Liberal Arts and Philosophy Personal Statement Example

Coming from an Asian culture, I have often been berated for considering anything other than STEM subjects, leading me to a path of intellectual autonomy. My interest in Philosophy therefore originates from an internal inquisitiveness and a deep appreciation of how Philosophy has had a profound effect on humanity.

When briefly touching on liberalism in Politics, I began to see the importance and the value of freedom, and how Mill's 'harm principle' is applied when a sovereign Parliament passes new legislation. Political philosophy is oftentimes rooted in the theological theories of divine command, free will and ethics. Mill therefore contextualises the impact of politics on the lives of ordinary citizens and their tenets. For my English Literature NEA I compared the play 'Julius Caesar' to the historical novel 'Alexander at the World's End', to answer whether the pursuit of political power triumphs personal morality. Here I explored hegemony, divine command, as well as dogmatic, political and social philosophy.

History has enabled me to appreciate the significance of empirical and descriptive data from major historical events within the past century or so. From Thatcher's conviction politics and radical economic solutions, to the interventionist solutions in Roosevelt's New Deal following the Great Depression of the 1930s, I believe History anticipates the liberalization of the mind. Drawn in by the different economic approaches of political leaders from History and Politics, I enrolled on the MOOC 'Political Economy of Institutions and Development'; it covers topics from societal fragmentation to classical liberalism.

Captivated by the interdisciplinary nature of Philosophy, I completed the MOOC 'Introduction to Philosophy'. I briefly studied moral and political philosophy, epistemology, philosophy of the mind and of science as well as metaphysics; giving me insight into what Philosophy entails. Intrigued by the developments of religion, I completed the MOOC 'The Cosmopolitan Medieval Arabic World'. My study allowed me to see the important developments of Islamic societies and the contemporary significance of religion and Theology in complex issues such as the Arab Spring and Iran's troubled theocracy. Curious to see how academics critically propose viable solutions to reconstruct modern society, I also read 'Utopia for Realists', alongside 'How Britain Really Works'. The latter provided context to the current state of affairs.

During my Year 12 work experience at a local museum, I compiled a portfolio which identified skills to develop when undertaking tasks; analytical, logical, research and communication skills. My primary task was to conduct a review of the museum's welcome leaflet, outline its functions, assess its effectiveness, and then pitch my findings to the operations team.

Alongside my studies, I take on the duties and responsibilities of Deputy Head Boy. I regularly attend Sixth Form Council meetings and contribute to the agenda for improving the Sixth Form. Finding intellectual humility to be a valuable quality, I joined the Debating Society, where I enjoy engaging in discourse on ethical issues such as mandatory vaccination. My EPQ focussed on solutions to the environmental detriment of fashion, and outlined its contributions to the global environmental crisis.

My liberal approach to the art demonstrates a willingness to enter university with elements of academic rigour and enthusiasm. My approach reflects a keenness to develop transferable skills for an eventual career in the public sector.

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