Personal Statement Examples By University

Use our personal statement examples listed by university together with our template to write your own unique statement. If you need a little extra help, please see our personal statement editing services.

Cambridge (89)
UEA (36)
Essex (16)
Lancaster (31)
Reading (26)
Sheffield (80)
Southampton (56)
Aberdeen (28)
Aberystwyth (10)
Aston (18)
Bath (66)
Birmingham (86)
Bristol (111)
Brunel (28)
Cardiff (39)
City (21)
Dundee (28)
Durham (84)
Edinburgh (117)
Exeter (57)
Glasgow (46)
Heriot-watt (18)
Hull (21)
Imperial (55)
Keele (18)
Kent (43)
King's College (73)
Leeds (82)
Leicester (49)
Liverpool (52)
LSE (70)
Manchester (116)
Newcastle (47)
Nottingham (96)
Oxford (81)
Oxford Brookes (18)
Queen Mary (50)
Queen's, Belfast (5)
Royal Holloway (26)
SOAS (32)
St Andrews (59)
Stirling (27)
Strathclyde (17)
Surrey (31)
Sussex (33)
Swansea (15)
UCL (126)
Warwick (98)
York (84)
Nottingham Trent (19)
Loughborough (26)