Biological Sciences Personal Statement Example 7

Looking at moth wings under my microscope, or testing conductivity using a plasma ball, may not be exactly cutting-edge research, but is nonetheless a fascinating experience. I cannot express clearly enough my passion for the sciences- in particular, biology. The delight I get out of studying the natural world makes it, by far, my number one subject. Therefore, I have decided undoubtedly this is what I wish to study at university level.

When I was 6 years old, my parents bought pet chickens. Captivated by them, my interest soon stemmed into a fascination for all birds. At 10, I did a school project on bird evolution. I collaborated with palaeontologists, wrote up personal theories, and did my own drawings. Receiving top marks, I won the cup for the best project in the year. Afterwards, I realised natural history was really my forte, and so my interest in the entire natural world began.

As well as A-Levels in biology, physics and geography, I have also voluntarily gone to statistics lessons, teaching me valuable skills to help with the sciences I am studying. My favourite aspects of biology must be ornithology, evolution, and classification, and I love reading further into these areas. 'The Wisdom Of Birds", a book by T. Birkhead, I particularly liked because of its depth of knowledge, and the clear passion for the subject laced into it. 'Corvus: A Life With Birds' by E. Woolfson, I also really enjoyed, being a fascinating and rather touching account of living with a rescued rook called 'Chicken', along with various other birds. I've enjoyed reading the biographies of various relevant scientists as well, my favourites being those of C. Darwin and T. Huxley.

My passions have led me to have collected many specimens of my own to study, dissect or preserve. I love doing my own research, and have an ever-growing collection of bones, plants, etcetera, along with a rather large number of identification books. I have kept many live animals as well, including quail, caterpillars, and snails, which I have enjoyed caring for and studying. This interest has led me to fill up several notebooks with observations and drawings, particularly of birds and butterflies. Keen on conservation, I am very passionate about sustainability. I'm often involved in campaigns for better environmental protection- most notably being among those to sign the original Paris Climate Agreement petition. I am currently a member of the Wiltshire Ornithological Society and RSPB, which help inform me on birding methods and local wildlife details. I'm always delighted to see new creatures- in particular, the mountains in Portugal, 2017. Everywhere I looked there were swallowtails, which are very rare butterflies in the UK.

Other notable pastimes include a more recent interest in physics, especially nuclear physics. This emerged after learning about radioactivity in school, inspiring me to look further into the subject, and I enjoy experimenting with various gadgets and gizmos to look at their behavior and properties. I also enjoy fencing and archery, which have helped me improve my self-discipline and concentration; these being skills that were trickier for me in the past. I enjoy painting and sketching and like to integrate this with my scientific work- hence the notebooks filled with drawings and studies of wildlife. Over time I have increasingly found myself desiring the company of more like-minded people, so recently I applied to join Mensa as well. This would allow me to connect with similarly-minded people, and potentially join any interesting sub-groups. To my delight, I was successful, and I look forward to utilising these new opportunities soon.

I believe that my enthusiasm and dedication would be a wonderful asset to the university I attend, and paired with studying the subject I so enjoy, really would set me up for life. I love the natural sciences, and cannot think of a long-term career path more fulfilling.

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Author's Comments

My predicted grades were lower than I would have liked (BBC in biology, geography, and physics) so I was really worried about getting rejected when I applied, but all five universities came back to me with conditional offers (ranging ABC to AAB, including three Russel Group) which I was elated about! I'm thinking my personal statement was likely a turning point here, so I hope this will be useful for helping anyone applying for Bsc Biology. If you are, congrats and good luck- it's a fantastic subject :D


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