Civil Engineering Personal Statement Example 21
The catalyst for my ever-developing interest in engineering began with a family holiday to London back in 2006.
I remember gazing wide-eyed in wonderment upon the majesty of Westminster and the accompanying Elizabeth Tower, my eight-year-old brain struggling to comprehend the sheer complexity and difficulty of designing and constructing such a magnificent piece of architecture.
At the time I never imagined seeing something like this would have had such a lasting impact upon me, but the sheer grace of the design and the accuracy of its construction had captured my imagination and from then on, I knew that civil/constructional engineering was what I wanted to pursue as my career.
The subjects that I am currently studying are Mathematics, Physics and Business studies. Maths and Physics are at the very core of every Civil and Constructional engineer’s skillset, as the need to think logically and in a clear, methodical manner are invaluable to have in this profession.
I’ve found the most important skills that I’ve accrued over the course of my time at sixth form are: the ability to work in a clear, coherent manner; the ability to form teams with my peers in order to tackle particularly difficult tasks and my newfound ability to persevere, even when faced with something seemingly insurmountable.
The thing I’ve found most difficult to overcome were my AS results the first time around, as they weren’t up to the relatively high standard I set myself.
I do however, believe that I have made a very positive change in attitude, which is evident from my most recent results and improved work ethic.
My ability to work in a clear, coherent manner is evident from the fact that I took both maths and physics, two subjects that require this sort of procedural thinking in order to be successful in them.
A specific example of this would be when we were provided with assessed practicals to complete in physics.
These required a lot of planning and thought to carry out, as we had to set up the equipment, carry out the experiment and record the results to a good degree of accuracy, and then analyse the results we gathered, sometimes involving drawing this graphically and with calculation of percentage errors.
Over the summer, I worked with my Dad at his engineering company, which involved working as a team with around 5 other members. We were at the Hovis bakery in Bradford attending to a breakdown in the production area, and were tasked with repairing an industrial mixer.
My Dad, his friend and I were seeing to welding the frame of the mixer back together, as it had started to crack and become unsafe.
Over the course of this job which took several days, I gained a valuable insight into what working in a professional engineering environment was like.
It had also helped my ability to work in teams, and only served to increase my interest in gaining a professional career in engineering.
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Not sure how to round it all off, thoughts?
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