Teacher Training Personal Statement Example 3

Teaching is my passion and I realized this during my studies. While I was doing my bachelor, luckily, I got a chance to work in a primary school as an assistant teacher and this work allowed me to get closer to the children and give them the best support in their lessons.

Undoubtedly, that was an enjoyable moment to see them solving problems with their small brains which sometimes came up with utterly flabbergasted ideas and made them appreciated among others. Lately, I strongly believed that the experience was awesome and really helpful for me to build up my career.

In my opinion, teachers play a vital role in not only building up a child’s prosperous future but also making them good humans in society. After pre-schooling, the primary level is a pathway for an individual that leads to the entire life as well as mentors like teachers play a role as a backbone. Perhaps, primary education is a foundation and a child learns how to behave with others, they fill their curiosity by doing small things, learn confidence, try to mingle with other kids, and pluck the courage to show their inner skills and capabilities which are usually appreciated by the teacher and then a child feel self-respect and knows his strength and make his weaknesses his power.

There are certain reasons why I choose this course. Firstly, I suppose the teacher has the power and ability to make a real difference in the lives of the children, in other words, it can be said that teacher has the biggest influence on a child ‘s life and the visible results gives a sense of pride to her.

Secondly, teaching is a job that thrives on variety and teacher gets the opportunity to learn different things every day which makes this job more attractive. Moreover, in teaching, I see a purposeful and versatile vocation in this field, what I love most is that it has a fusion of learning and playing together in an enjoyable way.

Although this is a huge responsibility, I believe that through the education of children it’s possible to deliver the opportunity for them to find the best future that they can enjoy along with learning. Though it would have some hardships while working with the younger generation but I think that the outcome would be more prosperous and flourish which is more than worth the effort and dedication.

In addition, I think that learning is a natural and necessary part of life. And I usually spend most of my time with my kids, they are 7 and 8 years old and they really learn lots of things which instills a resolute desire to work in this field. As teaching is my passion and I am equipped with some skills that will benefit my further education and work with young people.

Since English has been my favorite subject throughout my education. I love reading story books and can explain them easily to the kids by making them more interested through different creative ways. History has given me an understanding of modern education and the principles on which it is based. Mathematics nowadays has been the easiest subject to study through play and home-based objects. Though, there are new skills that have been adopted to make this subject more appealing

Creativity, initiative, and organization are skills that I believe are critical to be a successful teacher and I believe these are core skills to help children develop their confidence and ability, both academically and socially. Good interpersonal skill is my strength, which always helps me to get engaged with kids. Additionally, I am good at motivating people through my communication and I usually practice this skill at home with my own kids and get a positive result.

Planning and organizing is the biggest power of mine. More often, I plan things before time so as not to make them a mess, and can be done in a pleasant way. Optimistic behavior, resilience, and creativity are part of my personality which I usually show through my everyday routine.

When I am not filling my spare time and work doesn’t call me, I like going to the gym or doing some baking. Baking and cycling is my hobby. I strongly believe in doing exercise every day which also motivates my kids toward a healthy life. I like eating green and clean as it’s important for being strong and healthy and for this I usually google different websites to cook healthy and nutritious food for my family.

I feel that I would be able to make a valuable contribution during my degree, and perhaps even more importantly, as I have worked so hard to get to this point, I would remain committed to studying because it means so much to me.

After my degree, I would like to go on to do further study and perhaps undertake training to become the best teacher with all the necessary skills. I have always had a logical, organized, and practical way of thinking, as well as a competitive nature, and math has always appealed to these characteristics. Here are some reasons for my choice to get attain a degree from the UK. First, UK has renowned educational institutes in the world. Second, universities in UK give opportunities to everyone to achieve their goals. And third and lastly, it gives quality education with work placement that help to groom the whole personality.

I am excited to study in the UK to achieve my career goals. Undoubtedly, I will try my best to complete this program with full knowledge. Teacher training from UK will be a perfect opportunity for me to further my understanding of children in their early years and allow me to learn about new areas I haven’t come across yet. My goal is to gain practical experience working with young children while also gaining relevant qualifications to be the best primary teacher.

Studying teachers training at university will be a perfect opportunity for me to increase my understanding of children in their early years and allow me to learn about new areas I haven’t come across yet. My goal is to gain practical experience working with young children while also gaining relevant qualifications to be the best primary teacher I can be.

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