Dietetics Personal Statement Example 3

Memorising the many functions of nutrients in Home Economics as a Year 8 student was never a chore for me; the tiny components tucked away in our food fascinating for their disproportionately large effects on the human body and health. This enthusiasm for nutrition has followed me throughout my academic career. My A-Level Nutrition and Food Science research project into dietary supplementation during pregnancy has enlightened me on the importance of nutritional education. This project has developed my investigative skills and I am eager to strengthen these abilities further at university.

My A Level in Biology has furthered my understanding of the human body, including diet-related health conditions like CVD and diabetes; Chemistry has developed my practical skills working in a laboratory. To diversify my own knowledge and provide insight into topics presented in higher education, I have completed the University of Aberdeen’s course on behaviours affecting food choices and read “The Psychobiotic Revolution”, which discussed the link between diet, gut, and mood. Exploring the physiological side of nutrition has been captivating, and I hope that in continuing my study of this topic, I will be able to effectively advise others on their diet and eating patterns.

Upon discovering dietetics as a career path, I researched the industry. Attending a Virtual Allied Healthcare Work Experience informed me of the day-to-day activities of a dietitian. Observing how they collaborate with the multidisciplinary team along a patient’s recovery journey helped me appreciate how important each individual is in achieving excellent results. I also organised attendance at an eating disorder conference that highlighted how dietitians work with various individuals and conditions. There I conducted interviews with registered dietitians who answered the many questions I had about the responsibilities and challenges of the role, discovering the importance of communication and the detrimental effect COVID-19 had on face-to-face consultations. I was struck by the influence a dietitian can have on people’s lives and the true impact of this vital work.

Through my College’s St. Vincent De Paul Society, I received dementia sensitivity training and had the opportunity to visit a local care home. There I talked to members of our community who are among the most vulnerable, developing abilities to accommodate different hearing abilities through adapting my speech patterns. Witnessing the visible joy on their faces while chatting was extremely rewarding. I am also a numeracy mentor, working with younger students to help develop their mathematical literacy. Breaking down complex concepts into simple explanations gave me an idea of what it takes to translate scientific research as practical advice for the public. Through these experiences, I have developed my communication skills, enabling me to interact with people of all ages and abilities within a healthcare capacity.

Working part-time in a busy and short-staffed café has presented many challenges. I have gained the ability to maintain composure when working under pressure, essential when dealing with a heavy workload. I complete orders efficiently and accurately as part of a team, collaboration skills required for working with other healthcare professionals. I am a key holder and can be relied on to open by myself, demonstrating my ability to work independently when needed. In my role as a Senior Prefect and position in the Student Council and Student Voice, I have represented the views of others, forming leadership skills through guiding discussions and becoming a role model for younger students and my peers. My balancing of in-school extracurricular activities, volunteering, a part-time job, and academic record demonstrates my dedication to excellence. I am confident that I have the enthusiasm and drive to take on dietetics both as a course and as a career.

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Applied for Winchester, Chester, Plymouth and Surrey. Received interview invitations and subsequent offers from all four choices.


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