Film Studies Personal Statement Example 1

Since I am a relatively young person living in a media orientated part of the world, film and television have been and continue to be hugely influential in just about every area of my life. For example growing up, my sense of humour was shaped by Jim Carey movies and joey from 'friends', I was unable to sleep properly between the ages of 9 and 14 because of those awful teen horror films that were popular back then and probably the biggest influence film has had on me was when I was around 16 years old I began acting out a lot of my life instead of being present and actually living in the moment.

Although that's a pretty bad way to be, my guess is that it's the way most teenagers are living and interacting nowadays.

Thinking about it now it's quite funny, but for something to have such a far reach and powerful effect on people amazes me and leads me think about the good points, like the effect documentaries about climate change, decline in animal populations and third world poverty have on the mindset of the general population in the west and the way that when a person really, totally connects with a character in a film, it can change their mood, opinion or even to some extent their general worldview, I find the possibility quite overwhelming.

When I studied photography in college I often felt frustrated and although I was happy when a picture or project turned out to be good I didn't feel involved in the image after the project was finished. When I watch a good film and really relate to a character it's like I've discovered a new part of myself or an idea I've had has been personified for me on screen without me even asking for it to be, a really brilliant thing. Good Characters and a well written script are definitely what makes a film for me.

Areas of film that interest me more than others would have to be script writing and character development, the use and importance of film in other cultures and documentary film. In my life I've probably learned more from documentaries on TV and the internet than I have from reading books.

As well as film I am also interested in music, philosophy and some of the other arts; I run a live music night with a friend of mine in our hometown putting on small and unsigned bands once a month or sometimes even bi-weekly. We've been doing this on & off now for 2 years now and have done well enough to have made a lot of contacts in the independent music scene and have done a few shows for cancer research UK and the Alzheimers trust too.

When I left college in 2007 I felt like I was back where I was when I finished school, not knowing what to do for the future and not knowing where I fit in at present, so although I'd been accepted into a university and the option to continue in photography was there I decided to take a gap year, get a job and earn some money while I decide what I really want to do with my life.

After about a month of my gap year I was already bored, so out of curiosity I started reading about new things; mainly science, religion, philosophy etc. In this short space of time I have gained a hunger for learning and communicating that along with my enjoyment of art and film I would love to take with me into higher education.

Creativity and a vast imagination are the two main things I will bring to the table in my studies and in my work. So naturally, when I leave university I would like to be involved in pre-production and production its self and I believe my enthusiasm and want for learning will ensure that I enjoy university life and use my time there wisely as a springboard into film beyond education.

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This personal statement was written by lcostello for application in 2008.

lcostello's Comments

I'm looking for constructive criticism, any is appreciated.


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i think the unable to sleep

i think the unable to sleep because of horror films is a bit much. its too life story. maybe if you worded that differently it could work.

the first two paragraphs are

the first two paragraphs are not needed, not formal enough. sounds like you're confiding in the admissions officer your secrets to get a place...


I do like your personal statement it shows personality and who you are, but I do feel it needs to be cut down slightly, as their is too much info about you and less about the course. overall I like it!

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