International Relations and History Personal Statement

Whilst it is true history is part of the past, it has influenced my life immensely. From the diverse selection of people I have met, it is interesting the extent that history touches us all. My passion for the subject has shaped me into intellectually curious person I am today, with History and Politics A level aiding to further expand my scope for debate in present circumstances and exceed my exploration into evaluating causations and outcomes in current political affairs. Reflecting on that of Cold War relations allows me to engage with present conflicts such as the war in Ukraine and disputes in the Middle East, as well as domestic struggles such as how 21st century Russia is still affected by Marx's "Communist Manifesto" as well as how elements of McCarthyism still continue to manifest in US politics 100 years after its origin. It is fascinating how inseparable the past and present are.

My interest in the past introduced me to the political traditions and ideas of community, and the study of politics became equally absorbing. Both subjects retain their fascination for me, the extent that they interrelate, illuminating my view on history and providing me with a more well rounded understanding of the current political climate. My A level History coursework topic has allowed me to attain the skills of writing in an extended way through independent research, more specifically, on the civil rights campaigns in the US, analysing viewpoints through codified prisms. The ideological study of different political influences encouraged me to challenge and expand upon my perceptions of such historical figures. Upon investigation, stereotypical interpretations of leaders like that of Che Guevara, Kennedy and Churchill are discussed in O.English's "Fake Heroes" emphasising the diversity of historical opinion and its value.

Adding to this, I enrolled as a topic ambassador for history and politics at my college, supporting the department in enrichment sessions for future students. Furthermore, I was fortunate to be elected as my form's ambassador allowing me to experience diplomacy and debate through reviewal meetings. As well as this, I have competed at a national level in one of only six performance centres across the country for swimming. Managing these roles alongside working part time, has forced my organisational skills to be sustainably challenged.

My interest in history also extends past my A level course, experiencing the subject first hand has been a highlight of my past year, spending the summer volunteering in regions across Nepal. Absorbing myself in cultures I could only discover in books, such as C.Geertz's "The Interpretation Of Cultures" illustrating how anthropology should be viewed as more observational than analytical displayed by that of the narratives retold by native sherpas, it was more than evident that Nepalese society was in fact not as comprehensible as it appeared. Exploring heritage sites and museums such as the Hanuman Gate in Kathmandu, treading in the footsteps of 4th century royals was insightful. Even more so was how deeply rooted Hinduism and Buddhism were so profoundly intertwined into local life.

Moreover, I found myself fascinated by how international relations affected Nepalese history, upon further research into articles by political scientists, although Nepal declares itself as an impartial country it is intrinsically linked with its geographical neighbours, establishing diplomatic ties with China in 1955 and gaining exposure of western values directly through India. It is clear how debates around Nepal's political foundations and socialist-oriented constitution are ignored even by its own leaders. Resultantly, this experience has exemplified to me how global political history has a complex effect on the modern contemporary world and I look forward to the further challenges and opportunities studying a history based degree will present.

international relations and history
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