Postgraduate Personal Statement Example: Computer Science

Although it’s been a while since I graduated, the passion to acquire knowledge has never ceased. Being a STEM educator, I had the privilege to constantly interact with students and learning community, who gave insights to look onto the latest trends in the field of science, technology and mathematics education. I acquired expertise to design curriculums, deliver differentiated inquiry based lessons for students coming from varied cultural backgrounds across wide range of educational programs.

By receiving Outstanding Teacher Certificate from Cambridge Evaluation Team and Certificate of Appreciation from School Head, I assured to deliver my duties with desired competence and diligence. While working as a full time math teacher and online instructor for almost a decade, I have had encountered several instances exemplifying the extravagant role of technology and computing. Designing lessons or schedules, availing advanced pedagogical tools, conducting virtual days or maintaining data for students’ progress, smart technology has played humongous role. I gained familiarity with the basics of data handling, processing and analyzing while managing students’ database as part of my career.

I wanted to know more about what goes behind the scene even while using mobile phone, social media or watching online lessons. Moreover, I believe computing is a powerful tool to engage effectively with the world. This has instilled a curiosity in me to explore computing specializations like Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. Passion in self-learning with solid research and inquisitiveness led me to attain working knowledge of Programming Fundamentals, Data Structures, Algorithms, Object Oriented Programming concepts, and also execute Coding, debugging and designing skills with Python, SQL and HTML.

Completed mini projects - Conversion scales, time zones, board game and DNA processing. I am also looking forward to gaining hands on experience by enterprising internship jobs either as an IT enthusiast, programmer or Data analytic. This will be certainly useful in acquiring peripheral knowledge; however I wish to attain more holistic education by joining master’s program at a reputed university to leverage my career. My future endeavors would be to take slight detour from my current career to establish myself in another exciting province, where I can blend my existing knowledge (in mathematics) with the expertise in programming skills to develop advance IT models.

Achieving distinction grades at school enabled me to build an integrated personality with a passion for learning and self-growth. Obtaining Master’s (Math) and Bachelor’s (Math, Electronics and Computer Science) helped me gain essential strategic and adaptive reasoning in the study of Algebra, Geometry, Statistics and Calculus, also the logic and problem solving approach in designing Algorithms and intuitive programming skills. I believe, Integration of mathematics with computing widens the scopes and facilitates challenging yet interesting opportunities.

The problem solving and analytical techniques in Operations Research fostered the logic and decision making, which I believe, is one key component for developing models in real world or an approach towards mathematical modeling. While reading an article recently , ‘Mathematical modeling for Covid19 pandemic - A comparative analysis’, I was intrigued by the coherence of mathematics and programming, which facilitates understanding evolution of pandemics, their statistics and implementing safety measures.

The analytical methods in problem solving approach could be beneficial for not only eliminating abstractness of math, but also solving certain existing issues required for a better human sustenance. “Computers themselves, and software yet to be developed, will revolutionize the way we learn.” – Steve Jobs. This has been manifested significantly by how humans have adapted exquisitely to changes in recent times.

During graduation, I was successful in leading group works like – Community Service Project, Computer Education Project, Personality Development and Communicating English project. The Leadership and Management Certificate course (CSML) from Harvard Business School online, taught me the aspects of management, multitasking and decision making from the perspective of a leader. Counseling Practitioner course, from Academy of Modern Applied Psychology, enlightened in me the importance of mental wellbeing and the associated human behavior.

I took immense pleasure in organizing workshops and seminars for a regional organization, as part of enrichment program to train educators in areas like – Teaching math to young learners, Educational psychology, Cambridge Checkpoint training and SAT Math. While all teaching lets sharing experience, online teaching gives the flexibility to do so at a global scale and convenience. I also strive to support learners struggling in studies or achieving desired grades, by conducting one on one tutoring sessions.

For the past couple of months while in quarantine, I learnt abundantly about health and nutrition. By doing cardio, strength training, cycling I was successful not only to robust my fitness, but also obtained positivism to take forward my journey to explore new horizons. I love watching movies, documentaries, listening music, travelling and exploring nature extensively. Sometimes I read blogs, books and the two most recent I could remember are, – Atomic habits by James clear and – Ikigai by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles.

I am a lifelong learner and takes pleasure in every opportunity to explore the world and its inhabitants. I believe there are no limits to what a person can accomplish; the only ones are what we create in our mind.

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