Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement Example 20

Having spent most of my early childhood abroad and the rest in an international school, English has become my primary language. Despite being fluent in my native language, Vietnamese, I prefer using English most of the time, especially when it comes to studying.

Many revolutionising advancements in engineering have been made possible by English scientists, such as Isaac Newton. With the United Kingdom being one of the world's top centres of research and innovation for the field of Engineering, I believe it will be the ideal location for my higher education.

Not only will studying there further my abilities, but I will also have the opportunity to learn from, or even work with, some of the most brilliant minds in the field.

Above most things, I regard leadership and teamwork as a necessity for any career path, and Engineering is no exception. This is why I currently hold the position of Co-Chair in my school's Student Council. Sport has also taught me a great deal about cooperation, teamwork, and adaptation.

Although I have chosen to devote all my time working towards three A* for the final A-Level examination, I still regularly visit the basketball court. As I have been told, universities in the United Kingdom provide an overwhelming range of clubs, committees and activities I could commit myself to.

Since my philosophy is that you must find the balance between academic and recreational activities before you can succeed, this plays an essential part in my decision to go to the United Kingdom.

In terms of academic interest, Physics is extremely interesting to me. With every lesson that goes by, I learn something new, and the more I learn the more I realise how little I know. Things which I once thought were simple are now very complicated.

However, this simply makes the subject more fascinating and intriguing. I love understanding how things work, and Physics does specifically that.

Physics is the never ending endeavour to question and explain the anomalies of the natural world, and it is the one subject I would gladly spend the rest of my life studying.

As strong as my passion for Physics is, I also have an undeniable passion for Mathematics. I have always been conflicted in what career path I should take, that was at least until I discovered Mechanics.

Mechanical Engineering provided the perfect solution for me, and I knew that from the first moment I started learning it. Not only will I be able to integrate Mathematics into Physics, I will also be given the choice of innovation.

The thing which made me choose Mechanical Engineering as my path of study is its flexibility. There are infinite possibilities of what I could become upon mastering Mechanics.

Many people say Mechanical Engineering is difficult to learn, let alone master. If anything, this only adds further temptation to the task. After all, what is advancement, if not the challenging of oneself?

Comprehension of Mechanical concepts has so far not been an issue, and I doubt it ever will be. As a matter of fact, it is the only subject in my life in which I have ever felt absolute confidence.

Mechanical Engineering is indisputably one of the most challenging disciplines in modern academia.

Despite that, I was raised to believe that nothing is impossible, especially when you have a passion for it. I know this is the ideal discipline for me, and I am confident. I will be great at it.

This is what I am going to do, and no one will convince me otherwise.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by nminh515 for application in 2013.

nminh515's university choices
Loughborough University
University of Surrey
University of Southampton
University of Bristol
The University of Sheffield

Green: offer made
Red: no offer made

nminh515's Comments

I got an offer from all schools which I applied to. The one particular exception was that Bristol (in which I initially applied for MEng in Mechanical Engineering) gave me an alternate offer, conditional offer on Electrical and Electrostatic Engineering, a slightly easier course in Bristol compared to its Mechanical Engineering programme (as shown with lower entry requirements).


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