Computer Science Personal Statement Example 8

Many factors contribute to why I am interested in designing and developing computer software. While I enjoy the logical challenges within computer science I also relish the creative work, which fits in with my love for Drama and my enjoyment of drawing.

Computer Science impacts every part of our lives – from banking to the way we play music; from animated films and video games to databases and its importance will only grow every year. I want to be part of computer science’s progress into the future.

Having read and worked through “Making your own computer games with Python” by Al Sweigar this Summer, I was introduced to programming negotiating both the logical challenges and the creative aspects; for example creating versions of Othello and Connect 4.

Using both innovation and ingenuity was required to solve the challenge - designing the board using ASCII and planning a logical sequence for the AI to play in.

To broaden my ability I would like to learn to develop advanced software to solve real life problems; for example to help a military pilot who’s been knocked unconscious while flying a fighter jet, a computer system has been developed to calculate the speed and altitude of the jet and then using this to allow the autopilot to land both the jet and the pilot safely.

I have just started to learn C++ giving me more tools to use and a greater sense of control when creating software as well as a different approach to solving problems like when my friends ask me for help. I would like to learn other languages to aid my ability into designing software.

My interest in algorithms has also grown from my introduction to them in Decision Maths, having used them for other things like for learning to solve Rubik’s cube. I hope to learn more about developing and applying algorithms effectively at my time at university.

While studying drama for the last 4 years, I have improved my teamwork and communication skills, especially when bouncing ideas off of each other when creating a scene; I hope to use my experience to enhance my skills developing software as well as working as a group on projects.

Drama has required me to think about the methodology of creating performances; when directing a scene from a play or devising a script. I have improved my skill to visualise key elements missing and essential improvements requiring strong decision making skills and taking a lead role into the development of creating a performance.

Using these skills within computer science would be a huge asset when designing my own software that I could use.

Maths, biology and chemistry has provided useful background. For example solving equations that come up in maths and chemistry; ingenuity and innovation are also enhanced in Biology when designing my own investigation on how species change up the shore.

I am a keen animal lover: during my summer holidays I helped at my local cat adoption centre for 3 weeks. I also enjoy helping other people, especially children at my local primary school where I help for an hour each week.

I am also a member of my school debating society, and like to keep myself physically and mentally fit by attending the gym and solving logical puzzles such as Sudoku.

I enjoy reading autobiographies like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but was particularly interested in Steve Jobs’ autobiography about how he first started programming and ended up becoming a pioneer within the technological world of computer science, as well as fiction such as A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin.

Within university I hope to learn about designing and building software for computer systems, learning from the expertise of experts in the field.

My ability to think consciously about the creative work and my teamwork skills will surely aid me in creating my own software in the future. Studying computer science will advance my skills and ability to build new innovative programs which I have begun to experience when programming in Python.

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This personal statement was written by obenson1 for application in 2013.


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