Film and Television Production Personal Statement Example

lf a person had not seen a movie at a determined moment, perhaps that person would not be who they are today. And that is something really extraordinary. Finding the perfect balance between a good story, a skillful handling of technology and impeccable photography is a challenge. A challenge that I am willing to constantly commit to.

I have always preferred to communicate without speaking, I have been this way as far back as I can remember. I got used to writing from a very young age, I dared to create short stories at 12 years old, to write a novelthat I am still working on today and, little by little, I entered the digital world and this fascinated me. Using the computer as a tool is an activity that I never get tired of, starting to work with it until everything else does not matter. I learned through researching on my own and I developed different skills for digital design, I soon ventured with
video editing and montage and that was just a reiteration of what I already knew I loved. And what career path integrates all this? Film. My reason for studying this degree is to continue to improve upon skills related to directing and producing, photography and visual effects. They are without a doubt the specialties that best fit my personality.

During my studies I have done advertisements, an analysis of the film "Erin Brockovich" and the audiovisual recreation of a chapter of an old novel ("El Lazarillo de Tormes", 1554) adapted to today's era. I consider myself to be an innovative person, that's why I enjoyed that last project, because it was a creative challenge for me. I also participated in a robotics competition, I was in charge of designing the model of a typical Norwegian house in the village of Rjilkan. ln general, in all work that involves imagination, I am the first to offer to be in charge. I
discovered a new way of expressing myself through art and acquired a greater sense of responsibility by coleading the group. On several occasions I deviated from my goal due to the absurd belief that society imposed on me about what people with good grades should study (science). But it is almost impossible to ignore such a real passion, after all I must be the protagonist of my own life. And even though, I wasn't studying what I was passionate about, I managed to get distinction in my secondary school studies. I set out to be the best, and I
managed to do it.

One of my favorite hobbies is making book covers, I have done it since I was a teenager. I also read and write, it makes me feelfree and safe from the dangers that concern us all today. That disconnection I feel when writing, I also feel whilst listening to different genres of black music. lt has an essence that calms me and, in turn, gives me energy. These activities make me feel like I am where I want to be.

I have decided to leave everything behind and start my new chapter in this country to get the life I want, to know that I am in the place where I really belong. Studying Film Studies at your university would give me the opportunity to have all the knowledge and experience necessary to continue writing stories, making films that deserve to be created, and to tap into my artistic and cognitive abilities to project them into a good film. I need the world to know everything I have to say, and I will take advantage of my best virtues to make it happen

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Successful personal statement that got me into Greenwich University.


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