What Field of Psychology Is Right For You?

Fancy yourself a psychologist or somewhere in the field of psychology? Then, you need to take a closer look at where in the psychological world you’d fit in. Psychology is a broad study that encompasses all of the human mind and behaviour. Because of this, the subject is divided into several subfields, which you’d need to choose to pursue when you study.

In this article, we’ll discuss these subfields of psychology to help you choose which path is best for you. 

What qualifications do I need to work in psychology?

To be a psychologist in any capacity requires you to have a formal degree behind your name. Usually, this would be a bachelor's degree in psychology or what you majored in, but some careers require you to study further, even moving on to a master's or doctorate.

What field of psychology should I go into?

So, when it comes down to it, we need to consider what type of psychology you enjoy. Would you like to work with children in a more corporate environment or have your own general practice? Here’s what you have to choose from:

Clinical psychology

Clinical psychologists work closely with individuals who are struggling with mental health conditions. Their job would be to diagnose the mental health condition and prescribe a treatment for that patient. While they do work in a medical capacity, they can’t prescribe you medication for the treatment, only a treatment plan. 

Counselling psychology

Counsellors work in a very similar capacity to clinical psychologists. However, their studies aren’t as comprehensive and robust. Counselling psychologists generally provide therapy for individuals, couples, or groups, helping them work through personal issues or mental obstacles. 

Counsellors will usually develop a niche in the individuals they counsel. For instance, one counsellor might specialise in counselling married couples while another counselling children.

Forensic psychology

Forensic psychologists work alongside individuals in the legal department. They’re often involved in cases that require a psychological assessment of people relayed to the case and will perform evaluations on them to diagnose any underlying mental that might have led them to what happened. 

They’ll also have to give formal testimony of their findings in court as their expert opinion of the individual. Working with children who have to testify and assessing the individual on trial at the court are some of their other roles as well. 

Cognitive psychology

As a cognitive psychologist, your role would be to study the human brain and how we think or behave. This field of psychology focuses a lot more on research and theory than practical applications. In many ways, the practical methods and strategies that other fields of psychology implement come from research conducted by cognitive studies. 

Your tasks as a cognitive psychologist would involve examining patients, learning about disabilities and researching effective methods to help people cope with them. As a relatively broad field, you can expect to have a diverse selection of things to study. 

Educational psychology

Educational psychology is also a pretty broad topic. It involves examining how students learn at school, what learning difficulties they may have and what could help them overcome those learning difficulties. As they study the development of how students learn, their findings will then be relayed to those who create curriculum and to parents to aid their children with a better approach to learning.

An educational psychologist might also work with students who are exceptionally gifted or on the spectrum for a mental disorder. Others work in research, finding methods and better solutions to issues the education system is faced with. 

Environmental psychology

In environmental psychology, your main focus would be on studying the relationship between humans and the world around them. In most cases, you’d work on solutions to reduce waste or pollution, promote the conservation of wildlife and certain areas, and advocate for endangered species. 

Some career opportunities as an environmental psychologist include working with the government to combat climate change or advising on regulations that will help protect areas in the country from pollution or other threats.

Health Psychology

Health psychologists explore the connections between biology, psychology, and sociology to understand how behaviours impact mental and physical health. They conduct clinical trials to assess their patients' health and offer treatments for mental conditions or neurological behaviours. 

Their goal is to enhance patients' well-being and quality of life, often providing psychotherapy and guiding them towards healthier habits. These professionals work in hospitals, private practices, and wellness centres, equipped with skills such as an understanding of anatomy and physiology, knowledge of healthy habits, and strong communication and interpersonal abilities.

Personality Psychology

Personality psychologists study traits and personality types to understand their influence on behaviour and lifestyle choices. They often use personality tests to determine why certain traits lead to specific behaviours and develop strategies to modify those behaviours based on personality types. 

These psychologists work in various settings, including businesses, schools, and private practices, and are skilled in active listening, research strategies, data collection and analysis, and behavioural therapeutic techniques.

School Psychology

School psychologists focus on early childhood and adolescent behaviours to help students succeed academically and socially. They work in schools, collaborating with students, parents, and teachers to provide emotional support and develop personalised strategies for student success. 

Their role also includes ensuring the safety and health of learning environments. Essential skills for school psychologists include patience, attention to detail, teamwork, and empathy.

Final Thoughts

As we said, psychology is a pretty broad subject, so much so that we haven’t even covered all the fields within it. We’d suggest checking your options before studying. Take a look at a few psychology courses, read what they cover and the qualifications you get for doing it and choose the one that best suits you.