Sociology Personal Statement Example 12

A Gospel choir tour around South Africa was the catalyst for my fascination with human culture.

As I travelled I was able to directly experience a multiplicity of cultures even within this one country. From the Baptists churches and schools in the township slums of East London to the affluent cities of Pretoria and Cape Town. Since then human culture has been a mainstay of my academic interest.

I am a member of the Royal Anthropology Institution, which has allowed me to read Anthropology.

Today, exploring the wide range of topics and investigate key themes within anthropology. Reading has allowed me to assess theories and construct my own argument and opinions in a more rational way. The first book I read in this area was T.H. Eriksen Small Places Large Issues.

This not only gave me a broader knowledge, but I was also able to home in on different aspects that intrigue me the most, for example the Political organisation of societies and its impact on all areas of life.

Due to my study of Sociology at A level I find that I naturally see events or even just day to day encounters from a sociological perspective. I believe this is a key skill for someone who is very passionate about Social Anthropology and another reason I think I would be an able student in this subject.

In July I attended a conference in Birmingham on 'Explaining the Resource Curse', this only increased my passion further and highlighted my desire to be part of this academic community.

As I sat there I reflected upon the greed of the minority that resulted in the lack of influence and power individuals in countries with potential have.

Having family from Zimbabwe I regularly relish the opportunity to talk to them about their experiences. Discussions and events such as these allow me to form independent ideas and gain an insight into other cultures.

Work experience at the Aston University Social Sciences department deepened my understanding of student life and allowed me to experience first-hand sociology and political lectures.

I have a growth mindset and so I understand that my knowledge of culture, society and anthropology can always be deepened.

During the summer, I intend to travel to Brazil for the Catholic World Youth Day. As part of this experience I will get to work in a school, enabling me to enhance my understanding of the educational system and experience Brazilian culture.

Outside of the academic realm I try to keep up to date with current affairs and I take a deep interest in politics. I am founder and chair of my local Conservative youth branch and I am on the executive committee for Staffordshire.

The skills of organisation, public speaking and my dedication have subsequently been developed through these experiences. Being editor of the school newsletter has required me to become an effective team leader and work with people.

For a year I have held a voluntary post in an Oxfam bookshop and have been a prominent member of the Fair Trade committee at School. This has helped me to enhance my personal discipline and increase my understanding when it comes to the issues within the developing world.

The spiritual dimension of my education has allowed me the opportunity to play a full role in the liturgical life of the school. Being a member of the sixth form liturgy group, an altar server and Eucharistic minister, I take part in masses, assemblies and run workshops.

I have also completed voluntarily work in a Special Needs School and have a qualification in peer counselling. I am a driven, focused and committed individual who believes that success comes
though passion and hard work.

Retaining a view point of a stranger can be hard, especially within your own culture. It is that ability however to remove oneself, to see the diversity, the complexity and the variety of humankind that makes Sociology and Anthropology challenge my thought and open intriguing academic paths.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by 06betwri for application in 2012.

06betwri's university choices
University of Bath
The University of York
The University of Durham
The University of Durham
London School of Economics

Green: offer made
Red: no offer made


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