My Essex diary

Now that I have completed the application process, and finished my application diary, I have decided to start a new one. My Essex diary will record my progress through university, and should hopefully give you a feel of what being at university involves.

Bear in mind that this is my personal diary, and I'm at Essex. Other universities are likely to do things in different ways, so what's written here is unlikely to be the same as any other universities. Likewise if you end up at Essex things are likely to be different - so just don't read too much into this.

The Essex university diary

Arrival at Essex
Go shopping
Check out Colchester
Get internet access
Go to department events
Sort out timetable
Maths tutor meeting
Freshers fair
Health centre registration
My first lecture
Go to more lectures
Miss a lecture
Do some washing
Do problem sheets
Go to first class
End of term tests

End of term
My arrival back at Essex
The first real exam
Go back to lectures