International Security Personal Statement Example

My undergraduate studies, involvement in student government, and interest in building a more cross-cultural society have inspired me to undertake a masters in International Security. Being an Italian of Indian origins made me aware that the world is entering a new phase, defined by the rise of Right-Wing Populism. I have seen it; I have felt it. This is creating a significant threat to the security of particular individuals and diplomatic relations between nations. I wish to study how the social landscape can influence governments by aligning to specific political ideologies and explore the implications upon all citizens. In short, is globalisation and mass migration the origin of populism and the decay of national and international security?

Living in Northern Italy, I’ve travelled extensively through neighboring countries; my love of travelling has also fueled my passion for history which has proved useful while attending Counter radicalization and Terrorism’s module and IR Theory as additional subject to my degree. Through history I have learned that the Roman Empire’s decay was a consequence of an inner social instability caused by the invasion of the Celts. I argue that Europe is experience a similar process due to the mass migration. It is my belief that we have to work jointly and avoid history to repeat itself. Brexit is an alarm bell that shows that we are heading towards a path of division. It is in our common interest to craft policies that rule out systematic racism and capable of protecting security in the society.

I have also grown to understand that imbalance of power and lack of strong diplomatic relations are the cause of most major disputes. This can be seen when talking about Kashmir in India or Sud-Tirol in Italy. Both countries are in disputes with neighbor states to prevail their legitimacy over the provinces. This is a great example of how countries in different parts of the globe can share the same concerns.

I’ve seen this play out at a local level as well. As ‘Widening and Inclusion’ Representative at my University, I have witnessed the difficulties that sometimes occur when trying to create an environment suitable for both national and international students. However, I’ve also found that individuals can find common ground when they have shared values. I have based my approach on the principle of Pluralism that I have harvested thanks to the reading of Hannah Arendt: Human Condition. Plurality is fundamental to establishing a cohesive and respectful society.

Aside from academia, I am also part of the EU Neighborhood Project. I am currently a young European Ambassador; and my primary focus is to create a cohesive society, increasing cooperation between the EU and Eastern Nations.

Finally, joining your University will offer me the best possible start to my ultimate ambition to work within the EU as an international diplomat. I feel confident that my academic efforts combined with my aspiration to be an active member of the university community would make me an ideal asset to St Andrews.

Thank you for your consideration.

Kind regards,


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Hey All,

Can you please let me know what you think?

I am applying for St. Andrews this upcoming year and I found very hard to compress all of my experiences and knowledge in 500 words.

I would appreciate your input!




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