Biological Sciences & Microbiology Personal Statement Example

I see biology as a limitless and very purposeful science. What I love most about it is the ability to understand and explain why things are the way they are all around me; from individual cells to whole ecosystems, it excites me to learn about all the intricacies behind them. But many questions to this day are still left unanswered, and I firmly believe answering what's not yet known will lead to a better future.

Most fascinating to me within biology is the study of genetics, individual cells, pathogens, and all the interactions between them. I explored this interest while taking part in a science-based summer program called In2ScienceUK, which included a placement day at the UCL Institute of Child Health. We were shown around the labs & facilities and got to participate in a few of the experiments going on that day.

From using software and a light microscope to investigate the movement of cilia on respiratory epithelial cells before and after an infection, to Identifying bacteria in infected blood samples using mass spectrometry within just a few hours. It was all so interesting to me, for the whole day I got to experience the life of a scientist and I loved it, my path in life became clear.

Apart from that, the program also featured many research projects and workshops, which developed my analytical and researching skills greatly. I had to investigate and present my possible solutions to certain problems in fields like FMT's and the rise in antibiotic resistance. After the program had finished, I decided to move on to and complete my CREST silver award using all the skills I had acquired.

Statistics being my preferred section of maths helped me a lot throughout my project as it provided me with the critical thinking and data evaluation skills I needed. The project was also made easier by the great software skills I gained during my GCSE Computer Science course, in which I had achieved an 8. Although the CREST project was done all by myself, I'm very confident in working with a team if need be.

For 14 months starting Yr10 I was an army cadet and although short, my time there significantly improved my teamworking skills and resilience. When required, I can also easily take up the position of leader, as I've got good experience from tasks like managing a group of Yr7's in an all-day event "WISEUP", to acting as an assistant counselor at my brother-in-law's summer camp in Lithuania for 2 years now.

During sixth form I participated in the Debate/Current affairs club for 3 terms, which involved analyzing recent news and discussing them in class, debating what we just went over and presenting something every person has read about in the last week. Doing so helped me gain more confidence in public speaking. Another notable club I joined was the first response club during which I trained for and completed my first aid certification, which would be very useful when working in a lab setting all the time.

In my free time, I love to watch different science YouTubers such as "TheThoughtEmporium" and "NileRed", which show me new and interesting parts of science I didn't know about, as well as getting me familiar with a lab environment.

As an example, "TheThoughtEmporium"'s video on the decellularization of different fruits and recellularization with human cells (to make replacement human parts such as ears), taught me more about cell culturing and the different aseptic practices used within a lab. Learning this way is very engaging to me and I hope I'll get a chance to do something similar in the future myself.

I've tutored a few of my classmates in biology and I think it would be a fun hobby to create educational content in my free time, after or during my studies at university.

With everything mentioned I'm confident I have the scientific curiosity, skills, and motivation required to excel at this course. I can't wait to experience university life and take part in all the different opportunities and events available to me.

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Author's Comments

Recieved Offers for:
UCL- Biological Sciences
Imperial College London- Microbiology
King's College London- Molecular genetics
Queen Mary University of London- Biology
Royal Veterinary College- Biological sciences

I wish to have had better seperation between paragraphs but i had reached the character limit as UCAS counted characters slightly differently than Word and such.
Gramarly helped alot too, just the free version.

Predicted grades: A* A* A in Biology Chemistry Maths


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