Architecture Personal Statement Example 18
"The architect must be a prophet... if he can't see at least ten years ahead don't call him an architect."-Frank L. Wright
Architecture has become my way of life. By noticing the buildings do I see the architect and praise their work. The elements which spark my enthusiasm are the subjects of continuous researching and the attention to detail for a building's form and function with its unique and characteristic styles: organic; modern; post-modern or minimalism. Also, supplementary to this, architecture is the backbone of success in tourism in this country. Furthermore, that what I gain from the interests is the satisfaction in the ability to realise peoples' dreams and create them in reality.
As a student, I have succumbed to respecting the architects that ever more. I was fascinated with the Structural Mechanics class as we focused on loading that can disturb a building's stability; I excelled in the Conversion/Adaption to Buildings and Architecture Design/Sketch classes. Upon building up my awareness to the industry, I grew in spirit to learn so much more and improve my writing skill, sketches and ideas. With what was taught I was eager to commence the Graded Unit to prove myself I could manage on an imperative deadline.
I feel I have grown in responsibility as I have set priorities, marked deadlines, organised and positioned myself comfortably for study. I was class representative during which attending meetings and discussions gave me confidence in my communication skills. Being a student has awarded me with being proficient in my research: to know what I'm looking for, where I'm looking, and what is relevant is a fundamental asset for me to master. Frank L. Wright. Charles R. Mackintosh. Frank Gehry. Each play an important influential role in my work with their styles being unique and ahead of their time, inspiring me for more modern and less restrictive design-work.
I work in France during the Summer as a holiday courier. Interacting with customers, as one would a client granted me the opportunity to sharpen my informative and organisational skills. I have also achieved some practical knowledge from assisting in the Church creche, and with some people within the community with new-build and renovation works, consequently leading to
a better understanding of on-site operations.
Chess. A game where mind over matter prevails, determination and patience being the key driving force to success, and educates the mind with problem solving tactics and strategies. I consider it an important hobby of mine. I reigned as chess champion for six consecutive years, with forming my chess club, at Academy school. Chess develops the mind to thinking more logically and methodically, which can in time improve stimulation of the mind for techniques to overcome such problems, teach patience, and introduce an open eye to not overlook situations. This can be a benefit to the University standard.
Frank L. Wright once explained that, "'Arch' means the top... what does 'tect' mean? Technician... knowing the way and the means-'tect'. Architect-there you have the master of know-how." I understand what the University would be expecting of me as a student, but realising I may be that 'Master of know-how' from furthering my education, by taking that leap forward, inspires me to set down concrete commitments. In the next ten years I hope to have achieved my goal, providing having graduated from the University with a degree after a long and exciting four years' journey, acquiring a secure job working for a respectfully well-known firm with experience in the office.
Reference: Patrick J. Mechan, 1987. Truth Against The World: Frank Lloyd Wright
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This personal statement was written by Leon_McNario for application in 2013.
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