Medicine Personal Statement Example 3

The complex structure of the human body is a unique beauty. However, when witnessing my uncle deteriorating due to cancer it showed that complexity inescapably meant that problems arise.

I realised the effects such illness can have on the patient and their families and appreciate how fulfilling being a doctor would be in such circumstances.

I have experienced first-hand how diverse a doctor’s job can be; not just prescribing drugs or performing surgery but also empathy and compassion being key to delivering an effective care.

This fact was highlighted during a period of shadowing a Professorial unit at a Department of Psychiatry.

Here, I realised the importance of treating patients in a holistic manner; doctors need to be skilful enough to deal with the health implications of both physical and psychological complaints.

I was able to observe doctors communicating in difficult situations such as witnessing the emotional despair of a patient suffering from profound depression, where key skills such as empathy, patience and compassion are essential to enhance the doctor-patient relationship.

Having observed clinical multidisciplinary team meetings, I am able to appreciate the input various teams have in providing effective care and ensuring a better outcome overall for the patient and their families.

Having worked in a care home, I was able to work closely with elderly patients. This made me aware of their specific healthcare needs and challenges in relation to their care. Healthcare needs are influenced by various other factors including gender, ethnicity and social class.

Doctors need to demonstrate the capability of recognising these specific healthcare needs and addressing them appropriately. Many patients were in a poor state of health and usually in terminal phases of their illness. This environment exemplified how healthcare staffs are often faced with emotionally stressing situations.

My experience of shadowing a GP and the attached community staff exemplified how modern primary care in partnership with secondary care is central to an effective NHS.

Furthermore, I understand the research aspect of medicine providing an evidence base for modern medicine as well as the need for clinicians to undertake lifelong learning for the benefit of their patients.

Having attended a medical summer school, I had the opportunity to speak to medical professionals and students; Speaking to them made me aware of the challenges associated with a career as a doctor such as the proactive balance between work with long hour shifts with social and family life.

I have completed my Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh awards, which enabled me to develop my interpersonal and speaking skills whilst teaching a range of children with different abilities.

I am the founder member of my school’s debating club from which I have learnt methods of critical thinking and respectful discourse which may benefit my career in multidisciplinary meetings and case conferences. Within my role as a science prefect, I have been proactively involved in organising open days.

Being chair of Doncaster Interfaith has enabled me to discuss and develop my views on ethical and moral issues.

Involving me delivering lectures to the public, furthering my skills in public speaking and leadership. I have started the Crest award to independently explore science alongside my A levels.

Biology and chemistry allowed me to develop analytical skills and Physics and Maths have developed my deduction skills in following logical processes to infer results. I love reading as a hobby to increase my knowledge and as entertainment.

The medical world is full of intellectual, ethical, physical and emotional challenges which doctors face on a daily basis, but yet this creates a dynamic profession which is one of the most rewarding. My aspiration for excellence and to succeed within the medical profession will no doubt help make a difference to the lives of the future.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by DMohammed for application in 2014.

DMohammed's university choices
St George's Hospital Medical School
Queen Mary, University of London
The University of Nottingham
Imperial College London
Queen Mary, University of London

Green: offer made
Red: no offer made

DMohammed's Comments

well.... this took me about 16 drafts before i got to this! but this isn't even what i wanted , i think i could have improved but considering i finished this 5 hours before the deadline i didn't really have anymore of a choice

i started it like in the summer holidays and have had it critiqued by a GP, a clinical doctor who teaches at Sheffield uni, a medic student, a junior doctor and an admissions doctor. alongside school staff such as careers advisor, head of sixth form , form teacher .

a few comments on what i was thinking while writing it , hopefully this should help you ,

mainly i wanted a good intro, mine might not seem amazing but i think it fits its purpose, it gives an interesting start and adds a personal experience and touch to it which i think kinda removes the cliché(ness) from it .
then i thought i needed to show my wide knowledge of all aspects of medicine so used my work experience to describe an example and skills learnt and relation to medicine, then i used my other pieces of work experience to show an emotional side to medicine and aspect of care etc and what i saw and how i learnt/adapted...
then used some work experience to show a bit of understanding to the NHS and also to medical research.
i used my Sutton trust summer school as a way of showing my inquisitiveness into work life balance etc within the medicine course and in a career , showing i know what im going into etc
then used my extra curricular stuff to add personal skills, DofE is perfect because of the volunteering which i got to do in a science class, so like allowing me to prove i can talk to different people of different education levels and abilities and adapt my skills into practice not just observing.

one thing i think is really important is to make this Personal statement PERSONAL (lol i know you're thinking " isn't that obvious?") but what you've got to achieve is a balance between what the university is expecting from you, and what you really have and you're happy to talk and write about.
don't be one of those weirdos who writes it exactly how admissions want it , because too good to be true usually is , and they'll pick up on anything that seems false or too "perfect" . so get that balance right, yes , do write it like they want , but keep it personal.
Big up on your personal traits which make you unique ! i love debating and interfaith discussion , i've lead protests and meetings and spoke in front of leaders of faiths and politicians , so for me i added that in to show them my personal things (yes i know , sounds boring , but i love it) , but remember link it back to medicine! also take up a hobby, i didn't and i regret it . everyone likes to see a hobby as its something unique to you and can get a lot of skills from it .
(i tried to blag it with my "reading"... don't do that aha i don't think it works very well)

Anywayssssss.... erm i hope i helped and , god willing, i get into university , if i don't , its probs my UKCAT score which let me down, so don't disregard my advice! hope it helps/helped !

p.s. don't bother stealing even a sentence because plagiarism is detected , and also if you cant be bothered or are too lazy to write your own stuff then medicine isn't for you mate. try looking at childcare at your local college instead :)


Statement rating:*****

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