Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement Example 12

I had discovered it in the early years of life, the solution to quench my thirst for knowledge, is to pursue Mechanical Engineering as my career.

Opting for such a degree will not only ease my frustration, but will facilitate me in accomplishing my passion, and following my dreams. Someone who is fortified with the art of manipulating numbers, in a useful way, can conquer any problem - even 1+1=11.

Mathematics has justified my belief as a main facet in Mechanical Engineering. Analysing different problems has broadened my thinking perspective, and amplified my scrutinising powers.

As a child I was fascinated by the subject of mathematics, was never quite able to grasp the complexities but was attracted to it none the less, but as I grew older my understanding of the subject increased and so did its charm for me.

I took Mathematics as a principle subject in my O level and chose Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Further Mathematics as my A level subjects. These subjects broadened my horizons and enhanced my analytical skills. Furthermore, they fulfill the pre-requisite of engineering.

During my work experience, I have learnt skills which would guide me in the years to come. My work experience at Digital World Pakistan (DWP) Pvt. Ltd. has taught me to cope with real life situations and problems. I learnt essential time management skills that will help me in my future life.

Through my experience at my father’s company, Crown Winding Wires, I learnt to draw and enamel copper wires, and helped my fellow employees in the laboratory. This direct interaction with engineering science has given me the necessary practical experience to understand scientific concepts at a practical level.

Apart from my academic achievements, I took part in diversified co-curricular activities. I am a member of the student council and hold the office of the General Secretary of the Science Society. I have been part of designing and constructing many workable models and have organized various science fairs at the college campus.

A membership in the council has enabled me to develop leadership qualities and a sense of responsibility. At the moment, I am helping our community services society, IRTIQA, to raise funds for earthquake victims of Baluchistan.

I believe sports play an integral role in character building. It can teach one many lessons implicitly that can never be taught explicitly by any institution. Due to this belief I actively participated in almost all sports related activities that were provided at my school. These activities made me feel relieved from my hectic college routine.

I was enlisted for my college cricket team and it helped me in relaxing after the tiring academic schedule. In my leisure, I also play table tennis and football. I have represented my college at various sport galas.

In the coming years, I see myself graduating as a mechanical engineer. Excelling in the field of mechanical engineering is challenging and a life-long career; it would give me a sense of self-actualization and satisfaction of my intellectual cravings.

Studying in the British system would not only develop my personality but would enrich me with cultural values that the British institutions are known for.

Through planned academic management, I see myself graduating from a world-class university, in the coming bright and enlightening years.

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This personal statement was written by huzaifa for application in 2010.


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Very neat post.Thanks Again. Fantastic.

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