe, chemistry is the central science that links every aspect of science and society together...
Chemistry fascinates me, both purely academically and in its varied and massively important applications. That interactions at the subatomic level can have such wide ranging impacts, both theoretical and practical, is astounding...
Growing up, I was inquisitive and fascinated about the make-up of everything I could lay my little hands on. This thirst for knowledge was satisfied in the first semester of my sophomore year at the University, during a coursework in analytical chemistry...
My desire to pursue a degree in Chemical Engineering originates from my appreciation of the significant work done by chemical engineers in implementing the practical applications of nanotechnology and translating this Nano-work into the fields shaping the world - the sciences, Computer Science, and even Economics.
Chemistry is a scientific discipline that captivates me because of its ever-growing and academically challenging nature. Since learning about water filtration at GCSE, to the mechanisms for the synthesis of organic compounds at A-level, I have always been intrigued by the theory and application of chemistry...
I’ve always been fascinated by science and more recently I have developed a passion for organic chemistry when I purchased a Molymod set and began exploring the molecular structures of compound and understanding how functional groups influence their chemical and physical properties...
How drugs are synthesised, what area they know to attack and how scientists know what materials to precisely use are questions that fascinate me. Professor Don Craig from Imperial University described Chemistry as the "central science" at a taster day...
I’ve always been interested in the versatility and breadth of science, and I find Chemical Engineering to be the perfect balance of the natural sciences, offering a variety of real-world applications from fuels to food products...
Being accepted to a MSc program regarding applied organic Chemistry or Catalysis , is so important an opportunity for me, since as a future graduate, I will have gained the demanded knowledge, in order to confront the emerging technologies, concerning the discovery of promising drugs and synthetic processes, in the fields of organic and inorganic chemistry.
Technology steers the direction of history for better or for worse. I have always loved the limitless possibilities chemistry has, being able to design so many materials with such useful properties. However, looking back on some past discoveries with hindsight and seeing all the chemicals that have been detrimental to the world and the people on it makes me want to be a key factor in its safe development for future generations.
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