Adult Nursing Personal Statement Example 19

Ever since I was young, I have always known that I wanted to work with people, to enhance their quality of life, to follow a calling, in which I could invest myself and get rewarded by the sight of someone getting better and to have the chance to maintain and improve their independence and autonomy.

My aunt was a doctor, which gave me a great occasion to understand the different roles in the healthcare sector. It has influenced my choice in career: I am a people-person and passionate about improving people's well-being, so it was not difficult to realise which role was suitable for me.

What attracts me to nursing is that it is a demanding and challenging vocation, characterised by life-long learning which fits my personality.

Due to the financial hardships that had burdened my parents, I took gap years, worked a few seasonal jobs in France, which have taught me to be more adaptable to high-pressure work environments and which have helped me to become a stronger and more patient person.

I moved to England with the aim of acquiring knowledge about the country's healthcare system. To gain experience, I started working as a care worker. I also took distance learning courses in health and social Care, with the hope of developing skills that would help me to do my work better.

I was given a great opportunity to work in two different teams: that learned me to adapt quickly and to work under different management styles.

Working with a team, which primarily concentrated on the Dementia Units, was more focused on working with regular clients and has taught me how to create boundaries, to understand various needs and to work individually.

This experience has helped me to develop a strong sense of self-discipline, as well as higher self-expectations. Temporary work at the second team gave me a great opportunity to work in different care homes, where the interactions with social workers and nurses were more intense.

Receiving a chance to often see new patients and to work with a different team has further improved my communication skills and has helped me to establish professional boundaries.

Working with people who are suffering from atherosclerosis, dementia and mobility problems helped me to thoroughly understand the loss of autonomy and granted me with a sense of fulfilment: I don't only feel like I have grown a lot as a person, but I have noticed that I have become more observant and that people became more open to accept me into their homes and into their lives.

In 2015, I carried on enriching my experience as a home care assistant in France, which further rewarded me with greater observational ability to understand different needs of patients with various and challenging conditions.

As for my spare time, I enjoy all sorts of things. I cannot recall ever lacking curiosity: reading books from an early age, travelling and broadening my mental horizons.

It is extremely important for me to always keep enriching my view of life and to understand the human nature.

Attending art school has also left a mark. It has helped me to develop skills for analysis and synthesis and were also an addition to my desired career: anatomy lessons have left me with knowledge of the human body.

Life in different countries gave me the chance to explore cultures and to apply a different approach to socialisation with people of different backgrounds and lifestyles.

I believe to possess an insight for the care system, as well as the dedication and motivation to work towards becoming a good student and a passionate nurse.

The experience acquired during gap years has shaped me to be an independent and organised person.

Even after the gap years, somewhat discouraging experiences and unfavourable circumstances, I do not feel like I have ever lost the desire to pursue higher education. I believe to have the commitment to face the challenges and demands this course offers.

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Author's Comments

Hello there,

this personal statement let me to acquire 4 interviews out of 5, however, i did not get in last year. I re-applied again and got the offer, so I thought it might be useful.


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