Politics Personal Statement Example 41

The British general election of 2010 first sparked my interest in Politics. Even then, watching the televised debates and seeing the outcome of the election revealed to me how important politics is in shaping the future and providing stability for our country, as well as learning from past blunders. Politics teaches tolerance and understanding for other nations, allowing us to discover why conflicts occur as a result of ideological variation. I feel that, because of this reason, the significance of studying a political subject cannot be underestimated.

My Politics A-Level studies have offered further insight into both British and American politics, but I have a desire to learn more; particularly the subject of International Relations which is highly relevant within our fragmented world today. I read the Economist magazine and check BBC news online regularly to keep updated on current affairs. The idea of manipulation of public opinion also intrigues me, with the government's use of the media and technology influencing the beliefs and thoughts of society. I have watched the film 'Snowden' to further my knowledge of this, alongside other research into similar cases, including 'WikiLeaks'.

I also find reading a beneficial, but enjoyable pastime. Books such as 'The Leaders We Deserved' by Felzenberg have aided my studies by uncovering what key factors potentially make a President great (or not so great). When attempting to understand the emergence of political ideology I read the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx which revealed to me how an individual's beliefs can be used to influence many nations. Additionally, the novel 'Why Nations Fail' by Acemoğlu and Robinson explained to me how countries manage to prosper whilst others are less stable. Their ideas elucidate the relationship between politics and economics to propose which states arguably adhere to their thesis, whilst others don't.

Moreover, in my English Language A-Level subject I have used my talent of communicating effectively to write in a discursive and analytical style, which are important assets for a Politics student to have. We have explored how politicians adapt their speech for the purpose of persuasion or, perhaps, denial. Indeed, I am currently investigating how political power is represented in song lyrics where a JFK speech has been cited. My History AS-Level covered the changing US political environment, along with the Apartheid regime where I gained an insight on South African politics. This provided me with the knowledge of a nation unlike Western ones, enabling me to understand the range of political and social attitudes that differ from our own; another vital skill that I will be using at degree level.

My experience and proficiency have been furthered by my commitment towards various team sports through school for which I received a 'gold tie' award, and I have often volunteered to be an ambassador at school events. I have dedicated my time assisting the elderly and disabled in a trip to Lourdes, as well as volunteering at an organic nursery which offers opportunities to adults with disabilities. For work experience, I spent 2 weeks at the charity 'Christians Against Poverty' in Bradford. Here I obtained a working knowledge of bankruptcy and the processes that help clients who are struggling with debt. Because of these experiences, I have worked directly with the most vulnerable in society, where I have recognised how political, social and economic decisions have a significant impact on their lives, especially within the welfare system. I am now a member of the UK Labour Party and look for opportunities to help my local branch through leafleting and campaigning.

I believe that these experiences have thoroughly prepared me for the work I will be doing as an undergraduate. The commitment and diligence I possess in all areas of learning will enable me to achieve the best I possibly can for both myself and your university.

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Author's Comments

I used this statement to apply to a few different Politics combined honours undergraduate courses.

My offers are:
AAA - Newcastle University (Politics and History) - Firm
AAB - Manchester University (Politics and International Relations) - Insurance
ABB - Loughborough University (Politics, History and International Relations)
BBB - Northumbria University (Politics and History)


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