Futureproof Jobs For Australians

Looking for a job that is both rewarding and futureproof? When you’re after job security, going for high-paying careers is all good and well, but if your career isn’t future-proof, it’s only a matter of time before you need to look for something else. In these rapidly changing times, many Australians are facing the reality that their careers may one day be rendered obsolete, but choosing what you study wisely with the future in mind is an effective way to safeguard your future earnings.

In this article, you’ll find high-paying jobs that are considered the most future-proof in Australia so you can plan your studies strategically and give yourself the best possible opportunities in the future. 

Will your job be relevant in the future? 

Some of the most prestigious and “safe” jobs in the world are quickly being categorised as irrelevant in the future thanks to the progression of technology and computerisation. We’re talking about personal assistants, bookkeepers, accounting clerks and more – these jobs are all at risk and probably won’t exist in the next decade. 

With the advancements in AI, even jobs within the medical field are on the firing line of changes in pay rates due to changes in responsibilities. For example, IBM’s “Watson” has been programmed with tens of thousands of cancer cases. It has all the data concerning their treatments and outcomes to help hasten the diagnosis and treatment recommendations. It’s still a while away, but what happens to the high-paid oncologist’s job when an AI program can do it faster and better than any doctor? 

What jobs are considered to be the safest in the future?

There is a prevalent and growing need for graduates with STEM (science, technology, engineering, and maths) skills as well as soft skills, which are skills that machines won’t easily replace, and of course, we need people to maintain, program, and guide machines. 

Therefore, the safest jobs are generally the ones that incorporate digitalisation but need humans for optimisation and specialisation. Here are the safest high-paying jobs in the future.

1. Tradesmen

While there are many benefits associated with incorporating AI into construction, it’ll still be a long time before machines are able to effectively navigate all the intricacies of a construction site. With the demand for buildings (residential, commercial and industrial) right now and for the foreseeable future, tradies will continue to be an integral part of the process. 

2. Online security specialists and ethical hackers

Hackers - the good kind – are the people who are dedicated to finding the weaknesses in security systems and are vital to keeping the software and data of companies, governments or organisations safe, now more than ever in this digital age. As you can imagine, people involved in online security are paid well, and as the world progresses, they will prove more and more valuable. So, this is one of the most secure and well-paying jobs you can think of. 

3. Surgeons

While the AI might play a part in doing the research for specialists in the years to come, there is still a dire need for skilled surgeons in the world. Even with the adaptions to AI, it will not be able to completely replace the trust,empathy and creativity that human surgeons have and therefore they are still desperately needed and valued. 

4. Teachers

The teaching profession has changed over the years and we’re seeing more and more technology be added into the classroom, but the internet and computers cannot replace teachers completely due to the many facets of the job. Being a teacher requires empathy, flexibility and patience because not all children learn the same way and it takes a professional teacher to be able to adapt to help them learn best.  

5. Software engineers

Everything you see had to have been designed by someone, and with the digital revolution the markets have burst wide open and there is a heavy demand for software engineers, as well as app, robotics and website developers. 

6. Biotech engineers and scientists

Careers that are revolutionising so different aspects of life as we know it is those involved in biotechnology. From food manufacturing to healthcare this is a growing industry that will benefit daily life and these specialists won’t be replaced any time soon. 

7. Managers

Being a manager is an important role that needs to be handled by a human, regardless of the field as we will always need people with specialised skills and expertise to ensure that jobs are being done properly. Furthering your studies and earning an MBA is one way to set yourself apart and show prospective employers your qualification for the job and dedication to excellence. 

8. Analysts

With everything moving towards being digitalised, there’s a lot of data that will need to be captured, processed and analysed. As a result, one of the most well-paid and in-demand jobs right now is that of a data analyst or data scientist. These professionals play a critical role in organising and interpreting data to help companies, governments, and individuals use it to make critical decisions. Thus, as technology continues to adapt, we will always need analysts to make sense of all the data. 

Final Thoughts

The world is moving at a fast pace, and in order to have a secure and well-paying job in the future, you need to ensure you’re thinking ahead when you choose your career. These careers are some of the safest high-paying jobs that you can anticipate will still be around even with the implementation of AI and robots.