Fine Art Personal Statement Example 1

Languages have a talent of captivating me. There is such an assortment to written and spoken words, and the shapes of the characters. Language in itself is a form of art and is one which greatly inspires me. The bold colours and fluent lines of the Fauvist André Derain’s “The Turning Road at L’Estaque” expresses the passion of Italian, while Turkish is much better depicted by the chaos of sharp lines in the Cubist Marcel Duchamp’s “Nude Descending a Staircase”. Older languages like Latin inspire their descendants, in this case the European languages, just as Dadaism is a predecessor of Surrealism.

The time I have spent in my BTEC Foundation class has opened my eyes to the vast array of the art world and I am enjoying every moment of it. I have a newly found enthusiasm for analogue photography through the tactile use of the darkroom. I have worked with new media in my 3D kinaesthetic practice of clay. Throughout it all I have delved into mixed media to advance the standards of my illustrative work. The Foundation course has brought a fresh start to my life and through it I have become our Course Representative. I am looking forward to extending my knowledge in the variety of art forms available and experiencing them in greater detail than I have already. Through this I will be able to learn about my inner artist by expressing my ideas and maturing my practice whilst reinforcing the strength of my portfolio. I feel that studying Fine Art to a higher level will nurture my skills by means of confidence in my own opinions as well as developing my personal touch which differentiates me from other artists.

Alongside studying for my Foundation I have a part-time job in a pub and am part of the UCAN volunteer scheme which has taught me to manage my time efficiently and become organised. From my job I have learnt how to work quickly and effectively on a team under pressure by using my own initiative.

Before starting my Foundation, I visited the U.S. as my own form of a Vision Quest. Whilst in America I went to the Rochester Museum and Science Center where I studied Native Americans and the differences in creativity between tribes, such as the pottery of the Anasazi and the woven baskets of the Cherokee.

One thing that truly fascinates me is our ability of autosuggestion. These dominant thoughts play into our subconscious with the power to create irrational fear, limiting our life experience, whilst also having the power to cancel them out from placebos effects. Through autosuggestion we can become hypochondriacs in addition to a woman making herself believe she is pregnant to the point that her body begins to display symptoms. A person is fully able to turn their lives around by doing the well known act of looking in the mirror every morning and saying something positive about themselves

I wish to help others find peace within by revealing their unconscious mind through expressing themselves in creative therapy.

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This personal statement was written by lmoses03 for application in 2013.

lmoses03's Comments

My third draft. It's slowly coming together. Probably another 4 - 5 drafts before it is complete.


This personal statement is unrated

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